Sunday 7 April 2019

BJP-n Goem viklem Ghanttar, imposes first non-Goan chief minister on Goa – By Nisser Dias

Just as my caption for this article states, the saffron party (BJP) has handed over the reign of our beloved Goa to a non-Goan. The souls and the spirits of our ancestors, more so those who led the Opinion Poll and those who voted against the merger must be cringing at the thought of a ‘bailo’ imposed as the chief minister of Goa with active support of Goa Forward party and MGP.
Maharashtrian Chief
Minister of Goa
Late Dr. Jack Sequeira and his group of dynamic stalwarts had stalled the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party in its track from merging Goa with the neighbouring state in 1967.
52 years later, the BJP, RSS and its allies in its hunger for power and greed for wealth handed over the reins of Goa’s administration to a Maharashtrian sealing the fate of Goem, Goemkar and Goemkarponn.
The communal party and its allies Goa Forward and MGP has facilitated and sealed the deal with Maharashtra to hand-over Goa through the back door.
Pramod Sawant may have been born in Goa but in no way does he become a Goan. Being a Goan is not being born in Goa or living in Goa, it is in our DNA. It is in our genes, our inborn nature to be ‘alegria’, carefree and hospitable. At the same time ferocious enough to pick up the stick to protect our identity, tradition and culture.
The current chief minister does not have such qualities simply because he is not from Goa and hence cannot be a Goan.
The blame for an ‘ghanttar-voilo’ ruling Goa today squarely falls on the shoulders of the tyrant politician late Manohar Parrikar, who did not allow rise of second rung of leaders to come up in the BJP. Leave alone the fact, that Christians in that party are not even acceptable to the RSS and BJP.
We were alarmed earlier, when ‘ghanttis’ got elected and held the post of sarpanch in Sancoale and councillors in Mormugao Municipal Council and now the circle in complete with first non-Goan chief minister.
Despotic leader Parrikar appoints
Maharashtrian as Speaker of Goa
Assembly 2012
It looks like late Parrikar who clung to power till his last breath saying that his love for Goa has no bounds has insulted Goans throughout the world by saddling us with the first ‘bailo’ as the chief minister of Goa. And some hypocrites have the gall to talk about the so called legacy left behind by the despotic ex-chief minister.
Late Parrikar, after the 2017 Assembly elections addressing students had cautioned them identifying themselves as Goans instead of Indians. In hindsight it seems that he knew that Pramod Sawant was already anointed by the RSS to takeover from him.
Pramod on his part had urged Goans to restrain from saying ‘Viva Portugal’. Who the hell is this outsider to tell us what and what not to say. We prefer to be ruled by the Portuguese if not a Goan rather than a Maharashtrian, who even after enjoying the patronage and hospitality of Goa cannot speak proper Konkani, maybe cannot speak it at all.
BJP has made all Goans worth their salt to hang their head in shame by nominating an outsider as the chief minister of Goa and hence this party should be voted out of power in Goa at any costs.
RSS connection
We used to mock Ravi Naik and Churchill Alemao as uneducated chief ministers of Goa, but atleast they are Goans. Pramod Sawant maybe educated but he is not one of us and is not acceptable to Goans settled all over the world.
The Maharashtrian chief minister of Goa thinks of carrying on the development of Goa started by his predecessor.
As an MLA he was given the chairmanship of Goa Infrastructure Development Corporation (GSIDC, some of the main projects are yet to be completed. South Goa District hospital is one example. Another project that reeks of corruption is the 2 kilometers road stretch to Colva from Mungul to Green house (Colva police station junction). For this 2 kms stretch, GSIDC has already spent a whooping Rs. 16 crores and to complete it another Rs. 11 crores is being demanded. Interestingly the Maharashtrian chief minister of Goa has kept this corporation with himself.

But the resilient Goa and Goans will come out of deep dark pool sometime very soon.

Till then

Viva Goa.. Viva Portugal