Sunday 7 April 2019

BJP-n Goem viklem Ghanttar, imposes first non-Goan chief minister on Goa – By Nisser Dias

Just as my caption for this article states, the saffron party (BJP) has handed over the reign of our beloved Goa to a non-Goan. The souls and the spirits of our ancestors, more so those who led the Opinion Poll and those who voted against the merger must be cringing at the thought of a ‘bailo’ imposed as the chief minister of Goa with active support of Goa Forward party and MGP.
Maharashtrian Chief
Minister of Goa
Late Dr. Jack Sequeira and his group of dynamic stalwarts had stalled the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party in its track from merging Goa with the neighbouring state in 1967.
52 years later, the BJP, RSS and its allies in its hunger for power and greed for wealth handed over the reins of Goa’s administration to a Maharashtrian sealing the fate of Goem, Goemkar and Goemkarponn.
The communal party and its allies Goa Forward and MGP has facilitated and sealed the deal with Maharashtra to hand-over Goa through the back door.
Pramod Sawant may have been born in Goa but in no way does he become a Goan. Being a Goan is not being born in Goa or living in Goa, it is in our DNA. It is in our genes, our inborn nature to be ‘alegria’, carefree and hospitable. At the same time ferocious enough to pick up the stick to protect our identity, tradition and culture.
The current chief minister does not have such qualities simply because he is not from Goa and hence cannot be a Goan.
The blame for an ‘ghanttar-voilo’ ruling Goa today squarely falls on the shoulders of the tyrant politician late Manohar Parrikar, who did not allow rise of second rung of leaders to come up in the BJP. Leave alone the fact, that Christians in that party are not even acceptable to the RSS and BJP.
We were alarmed earlier, when ‘ghanttis’ got elected and held the post of sarpanch in Sancoale and councillors in Mormugao Municipal Council and now the circle in complete with first non-Goan chief minister.
Despotic leader Parrikar appoints
Maharashtrian as Speaker of Goa
Assembly 2012
It looks like late Parrikar who clung to power till his last breath saying that his love for Goa has no bounds has insulted Goans throughout the world by saddling us with the first ‘bailo’ as the chief minister of Goa. And some hypocrites have the gall to talk about the so called legacy left behind by the despotic ex-chief minister.
Late Parrikar, after the 2017 Assembly elections addressing students had cautioned them identifying themselves as Goans instead of Indians. In hindsight it seems that he knew that Pramod Sawant was already anointed by the RSS to takeover from him.
Pramod on his part had urged Goans to restrain from saying ‘Viva Portugal’. Who the hell is this outsider to tell us what and what not to say. We prefer to be ruled by the Portuguese if not a Goan rather than a Maharashtrian, who even after enjoying the patronage and hospitality of Goa cannot speak proper Konkani, maybe cannot speak it at all.
BJP has made all Goans worth their salt to hang their head in shame by nominating an outsider as the chief minister of Goa and hence this party should be voted out of power in Goa at any costs.
RSS connection
We used to mock Ravi Naik and Churchill Alemao as uneducated chief ministers of Goa, but atleast they are Goans. Pramod Sawant maybe educated but he is not one of us and is not acceptable to Goans settled all over the world.
The Maharashtrian chief minister of Goa thinks of carrying on the development of Goa started by his predecessor.
As an MLA he was given the chairmanship of Goa Infrastructure Development Corporation (GSIDC, some of the main projects are yet to be completed. South Goa District hospital is one example. Another project that reeks of corruption is the 2 kilometers road stretch to Colva from Mungul to Green house (Colva police station junction). For this 2 kms stretch, GSIDC has already spent a whooping Rs. 16 crores and to complete it another Rs. 11 crores is being demanded. Interestingly the Maharashtrian chief minister of Goa has kept this corporation with himself.

But the resilient Goa and Goans will come out of deep dark pool sometime very soon.

Till then

Viva Goa.. Viva Portugal

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Parrikar’s glorification after his death, time to show journalists the mirror. – By Nisser Dias.

Reading local news dailies a day after the demise of Manohar Parrikar gave an impression that the news dailies were interceding with the creator to accept the departed chief minister of Goa directly to heaven.
His glorification in the newspapers was to such an extent that it painted a rosy picture of an individual and a politician without any blemish.

In stark contrast late Manohar Parrikar was vindictive, arrogant and highly communal. It does not end there he did not have respect for law and order and above all a tyrannical, despotic, autocratic and manipulative as chief minister who did not believe in morals, principles and moreover democratic norms. He conducted himself as a ‘know it all’ personality. In all the matters it was his way all the way.
Can we forget way back in 2004, he tried to cling to power by bodily lifting Velim MLA Filipneri Rodrigues out of the Assembly? That was the black day for law and order in the State of Goa, as policemen were used as ‘Marshals’ of the Assembly for this act. Have we forgotten the school rape victim, whose investigation was allowed to run cold before handing it over to the CBI or for that matter the killers of Fr. Bismarck are still at large.
In more recent times, somewhere after Parrikar took over the reins of state in 2012, hooligans and goons were informed about a group of activists having a meeting about the ill-effects of illegal mining allowed by his government in Margao and the activists were held captive, threatened to kill and rescued after hours of anxiety.
Adolf Hitler

The late chief minister of Goa was highly manipulative. Have we forgotten Francis Pereira ‘Boy’ who was arrested by the police in desecration of places of worship? When the courts discharged him from most of the false cases against him, Francis blasted Parrikar for personally requesting him to take the blame for it in exchange for money and government job for his nephew.
Part-time CM (he never completed a single term in office) had a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality. He would proclaim his love for Goa but do quite the contrary. Was it not on his watch that regional plan 2011 was designed by his then minister Babush Monserrate which made people rise in unison against it. Was it not during his term as chief minister that the loot and plunder of natural resources of Goa commenced?
After 2004, he bounced back to power in 2012 with promises of saving Goa, packing the casinos out of river Mandovi. The answer is for all to see. Infact he allowed the number of casinos to increase in the river and the Congress had aptly said that the casinos were the ATMs of the BJP.
Just as it said that leopard never changes its spots, the autocratic and despotic chief minister of Goa also did not change his crooked ways and means. If in 2004 he used muscle power to remain in power but was sacked by Governor S C Jamir. In 2017 he used dirty tricks to cobble the numbers in the Assembly and attained power, when the people had refused BJP the mandate. This time round the creator seems to have had enough of the mess and dismissed him from the face of the earth.
Idi Amin
The news dailies called him great leader, able administrator, visionary blah, blah. Did his vision have a goal? If so why is the economy of state in doldrums? Why is the standard of education very low? Why disciplinary force (police) in the state is most undisciplined?
Former chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar once said that Parrikar has not left anything for him to borrow money from. For the few months the administration is find it difficult to pay salaries to government employees. In some cases staff has not been paid for couple of months. PWD contractors are begging to be paid for the work carried out.
Cops have been caught red-handed accepting bribes; some have even raped their own colleagues and minors. The goons in uniform assaulted a family in full public view at Fatorda stadium and at Assolna out post. These are just some examples to indicate that under the term of chief minister late Manohar Parrikar and news papers portrayed him otherwise upon his death.
There is old saying, “if you do not read newspapers you’re uninformed and if you read you’re misinformed.” The hat fits the current dailies.
Maybe, the news dailies through their journalists were paying back Parrikar for all the goodies and schemes he designed to muzzle the media person. Those journalists who would not fall for his bait were targeted.
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
The coalition government in Goa that the departed chief minister led was not very different from a prostitution den. Prior 2012, Manohar Parrikar did not miss an opportunity to point out acts of omission and commission of the politicians like Pandurang Madkaikar, Vishwajit Rane, and Vijay Sardessai. Parrikar had even filed criminal cases against Mauvin Godinho in power scam.
But the same politicians were his cabinet colleagues after the 2017 assembly elections. It is an established norm that the chief minister chief picks-up his cabinet and Manohar Parrikar chose the same names he bitterly opposed and criticized. This indicated the moral character of the person.
For late Manohar Parrikar, morals and values never mattered as long as he was in ‘power’. To the extent that though he knew he was dying he clung to power and when his government was on shaky grounds, he dropped two ailing ministers late Francis D’souza and Pandurang Madkaikar but he held on to power till his last breath.
To take a small sneak into his acts of vindictiveness, the most recent was the dismissal of his mentor’s son from a private car company. Prior to that, during 2002-2004 he orchestrated raids on the hospital run by most respected Dr. Francisco Colaco and establishments owned by businessman Datta Naik. The transfer of a young judge, who passed an order to search the official residence of Union Defence minister, is yet another incident and the hounding of Margao MLA Digambar Kamat in the illegal mining cases and Louis Berger is still red hot.
This is just a tip of the iceberg, one can write volumes of wrong-doings of a dictator called Manohar Parrikar, but the journalists of all new dailies existing in Goa projected only the rosy picture of him.
There is a notion somewhere that one should not say or write hurtful stuff about the dead, but all the time we learn, read about cruel dictators like Adolf Hitler, Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, Idi Amin all the time. Manohar Parrikar was Goa’s dictator indeed. Whether he was all rosy as it was portrayed by the news dailies is for people to judge.
It is time to show the mirror to the journalists who have become of puppets of politicians.

Thursday 7 March 2019

Is Congress party in Goa engineering its own defeat? –By Nisser Dias

AICC president Rahul Gandhi
All India Congress party president Rahul Gandhi is burning candles at both ends not only to build bridges between the veterans and young gen congress men, but also between various political parties in a concerted effort to keep the BJP out of power not only at the centre but  also to eject them from various states.
His efforts have paid off in the Hindi heartland is recent assembly elections. At the same time the always smiling Gandhi scion has rattled Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his sidekick Amit Shah.
Goa Desk In-charge
Chella Kumar
Sadly though congress men and women in Goa are doing just the opposite of what their president is doing thereby digging a deeper wedge into the already existing fissures among its members.
There is old saying about Congress in Goa, ‘Congressmen in Goa do not require external opposition as there is load of opposition within itself and the word ‘unity’ does not exist in their dictionary.’
Let’s us get down to knick-knacks, two pseudo congressmen Subhash Shirodkar and Dayanand Sopte got elected on the congress during 2014 Assembly election. A year later they dumped the party and jumped on to the BJP bandwagon.
Instead of grooming the second rung congress leaders to contest the election, the state congress president Girish Chodankar is offering the defeated BJP leaders like Laxmikant Parsekar and others to contest on the Congress tickets.
Basically what Chodankar is doing is strangulating young blood that has remained loyal to the party and literally selling to the rivals.
Churchill Alemao and his daughter Valanka
One of congress office aptly compared the party ticket seekers to Chinese goods who bag the congress candidature and when the time is ripe switch over to the BJP.
Shiroda constituency has been the congress bastion but the Chodankar is inducing the staunch BJP workers promising them the ticket by denying party workers.
In Mandrem, the same man is trying to woo former BJP chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar to contest on the Congress.
Has the Congress which has a fair chance of winning back both the seat become so bankrupt that it does not have its own men to contest these elections that they need to hire defeated candidates from the BJP?
It only conveys one message loud and clear to party sympathizers and analysts that elections time is ‘briefcase’ and ‘suitcase’ time. It seems that Goa congress president Girish Chodankar and Goa desk in-charge Chella Kumar are engineering their own defeat for obvious reasons, otherwise why would these two personalities encourage 8 candidates from Shiroda constituency itself to make a show of their interest in contesting the bye elections when they could have identified just one candidate, assured him the ticket and asked him to commence his campaign in the constituency.
Pratima Coutinho and Girish
While other parties like the BJP and MGP have not only started canvassing but have already completed one round, Congress is yet to name its party candidate.
It does not end here, Chella Kumar and Girish Chodankar seem to be acting like BJP agents in the congress to oversee the defeat of its candidate even in the Lok Sabha polls.
The polls are slated in couple of months but the candidates are yet to be decided. And there seems to be deep rooted plan to keep good candidates out of the picture.
Mahila president Pratima Coutinho, former youth congress chief Valanka Alemao, ex MP Francisco Sardinha and it is rumoured that even Girish Chodankar himself is vying for ticket to contest parliamentary polls.
Lets us begin with Pratima Coutinho. With polls in mind she started taking up issues, sitting on dharnas, confronting department heads. She created social media groups of key party bearers in Goa and Delhi, another group of reporters and has been posting all her activity.  Recently at one talks, one of the speakers called her a non-Goan which she is and went on to predict that she is not going win.
Francisco Sardinha
Beyond that her closeness to Goa Forward top leadership is well known and it is being rumoured that she is being egged on to contest so that BJP south Goa MP who is seeking a second term gets a walkover. Incidentally she has not raised a protest of banner against the functioning of the Goa Forward TCP minister for allegedly bulldozing the ODP plan for Ponda and Margao or for the presence of bouncers for the same meeting.Valanka after her being denied the party ticket during the last Assembly husting was not at all in circulation. But Chella Kumar is rumoured to have approached NCP legislator Churchill Alemao to support Congress to form the government in Goa. In turn Alemao extracted his pound of flesh. Now his daughter has applied for the party ticket for Lok Sabha seat. To muddy the waters further, Girish Chodankar himself is one of the aspirants. Now all this game is to sideline the fourth applicant and that is former MP Francisco Sardinha.
The lines between both the political
parties are blurring
If at all one of the four candidates has a slight chance of winning the south Goa Lok Sabha seat it is Sardinha, because he has personal voters and workers.
It might look that GPCC president is all out to galvanize the Congress in Goa, but minute analysis indicate that he is giving away all the seats to the BJP on a platter.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Scrap the ‘reward component’ from the Traffic Sentinel Scheme - By Nisser Dias

More than a year after the ‘Traffic sentinel scheme’ was introduced by the Goa police department, vehicle owners have started feeling the heat as a result of which motorists along with elective representatives have began targeting the sentinels.
It started in Ponda when the members of the public used force and threat to close down a business. In Borda a sentinel was caught, abused and his mobile snatched by public, interestingly one traffic sentinel was part of this mob. In Vasco another was caught, beaten, his car damaged and turned on its side.
Margao Municipal Councillors along with former Congress chief minister Digambar Kamat held a protest rally. Congress Mahila president has condemned and demanded withdrawal of the scheme.
The anger towards the sentinels is because the general public along with lawmakers want the lawlessness, indiscipline and rowdiness to continue on the road. While the role of the sentinels is being questioned, nobody is ready to condemn the traffic violations.

Undoubtedly there are pros and cons of the scheme. From the very introduction of the scheme, it should have been promoted as a ‘social service’ to curb traffic violations.
Director General of Police Muktesh Chander the architect of scheme did not apply his mind. He completely lacked the foresight. He envisaged downslide in traffic violations and generation of revenue. He developed a win-win game for the government and sentinels without taking greed factor into consideration. And the result is while the government coffers are being filled, the traffic have gotten greedy.
Lakhs of motorists have been issued fines for various traffic violations since the scheme was introduced, the government has also earned crores of rupees in revenue but the success story is yet to be written.
The final judgment is still out there to analyse the success of the scheme and that verdict is whether motorists in Goa have imbibed the need for discipline driving, obeying traffic rules, value for one’s life and that of the other and more importantly whether the motorists have understood that licence to drive is a privilege and not a right.

A casual observation - be it in cities or on village roads – motorists have discarded the ethics of driving to the dustbin. Speaking on the mobiles while driving is rampant everywhere, driving against the  flow of traffic or through no entry zones, multiple driving on two wheelers is widespread, speeding, jumping lanes while driving on the highways, driving without wearing helmet and seatbelts is all abusively prevalent.
The transport department, the licensing authority (RTO) and the traffic cell have all utterly failed in its duties to inculcate fear of law in the motorists.
Director General of Police Muktesh Chandar in November 2017 showing concern for increasing motor accidental deaths hit upon this idea of ‘traffic sentinel scheme’ through society policing – one could also interpret it as soft vigilantism.
For a year the cash registers have been ringing incessantly. As per police statistics the traffic cell handed out lakhs of rupees, cars and bikes to the traffic sentinel. Rs. 25 lakhs earned from this scheme was paid to Goa Electronics Ltd. (GEL) to develop a Traffic sentinel APP.

The success of scheme is good news but on the flip side - sentinels saw opportunity for full time employment, some other saw prospects of enhancing their income while the police department was busy filling the otherwise empty government coffers.
That was the failure of the scheme. The ingredient of social service was lost in the bargain as the focus remained on generating revenue by enrolling every tom, dick and harry as a traffic sentinel. More than five thousand have enrolled as traffic sentinels. One can image how much of revenue is being raked in.
Infact police data indicate that they have received as many as 600 traffic violations in a day from a single sentinel. The data also indicate that the police have paid as much as Rs. 8 lakhs for a single sentinel.
These figures were sufficient enough for police to realize that something was going wrong with sentinels but they did not pay heed to it as they were raking in huge ‘moolah’ and the violations were not showing any signs of decline.
Instead the violators found the solace they wanted in the politicians who are ready to sell their soul to keep their flock intact to win yet another elections. Councillors started making noises and carried out public protests, Congress politicians extended their support to violators, even a lady who is trying hard to get a Congress parliamentary tickets has denounced the scheme and demanded its withdrawal citing security reason for women.

But this is all talk and demands in the air as none of the politicians have demanded that the reward part of the scheme be done away with. The moment the reward component is withdrawn and the scheme is made totally ‘social service’ 90 percent of the sentinels whose main motto is reward money will rapidly withdraw from the scheme and only those genuine sentinels who want to see a decline in motor vehicle accidents, want discipline driving will stick with the scheme.
The next step should in the interest of sentinels who stick to scheme purely on social service basis. They should be armed with identity cards issued by the government. The government has also to put mechanism in place for the safety of the sentinels in line with that of the government servant.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Domestic tourists continue to drink, cook, litter in the open, while Goa govt is in slumber. -- By Nisser Dias

In 2017 the nuisance of domestic tourists cooking by the roadside and in open spaces had been raised in the Legislative Assembly after media had highlighted the issue.
A visit to Colva beach on January 1, 2019 revealed that Indian tourists cooking, eating, drinking and littering the area in the children park, which is right behind the tourist police booth and opposite the Colva residency.
Though Chief minister Manohar Parrikar had assured the house that cooking in open spaces and by the roadside would not be allowed and the government  announced that it would form special squads to check on tourists who cook on the roadside and eat there itself, littering the place. A further announcement was made of setting up camping sites for tourists with facilities for cooking and for ablutions during their trip in the State.
More than an year has passed but nothing concrete has happened to fulfil the assurance in the assembly.

When tourism director Menino D’souza was asked about it his reply was stunning as he said, “lots of things are pending and I’m on leave, I’ve have seen it myself and it is a big nuisance but it has to be tackled very sensitively because of other states.”
As usual the domestic tourists have swooped down to Goa to ring in the New Year in buses, tempo travellers and jeeps packed with the utensils, gas cylinders, kerosene stoves and provisions.
After bringing in the new year they have set up their kitchens in the open space and were seen cooking, eating, drinking and discarding the waste right there or the Colva creek without any  inhibitions and fear of the tourist police.
When tourist police on duty was questioned about it, he said, “the top police brass in south Goa have instructed us not to disturb them and the domestic tourists were drinking outside our booth, against the direction of the DGP to penalize such tourists from buying liquor at wholesale outlets and drinking on the beach.”
When pointing out that the tourists were cooking, this cop swung into action and went around to stop cooking but the tourists but the group of tourists only nodded their heads and went about their business.

When the tourists were engaged into conversions, they were really upfront and said they have driven from neighbouring states just for two days, the  cost of lodging and provisions is expensive in Goa, liquor is cheap, so we enjoy and go back, we have been doing this for years.
There were other domestic in groups merrily consuming alcohol in the park, while some were still in sleeping it off. And the tourist police were turning Nelson’s eye to it.