Friday 17 July 2020

Central BJP leadership should immediately sack incompetent Pramod Sawant – By Nisser Dias.

Pramod Sawant led BJP government in Goa has failed completely, not only to administer the state affairs and economy, he has exposed himself as a total failure in combating the drastic vertical rise in corona virus and Covid-19 deaths in the state of Goa.
CM Sawant violating Covid-19 norms

For a state that was declared as a green zone to turn into a red zone overnight speaks volumes of the aptitude and competence of the chief minister. And for this he should resign as chief minister or his party bosses at the centre should sack him.
From March when the country was forced into lockdown, there have been numerous instances of him mishandling the fight against spread of novel corona virus.
Even the people in the street could envisage the path that needed to be taken to keep corona virus in check, but the chief minister always strayed from that path and the consequence are for all to see. Goa has become ‘numro uno’ in the country in corona virus cases in terms of size and population of the state.
And now he has resorted to lying to the media for which he was rightly castigated and reprimanded by Governor Satya Pal Malik.
It would be in the interest of the state and its people that Pramod Sawant gracefully steps aside and hand-over the reins of the administration to other cabinet colleagues or advice the Governor to impose President’s rule in the state.
CM’s awful handling, planning and executing strategies to curb rising cases of corona virus and Covid-19 is woefully amateurish. It looks like the chief minister laid the red carpet for corona virus to infect so many people.
After staggered lifting of the first lockdown, the chief minister was advised not to open the borders for people to enter, but he did so. He was asked not to permit interstate buses, but he did. CM was asked not to allow trains to stop in Goa, but he did not heed that advice too.
It was not the Goan seafarers or expatriates that brought the virus to Goa, but the covidiot non-Goan chief minister of Goa that is wholly responsible for the mess Goa is in.
The bad decision did not stop, he went against the advice of his MLAs to lockdown Vasco city when cases started increasing in Mangor hill but he did not. The result is increasing numbers of positive cases and deaths.
Nisser Dias
And to top it all, nincompoop, highly inefficient, incompetent Pramod Sawant has become more of an evening news reader to a local channel where he comes just to read out the numbers of cases, deaths, recoveries and to make a fool of himself by stating deaths are not due to Covid-19 but due to co-morbidity.
Sawant should know that Goans are not buffoons like the parliament of buffoons he heads as chief minister.
The latest bad decision was to open up the wholesale fish market where thousands people rushed to buy fish.
And the resultant of all these bad decisions is another awful lockdown 2 for just three days. We all know by now that spread of corona virus cannot be wished away in 72 hours. And what purpose will 3 days lockdown serve. The curve will not flatten but revenue generation surely will.
For all the mismanagement, either the central BJP leadership should sack him or the Governor should.

Friday 10 July 2020

PI Sagar Ekoskar – the goon in uniform – By Nisser Dias

Kudos to the Goa Union of Journalists for standing up to the police force and inviting the villagers from Shel-Melauli in Sattari taluka to voice their opposition against the proposed IIT in their village, which was denied to them in their own village.
Maverick PI Sagar Ekoskar

Valpoi police inspector Sagar Ekoskar should hang his head in shame for violating the Constitutional Right of every Indian which is ‘freedom of expression’. For which he should be suspended, made to read the Constitution of India and then dismissed from service or rather dis-service to the very people who pay his salaries.
It is an open secret who is behind the move to gag the voice of people. But the police should know when to listen to their political bosses.
Speaking of political bosses, shameless police officers like Sagar Ekoskar shed their spine to corrupt politician in power.
This disgraceful officer should realize, he had stood up against Curtorim MLA Reginaldo Lourenco when the latter was supporting tourist taxi operator’s protest against GoaMiles last year at Dabolim airport, but was crawling and lapping at his political master’s feet in Valpoi.

Coming to the politician’s lap-dog questioning the protestors whether they had permission to address the media? People never have to seek consent from any authority to address the media. This is a democratic country.
PI Sagar is a coward and had guts only to threaten senior citizens. This ‘goon in uniform’ threatened, pushed and pulled the protestors and took them to the police station.  
Why did he chicken out when Congress and AAP addressed the media the very next day at the same very place? It is because his master too did have the nerve and mettle to challenge. Sagar acted like at dog acting on his master’s command.
In the video that is circulating on the facebook, it is very clear that Ekoskar’s face mask is below his face, who is going to take action against this violation?
This police officer should first lead by example before lecturing others and that too senior citizens. It is trait of the goons to enforce their view on others. And they do it for gains.

This police officer does not have a good record at all. In 2018 while posted at Sanguem Police station, the women wing of Shiv Sena had demanded his immediate transfer not only for shoddy police work but also aligning with law breakers instead of upright citizens. Birds of the same feathers do flock together.
Speaking about permissions has PI Sagar Ekoskar sought the authorization of the Supreme Court to adorn his car GA-08-K-4946 with the darkest glass tint. He might argue that the car is registered in his wife’s name, but as a law keeper, he should have not allowed his wife to tint the glasses of her car. That he drives it everywhere is a different matter.

Nisser Dias
Sagar Ekoskar should remember the old saying, “It is public that pay his salaries unlike politicians who pay them bribes.”
Not that anybody has forgotten that Sagar Ekoskar tried to physically assault his superior and was suspended for it. The superior is now the superintendent of police. The instincts of goons never desert them and it does come to the fore when they see a weak prey.
And these senior citizens were a weak prey and because it was in distant Valpoi, he escaped the wrath of it. if he ever tries it in Salcete, he would get a taste of his own medicine.
Has the maverick police officer Sagar Ekoskar and his master got the guts to take on GUJ for inviting his victims to Panjim to address the media. I doubt it.