Saturday 24 October 2020

It is not a reality show but a reality – Earl Fortes

By Nisser Dias

Earl Fortes 

From a small canvas like Goa – a small state in India Earl Fortes for Orlim walked on to one of the largest platforms in entertainment and talent industry – American Idol at a mere age of 20 years.

Interacting with me from America, he said the journey from one side of the globe to the other didn’t start with getting on a plane and flying to the USA but started off as a seven year olds dream to be on that stage at some point of time in life.

“Ever since I auditioned for the producers virtually right until the day I auditioned on the big stage I had to pinch myself every morning just to remind that it is not a reality show but a reality. And I’ve been feeling it all the way.”

 Earl travelled for 2 days straight, 15 hours of layovers and 24 hours in the sky and it really was an adventure amidst a global pandemic.”

He said that he had a couple stops on the way here in Delhi and Newark and used his time between layovers just soaking it in that, “I was just living my dream and I kept reminding myself, I’m on my way to audition for the American Idol.”

Talking about taking on the big stage he said that the feeling cannot be explained with words. “It is exhilarating I’m glad I am the one and I’m going to give it my all to do my family and everyone who’s supporting me proud.”

When asked about his experience performing before superstars in the music industry, he said that adrenaline kept pumping even though I was in a boot recovering from a broken foot. “The thought of singing for Lionel Richie and Katy Perry and Luke Bryan gives me goose-bumps even now if I just think about it.”

Elaborating further he said that from the second he was slotted up to go on stage he felt his nerves creeping up, “as I approached the main stage I was freaking out, I had sweaty palms. I had a conversation with the judges before I performed. I was extremely nervous as I started strumming my guitar and that feeling didn’t seem to leave me until I was back in my room.”

Earl disclosed that he started off with an original song penned by him especially for the audition called “Any other way”, “this song means a lot to me because it's about my life and how I’ve been on a bumpy ride full of ups and downs and how I overcame the obstacles life laid down in front of me. Singing my original to the judges was a satisfying moment and experience.”

About meeting other hopefuls Earl said he came across talented musician from all over the world since he landed for the audition, “we socialized, jammed and learned so much about each one’s genre, everyone I met was just setting a vibe.”

When asked about the outcome of his performance, he simply teased, “for more of about American Idol, you guys are gonna have to tune in and watch next year.”