Saturday 9 December 2023

Civil Servants Needed, Not Civil Serpents -- By Nisser Dias

In the realm of governance, there's a prevalent adage that speaks volumes: "Government servants serve those who pay their bribes but not who pay their salaries."
This adage recently echoed starkly in the Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court's reprimand of Goa's top bureaucrats, Chief Secretary Puneet Kumar Goel (IAS), and Director General of Police Jaspal Singh (IPS), regarding ongoing illegal sand mining. Despite filing affidavits promising to halt this activity, both officials received a scathing assessment from Justices Mahesh Sonak and Valmiki S A Menezes, who deemed these affidavits as mere paper assurances.

Such disregard for legally binding documents by top-ranking officers signifies a failure to uphold the law they're sworn to enforce. Their actions not only undermine the sanctity of their affidavits but also erode the public's trust in the administration they lead.

In my view, the High Court's leniency towards these officials seems a tad excessive, especially considering their complicity in allowing illegal sand mining—a mere glimpse into a larger web of illicit activities thriving under their watch. Despite court orders, including those from the Supreme Court, government authorities seem complacent, turning a blind eye to these issues.

It's distressing when the Chief Secretary and Director General of Police treat the High Court's directives as inconsequential, blatantly refusing to act on their sworn commitments. This behavior contradicts the expectation set by India's first Deputy Prime Minister, Vallabhai Patel, who envisioned IAS officers as individuals of integrity, boldness, and the willingness to confront elected representatives in power. Today, however, such assertiveness is deemed unacceptable by political leaders, as they often foster illegality, with bureaucrats turning into enablers rather than upholders of justice.

The positions of Chief Secretary and Director General of Police hold immense responsibility—they serve as the pillars of administrative functioning and law enforcement. Yet, the allure of personal gain through illegal acts, political favoritism, and post-retirement benefits has corroded the morals and ethics expected from these high-ranking officials.

One can only imagine the plight of the common citizen seeking justice or relief from these officers who casually disregard the directives of the High Court. It's evident that the taxpayer, the backbone of their hefty salaries, is inconsequential to them, warranting the perceived leniency from the court.

Furthermore, the dismissive attitude of these top-tier officers reflects the pervasive culture of corruption, apathy, and defiance trickling down to lower levels of the bureaucratic hierarchy. The Justices' assertion that the insolence of these officials is merely the "tip of the iceberg" resonates profoundly.

These arrogant officials operate under the misguided belief that their actions are beyond reproach. Thankfully, our judicial system stands as a beacon of accountability amid such challenges.

In conclusion, it's imperative for bureaucrats and government officers to recognize their role as civil servants of the people, not as self-serving entities or rather civil serpents.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Rehabilitate the slum dwellers in your properties, Mr. Chief minister. -- By Nisser Dias

All along we all knew without a shadow of a doubt that the ministers in successive governments in Goa were out to fill their own pockets in the name of development. With honey in their mouth, they win the election and then sting us with their tail. After scavenging even, the innards of Goa for decades, the non-Goan chief minister of Goa Pramod Sawant and his partner in crime Panchayat minister Mauvin Godinho have now set their sights on Comunidade land.

Under the guise of regularization of illegal construction, these two cabinet vultures now want to forage the age-old institution set up by the erstwhile Portuguese. To appease the migrants for their votes for 2024 general elections, Mauvin Godinho wants their patronage and thus in a hurry to regularize lakhs of square meters of Goan Comunidade land for the ‘Bhumiputras’. And ‘Bhumiputra’ chief minister of Goa Sawant is only too happy to bring in non-Goans like himself and sell the state to achieve what the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) could not.

That the ‘Ghatti’ chief minister of Goa is completely a turn-coat is very much evident because, in January this year Jan 18, 2023), while speaking in the Assembly on ‘Goa Regularization of Unauthorised Construction (Amendment) Bill had said that illegal houses in government and Comunidade land will be demolished. 10 months later the same man is talking about rectifying the Comunidade Code to regularize illegal houses. Nowhere in the Regularization of Unauthorised Construction (Amendment) Bill 2023 passed by the Assembly does Comunidade land features, simply because Comunidade is governed by its Code.

For the knowledge of the ‘bhumiputra’ chief minister of Goa, the Code of Comunidade was codified by the erstwhile Portuguese regime in 1904 and then in 1933. The final notified code legislative diploma 2070 was approved on April 15, 1961. This last code is in force and the current management and administration of Comunidades happen based on this code. Comunidades are autonomous village level bodies envisaged by the Code of Comunidade in force and the government only provides administrative guidance at the expense of the Comunidades. Hence the government has no power to legalise illegal constructions existing on Comunidade land as the Comunidade bodies are the absolute owners of the land.

Rectification of Comunidade Code is not at all in the interest of Goa and Goans but only to give a backdoor entry to ‘ghattis’ illegally squatting on its land. In January 2021 too, the BJP government tried a similar tactic to regularize illegal squatters but had to withdraw it because of stiff opposition from Goans. Goans have also not forgotten that Pramod Sawant being a non-Goan tried to snatch his landlord’s land using Goa, Daman and Diu Mundkars (Protection from Eviction) Act, 1975, but finally withdrew his case.

The non-Goan chief minister of Goa failed in his attempts to grab land from the ‘bhatkar’, but now he wants to allow other non-Goans to be owners of lakhs and lakhs of sq. mts. of Comunidade land. Pramod Sawant is out to destroy Goa and make Goans alien in their land. Go home! Quit Goa! Pramod Sawant.

The chief minister talks about courts being burdened with civil cases for eviction and demolition prayers by Comunidade executive bodies and thinks that rectifying the Comunidade Code and regularizing illegal construction will solve the matter.

Justice A S Oka of Bombay High Court while rejecting the Maharashtra Government plea, seeking to implement a policy to regularise illegal structures across the state had observed that the proposed regularisation policy will lead to increased litigation by creating so many loopholes for people to argue. He further stated that when these structures undergo redevelopment, they will also be eligible for more construction rights.

In yet another case a division bench of Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice Girish Kulkarni, expressed “grave doubts” over the policy of the state government “which rewards the encroachers of the public land by a free of cost accommodation.” “In our opinion, such policies qua the Government land not only violate the principles of equality but certainly falls foul of the doctrine of public trust,” the bench had observed. The same justices also stated, “At the outset, we may observe that the petitioners who have encroached cannot elevate their protection to such an extent that such slum dwellers have to be rehabilitated either on the same land or be provided a permanent alternate accommodation within the vicinity.”

But in Goa, Goans feel the solution of regularization of these illegal migrants is simple, the ‘Bhumiputra chief minister Pramod Sawant (nicknamed Property Sawant) and Panchayat minister Mauvin Godinho should rehabilitate all the migrants in the large tract of properties and lands they have bought in Goa under various benami names. Interestingly a day after the ambitious statement, Sawant must have felt the tremors under his feet and is now trying to get out of the sticky situation by claiming that constructions in slums will not be regularized but of Goans who have built illegally in Comunidade. This ‘ghatti’ CM of Goa thinks he can fool us but we can see through and through his intention, especially because he made the statement while addressing the migrants alongside with Mauvin Godinho - the saviour of the migrant squatters on Comunidade land.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Vishwajit Rane's Waning Credibility: A Lack of Trust Among Goans – By Nisser Dias

In the eyes of many Goans, Vishwajit Rane has long appeared to be a hollow figure. He fancies himself as astute, often attempting to navigate the realm of political manoeuvring, only to hit a wall when his hidden agendas are exposed.

Vishwajit further diminishes himself by repeatedly declaring unwavering support for the public, vowing never to go against their wishes. Unfortunately, these promises have become tiresome refrains, only echoing when his questionable intentions are laid bare by the people.

In 2019, he made a unilateral decision to bring an IIT to Shel-Melauli in his constituency, on a sprawling 10 lakh sq. meters of land. However, when the local populace caught wind of this plan, they assembled in large numbers at the site, driving the surveyors away.

Rane infamously stated, "Opposition from the people cannot stop 'IIT' at Sattari; IIT is a feather in the cap of Goa." He then deployed a significant police force, led by his loyal police officer, Sagar Ekoskar, to accompany the surveyors. When the residents stood their ground, the situation escalated into a lathi charge by the police, met with retaliation from villagers hurling stones. Rane even sent police to disrupt a press conference held at a temple by leaders of the protest, going as far as to detain an elderly individual.

As the protest garnered support from neighbouring villages like Pali, Hivrem, Mauxi, Dhamshe, and Khotodem, Rane realized that his bluff had been called by the people. He swiftly changed his stance and requested the relocation of the IIT project, stating, "I am with the public, and I will never go against the wishes of the people."

Similar events unfolded regarding the draft zoning plan for Pernem, where Rane attempted to convert 21% of the green cover into a concrete jungle in the name of development. When the people of Pernem rose against this proposal, the Town and Country Planning minister had to sprint with his tail between his legs.

To save face, Rane initially claimed that the plan would be put on hold, awaiting a decision from the central government. However, as public pressure mounted, he reluctantly scrapped the plan entirely, all the while repeating his familiar refrain, "I am with the public, and I will never go against the wishes of the people."

The glaring question is why the people were not consulted from the outset. The answer is all too apparent; Vishwajit Rane was primarily focused on his own interests and those of his well-connected land developer friends.

The rejection of Rane's development projects by his constituents in Shel-Melauli and the people of Pernem signifies a severe erosion of his credibility among Goans. Notably, the late Manohar Parrikar, an autocratic former Chief Minister of Goa, exposed Rane's questionable intentions on multiple occasions during his time in opposition.
For instance, Rane sought to hand over a substantial portion of Goa Medical College (GMC) land to Israelis for a super-specialty hospital. Parrikar's scrutiny led to the project's cancellation.

Another pattern observed in the Shel-Melauli and Pernem incidents is Rane's tendency to scapegoat others to push through his projects. In Shel-Melauli, he accused an individual of encroaching on government land, blaming them for the project's opposition, and promising to reclaim the encroached land. Whether Rane fulfilled this promise remains uncertain.

In the case of Pernem's draft zoning plan, he accused Mandrem MLA Jit Arolkar of building an illegal farmhouse and pledged action against it, yet the outcome remains to be seen.

Now, Rane appears to be outsourcing governance to the Centre, bringing in high-ranking figures from Delhi, such as Modi and Shah, rather than heeding the concerns of the local people. This raises questions about the role of the Goa government, Vishwajit Rane's purpose in government, and why Goans should accept the central leadership dictating terms.

If Vishwajit Rane cannot fulfill his elected role of serving the people, it is time for him to consider resigning as a minister and MLA, and perhaps retiring from politics altogether.

Saturday 7 October 2023

Mauvin Godinho is the biggest beneficiary of “Extra Democracy” -- By Nisser Dias

Mauvin Godinho's assertion that Goa has an "Extra Democracy" appears to be rooted in an attitude of arrogance and superiority. He even went so far as to draw a parallel with China, implying a desire for absolute power. Such comparisons to China's communist government suggest a concerning aspiration for unchecked authority.

It is essential to remember that democracy, as defined by the 16th American President Abraham Lincoln, is "Government of the people, by the people, for the people." Mauvin's comments were aimed at the people who were voicing objections to various government projects that seemed to run counter to the wishes of the Goan populace. These frustrations are understandable, given that many of these projects often prioritize the interests of those in power over the well-being of the Goan citizens.

However, it is ironic that Mauvin Godinho himself is arguably the biggest beneficiary of this so-called "Extra Democracy." In 1998, he faced allegations of corruption when he served as the power minister in the Congress government, accused of involvement in a power rebate scam amounting to Rs. 4.52 crore. Despite these allegations, he was not only allowed to join the BJP but also became a minister within the same party. This raises questions about the true nature of democracy, as such preferential treatment appears to be a case of "Extra Democracy."

Furthermore, the fact that the charges against him were eventually reduced to just the power rebate scam highlights the issue of "Extra Democracy" even further. The ongoing criminal trial after 25 years also raises concerns about the efficiency and fairness of the government.

Mauvin Godinho has consistently been elected from Cortalim and Dabolim constituencies. During his tenure, the Sancoale communidade has seen the encroachment of migrants, which suggests political involvement and patronage. It is widely known that Mauvin prioritizes his significant migrant vote bank over the concerns of Goan citizens, further illustrating the concept of "Extra Democracy" from which he has benefited.

Nonetheless, it is crucial for Mauvin Godinho to remember the essence of true democracy. Democracy revolves around empowering the people as the ultimate decision-makers. Over time, it has evolved to encompass principles such as equality, political accountability, citizens' rights, and, to some extent, the values of liberty and justice.

In a democracy, the ultimate authority to deliberate and determine the country's legislation rests with the people, either directly or through their elected representatives. Thus, criticizing activists and NGOs for raising their voices against projects that are detrimental to the people or the environment and pushing the government to reconsider destructive initiatives is not an "Extra Democracy" but a fundamental right.

On the other hand, it is unfortunate that India's democratic values have been eroding since 2014, when the BJP government assumed power. Challenges to freedom of speech, minority rights, increased pressure on human rights groups, intimidation of journalists and activists, and a surge in attacks against minorities, particularly Muslims, have all contributed to a decline in political and civil liberties. This shift has intensified the discussion about the preservation of democracy and its core principles in public discourse.

Saturday 30 September 2023

Venzy Viegas – stop legalizing illegalities. – By Nisser Dias

I am not advocating frequent changes in laws. But laws must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. With the change of circumstances, laws must also keep pace with the times. But that does not mean, laws be made within laws to suit a particular sector.

That is what the Benaulim MLA Venzy Viegas seems to be doing with an ulterior motive to win the next elections with a vote bank which had evaded him during the last hustings.

Just like he wanted legislation legalizing ‘Dhirio’ (bull fights) even when the highest court in India had banned it as cruelty to animals much before he was elected as a legislator. Venzy is no different from his predecessors. Power corrupts and it has corrupted Viegas even more. If not Venzy must say I have dedicated 5 years of my life to public service and let others take on the mantle, this is my challenge.

He seems to be advocating that the government of Goa formulate a law for public transportation, interestingly though he wants the ‘tourist taxi operators” out of it. Such nonsense is not only difficult to decipher but also to digest as it comes out of ignorance and arrogance. Early in the month of September Benaulim MLA was part of the meeting of tourist taxi operators and government-supported APP-based Goa Miles called by the Colva police. The police agenda was simple, with the tourism season fast approaching, both parties were warned to conduct their business properly and not to take the law into their own hands.

However, Benaulim MLA Viegas known for his aggressive posturing seems to have developed an amnesical mind for his convenience.
First and foremost, he has to understand and realize that tourist taxi operators have to operate their taxis from home. They have sworn an ‘affidavit’ to that effect with the Rural Transport Office. Basically, it states that they undertake to operate their vehicles on a call basis and that their vehicles would be stationed/parked at their residences and not in front of the hotels or resorts as they do now. If this affidavit is enforced by the police, majority of issues like the fleecing of tourists, and strong-arming of other stakeholders in the hospitality industry including hoteliers will end.

Successive governments for some reason do not want the police to enforce it, giving an opportunity to the likes of Venzy and before him his predecessors to dangle a carrot before the tourist taxi operators for the sake of votes. If the government of the day enforces the affidavit, most of the ills practiced by tourist taxi operators can be stopped. The government would be free to introduce APP-based taxis and overall bring about a massive change in the public transport system in Goa.

Simply because successive governments showed leniency towards the tourist taxi operators for decades now, are have been flexing their muscles. In fact tourist taxi operators are largely part of bringing a bad name to Goa on the tourism map. Tourist taxi operators are like a plague that have been gnawing at the tourism industry since inception.

Initially, the taxi operators took objections against the tour operators who brought in tourists to the state. The former refused to allow the latter to take their own guests on tours in buses, though it was a part of the guest's paid itinerary. Taxi operators took the law into their own hands, blocked the buses, and even assaulted their drivers. At the same time, the taxi operators protested against the hoteliers for hiring out their vehicles to the tourists. Family members were not allowed to pick-up their relatives from the hotels. All this while refusing to adhere to government proposal of regularizing the fares.

Where in the law says, that tourist taxi operators have a full monopoly in this sector?
But politicians like Venzy Viegas and his predecessors (ex MLAs) play the nasty game of the tourist taxi operators for want of votes, thereby allowing the illegal demands of operators to continue, to somehow win the next elections. Benaulim MLA has sold his soul. He made a statement during the meeting that tourist taxi operators in a large-hearted manner gave up ferrying locals so as to accommodate APP-based taxis services.

Interestingly former MLA Churchill Alemao had said, that locals cannot afford tourist taxi operators fares as they are meant for tourists. So who is lying? In the recent past Venzy Viegas hailed a taxi operator charging Rs. 4000 from Mopa airport to Benaulim a distance of 65kms. Does it not expose Viegas' double standards? Please stop supporting illegal causes to come back to power.

If not for tourist taxi operators, Goa like other states would have a robust, easy and affordable public transport system. Politicians like Venzy and his predecessors are responsible for denying Goans such a system for selfish reasons of getting elected again.

Luizinho Faleiro, Churchill Alemao and Joaquim Alemao have tried their best to back tourist taxi operators and lost elections. Venzy Viegas is not doing anything different because he wants to remain in power just like his predecessors.

Enforce the affidavit, show the tourist taxi operators their place and see the change.

Sunday 24 September 2023

DIG Jaspal Singh, don’t push your failures onto the public. – By Nisser Dias

Another deal, another compromise, a charade, for a government who don’t give a shit about a war that should be fighting, to go on pretending they are winning it, but it cannot be won and it will never be won. At least not until police see it for what it is. None till they know what is the truth.

Yes, I am talking about the war on drugs trade in Goa. The government appears to be in denial, and the opposition, regrettably, speaks with forked tongues, often depending on which side of the political fence they stand. Meanwhile, the police, instead of addressing the issue head-on, often resort to pointing fingers at the public. This, despite their own awareness that some among their ranks are not only involved in the drug trade but also facilitate and protect it.

Director General of Police Jaspal Singh's recent statement, "locals, outsiders, and foreigners are in the drug trade," is hardly news to anyone in Goa. It's an open secret. However, the question that hangs in the air like a heavy cloud is, what is the police department doing to combat this issue? How has such a thriving drug trade flourished right under their noses? How many within their own ranks are complicit? Why have significant quantities of drugs and narcotic substances mysteriously vanished from police custody? Why have drug kingpins in Goa named police personnel in their nefarious activities? And how do narcotics find their way into the hands of undertrials in our jails?

These are just a few of the many questions that demand answers regarding the functioning of the police department. Director General Jaspal Singh must acknowledge that his department has been infiltrated by corrupt police personnel and politicians, a toxic blend that has eroded its credibility.

Pointing fingers at the local population, outsiders, and foreigners only serves to make a laughing-stock of the police force. Even counterparts in Hyderabad recognize
that the Goa police department, far from combating the drug trade, often functions as a protector for drug kingpins, peddlers, and their couriers. This is evident in the numerous drug raids conducted by Hyderabad police on Goan soil, leading to the apprehension of traffickers who operated with apparent impunity.

It is disheartening that the police's response to bail applications for individuals arrested for drug possession often hinges on the need to extract the names of their suppliers. The courts, however, frequently grant bail, raising the pertinent question of what the police have been doing during the 10-14 days these accused individuals were in their custody.

Jaspal Singh, undoubtedly an intelligent and upright police officer, has a track record of using his investigative skills to solve complex cases. However, as the head of the police department, his loose and at times, irresponsible statements expose the frustrations of working under the current administration. It's almost as if he's conveying to the public that he is merely a figurehead within the department, with his powers overshadowed by the Home minister, who ironically also serves as the non-Goan Chief Minister of Goa, Pramod Sawant.

Nevertheless, drugs and narcotic substances will continue to be available as long as there is a demand. This is where the police come in – to gather intelligence, strategize, and dismantle drug networks and routes, all while creating a network of informants. Furthermore, thorough investigations should lead to airtight cases, ensuring that those apprehended with drugs face substantial convictions and lengthy sentences.

However, this ideal scenario is not playing out on the ground. Police personnel, particularly those assigned to the Narcotic Cell, are under immense pressure to meet yearly targets. These targets include the number of raids conducted, the number of arrests made, and the number of NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) cases registered. In pursuit of these numbers, some officers resort to harassment and threats against drug peddlers and suspects, damaging their potential to become valuable informants over time.

In conclusion, Director General of Police Jaspal Singh must address the failures within his department without deflecting blame onto the public. It is essential to remember that the very public he points fingers at is the one that funds his salary and, more importantly, places its trust in the police to uphold the law and protect the community. Accountability and a renewed commitment to combating the drug trade are urgently needed to restore public faith in the police force and bring justice to a state battling a serious drug epidemic.

Monday 14 August 2023

" Are Indians independent in free India? " – By Nisser Dias

As India commemorates its 76th year of freedom from colonial British rule, a pertinent question arises: does true independence pervade the nation, or do we find ourselves ensnared by delusions and myths?

It is a widely acknowledged truth that since 2014, when the BJP assumed leadership, an unspoken state of emergency seems to have descended upon the country. Key institutions such as the Enforcement Directorate, Income Tax department, CBI, police, and even segments of the judiciary have, allegedly, being used to stifle dissenting voices. Notably, political figures, journalists, and judges who defy the BJP's stance have faced harassment, imprisonment, and in some cases, even silence.

Over the past years, mounting pressure on human rights organizations, the intimidation of journalists and activists, judges and a surge of attacks – particularly targeting the Muslim community – have eroded political and civil freedoms in India. The ruling party appears focused on moulding the nation into a 'Hindu Rashtra,' fanning animosity among various communities. This objective involves eradicating the term 'Secular' from the Indian Constitution, ostensibly aligning with the BJP's agenda. The voice of a select few now seems unassailable, immune to challenge or contradiction; those who oppose face the spectre of fabricated charges and government-led persecution.

Instances such as the strife in Manipur, where ethnic groups engage in violence under the indifferent gaze of the authorities, expose the fracture in unity. Similar patterns emerge in states like Haryana, underscoring a disturbing trend in which civil liberties have dwindled since Narendra Modi's rise to power in 2014. The delicate equilibrium between democracy and autocracy has been disrupted, with government intervention becoming the norm, overshadowing good governance.

The emergence of vigilante groups, exemplified by the 'Gau Rakshas,' has created an environment where minorities are denied their rights to trade and consume certain foods. The intrusive hand of moral policing reaches even into the realm of personal attire, dictating what citizens can or cannot wear. Under the BJP's administration, India seems to have relinquished its potential to stand as a global democratic leader. The pursuit of narrow Hindu nationalist interests has eclipsed the nation's founding principles of inclusivity and equal rights, even erasing the resonant phrase coined by Jawaharlal Nehru, "Unity in Diversity."

Evident actions like the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and amendments to the Citizenship Act spotlight the Modi government's tightening grip on minority communities. This exertion of control extends beyond political boundaries; states not aligned with the ruling party's ideologies are systematically being dismantled. While the states under the control of the BJP are carrying out their master’s orders, those states which are not under their sway are systematically being taken apart. For example, Delhi Services Bill was passed in both Houses of Parliament to take control from the AAP government. The Bill gives sweeping powers to the Lt. Governor and bureaucrats making the democratically elected government like a headless chicken. Reminiscent of the Delhi Services Bill they have now laid their sights on Chennai. BJP-appointed Governor is now flexing his muscles to take control of the administration.

In summation, the celebration of India's true freedom will materialize when individuals can make choices without governmental interference; when fear is eradicated from the lives of women venturing out; when dissent can be expressed without threat; when healthcare facilities ensure children's survival, and when a harmonious coexistence among diverse communities becomes a reality. Until then, the wish for a 'Happy Independence Day' is laden with the aspiration for a more liberated, inclusive India.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Goa’s history is not chicken Kolhapuri – By Nisser Dias

Some years down the line our grandchildren will ask us, why did you’ll allow a ‘ghatti’ to become chief minister of Goa? They would want to know whether there were no Goans worth their salt, that a non-Goan was made the chief minister of Goa. The fact of today will be history of tomorrow. And we will have to narrate them the facts. That a perceived intelligent ex-chief minister late Manohar Parrikar decided on his deathbed to bestow his crown on a non-Goan ignoring all the other elected Goans. That is late Manohar Parrikar’s legacy. Pramod Sawant is an RSS and ex-chief minister’s decision was influenced by his RSS community. This is also a fact and will also become history. Thus, Goa’s history is not chicken Kolhapuri, Mr. imported chief minister. Very recently the ‘bhailo’ chief minister of Goa Pramod Sawant has called for wiping out signs of Portuguese culture in Goa. It is best that we ignore these imprudent and senseless statements as Kolhapur chief minister of Goa is thoroughly unlettered in Goa’s history. By trying to show he knows Goa’s history, he is making a fool of himself, bigger than the Goans all around the world know him to be. BJP and RSS have mastered the art of distorting history, but however much they might try history is well documented, archived not only in India but all over the libraries in the world and hence will remain what it is.
But to meet or rather fulfill their agenda, BJP and RSS are distorting history in school text books basically to indoctrinate young minds towards their point of view. Pramod Sawant might have taken it upon himself to carry out the same exercise of twisting or re-writing Goan history in Goa, however he should remember it is not chicken Kolhapuri to experiment with it by adding and subtracting ingredients and spices. Goan history is not chicken Kolhapuri to wipe away with chapati. There is no denying that the Portuguese during their 451 years of rule in Goa resorted to atrocities and demolished temples. We have to live with it irrespective of our choice. At the same time, we cannot overlook the good that the Portuguese did. The Uniform Civil Code which no other state in India has. Property and civil laws, Heritage monuments, Goa’s unique houses and not forgetting fruits and vegetables they introduced in Goa. Not forgetting allowing Goans a gateway for employment, a better lifestyle through Portuguese passport. And who is this outsider Pramod Sawant to call for wiping out signs of Portuguese Culture? We would perhaps like to erase that a non-Goan is the chief minister of Goa. Unlike the ‘ghatti’ chief minister Pramod Sawant, we cannot dwell in the past but be forward-looking. What Pramod Sawant and his party doing is just hate-mongering and they have made violence their virtue only for the sake of power. Lest this ‘ghatti’ forgets, Portuguese have realized the follies of the past. And today have allowed temples to be built in Portugal. Does the communal element like Pramod Sawant see this? For the BJP and RSS and Pramod Sawant who is also an RSS, even the Constitution of India is an aberration because Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar fondly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar added the word ‘secular’ in its preamble, which they want to do away with. For the non-Goan chief minister of Goa Pramod Sawant, to rake up a non-issue of the Portuguese demolishing temples in Goa is nothing but political. His intentions are to create a situation like Ayodhya during the demolition of Babri masjid in Goa, polarize voters and win elections.
This design is evil as it will create a divide between various religious communities living harmoniously in Goa and has to be condemned and outrightly rejected. Portuguese came, resided in Goa and were made to leave, during the 451 years period of colonial rule they did good as well as bad. Mr. ‘ghatti’ when will you leave Goa? Pramod Sawant is simply trying to rake up a whimsical issue to cover his misgovernance and mal-administration. The height of his inefficiency is that he could even name the Mopa airport properly. Or maybe he wants to wipe late Manohar Parrikar’s so-called cooked-up legacy.
In conclusion, Mr. Pramod Sawant, Goa’s history is not your native chicken Kolhapuri.

Friday 9 June 2023

Electricity department engineers are incompetent aka Power minister -- By Nisser Dias

Slight drizzle or mild lighting and thunder and a light breeze cause power outages in Goa. This is an indication of the quality of personnel the government of Goa has appointed to provide and maintain the power supply in the state. It also gives an insight into how the appointment of electrical engineers is done, pay the ministers and MLAs lakhs of rupees and inefficient, incompetent engineers are engaged by the government. Engineers who would never make it in the much more competent private sector end up in the electricity department. Engineers in the electricity department land the jobs not because of their knowledge of the subject but because of the bribes they can afford to pay the ministers to get the lucrative government job. If not let someone explain the delicate power system. Annual power shutdowns, and periodical shutdowns all in the name of maintenance of power equipment have not given any relief to the end consumer. Who continues to suffer from erratic power supply, frequent power outages and fluctuation on a daily basis. The electricity department engineers have over the period of time instead of improving the quality of electricity supply have developed indigenous replies to power issues. The replies are meant to confuse the layperson. Explanations like ‘circuits of the feeder station have failed’, ‘transformer batteries have developed faults’, ‘jumpers are being replaced’ and ‘transformers are being overhauled’ are among the many defenses the engineer’s resort to besides tree or tree branches fallen on transmission lines, fixing of street lights, transmission lines are old and the list goes on. Without flinching I can say that the increase in power tariffs is in proportion to the number of times in a single day power supply is denied to the consumer. Since the power shutdown for more than 12 hours on 21st May for annual maintenance, the quality of the power supply is pitiful. Two days after the shutdown villages in Salcete taluka had to suffer scorching heat for more than 2 hours, this is besides power cuts and fluctuations every day. The reason given was Velim feeder developed problems. A few days thereafter there was a power outage in the evening because one of the circuits at Xeldem station failed. In the month of June itself, business establishments along the Salcete coastal belt were denied power for 12 hours as the 11KV line was found to be faulty. On June 9th with light drizzle power supply was cut off for more than 5 hours as the battery of one of the transformers failed. At the same time, the government is also responsible for the power crisis in the state. And can we expect quality power supply when brokers like Monteiros are calling the shots in the power department and the engineers are reduced to minions of these extra-constitutional persons? Power minister Sudin Davlikar should in fact accept responsibility for worse state of affairs in the department and resign.

Friday 17 February 2023

Benaulim MLA is all about bark and no bite -- By Nisser Dias

Benaulim MLA Venzy Viegas recently released a video on social media wherein he is in conversation with the Airport Director at Dabolim, offering to provide wheelchairs for use by the needy fliers from the MLA’s fund. All this publicity stunt evolves from an incident, wherein a foreign tourist was made to pay Rs. 4000 for a wheelchair by some errant airport employees. Thank God, that he did not ask the tourist to eat a lobster costing Rs. 8000 and worse still did not offer to pay for it.

Viegas, in his hunger to be in the public eye or rather for cheap publicity, is making a fool of himself and the constituents, especially those who cast their precious franchise in his favour. The other voters who resisted voting for him are having the last laugh, for electing a bigger nerd than we previously had. To charge Rs. 4000 is definitely wrong, it is extortion, but to promise funds allotted to the development of Benaulim is complete hogwash. But what can we expect from a person who is a publicity hawk and on a fast track to nowhere.

Even after the Airport Director informed him that the wheelchairs are provided by the airlines, Benaulim MLA insisted on diverting the funds meant for his constituency. Benaulim constituents would have been further embarrassed had the Airport Director taken up Venzy Viegas on his offer, as the government or the Finance department would have never sanctioned the funds for the purpose. Instead of making unrealistic comments to be on social media, Viegas should use the funds for the betterment of his constituency by tarring roads, developing open and recreational spaces etc.

Benaulim legislator is all about bark and no bite, He simply makes noises, addresses press conferences, does not miss an opportunity to give sound bytes to the waiting media to be in the public eye but in reality, no work is seen done. His bark has become so hollow that even the government and its officials do not take him seriously. Benaulim constituents should hang their head in shame simply because despite the MLA boasting of having two offices of his own in the constituency, he had to park his car Illegally on the road to dial up the Airport Director.

This is indication that the social-media-MLA of Benaulim constituency was doing it to for the cameras and had no intention of rectifying the wrong. In fact, the Traffic police should book Venzy Viegas for disrupting the flow of traffic by parking his car on a public road and that too not even beyond the shoulders. If he is ignorant, he should read the traffic rules and regulations to understand that only emergency vehicles are permitted to park on the road to attend and save lives. Very soon it is going to be a year since Benaulim constituents gave a mandate to Venzy Viegas as a legislator. In that time, he has made them look like fools.

He has conducted numerous inspections with no results. We have not seen any developments. People continue to suffer from power and water woes. Government does not even seem to give a damn about his hollowing, but Benaulim MLA continues to entertain his constituents with ridiculous, impractical and nonsensical videos on social media.

Monday 16 January 2023

Venzy Viegas is the new Marie-Antoinette - By Nisser Dias

One of the most famous quotes “if they have no bread, let them eat cake” is attributed to Marie-Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution. It was the queen’s response upon being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread. The anecdote was cited as an example of Marie-Antoinette’s obliviousness to the conditions and daily lives of ordinary people. Similarly, Benaulim MLA Venzy Viegas’s reaction to taxi charges of Rs. 4000 for 65 kilometres from Mopa airport to Benaulim, people eat lobsters of Rs. 8000. Arrogance and high-handedness is writ on the face of such a statement. Like Maria- Antoinette, he seems to be insensitive to the hardship of the people. Ironically the person who paid such a hefty amount happens to be from the MLA’s constituency. If one interprets the statement correctly, it indicates that Venzy is playing a balancing game of appeasing the taxi operators for votes as well as the BJP government. Ex-MLA Churchill Alemao had the courage to openly declare his support to the BJP government during his term, but the current incumbent, coward that he is, has extended undeclared support to the BJP government. In the very recent past during the Gujarat elections, while the AAP ministers were under heavy attack from the BJP government at the Centre, Venzy – an AAP MLA was honey-mooning with the BJP ministers in Goa. Being an opposition MLA, he was attending football matches and touring his constituency in the company of the ministers. At the same time, the government was bulldozing its way to build the western bypass through catchment areas in his constituency. Benaulim MLA always wants to be in the news and on social media. Since he was elected as an MLA, he has inspected many a site in the constituency and issued directions to authorities and officials to carry out certain works, but the end result is zero. Be it the inspection of the Colva creek, western bypass, flooding of Khareband, inspection of beach stretch in Benaulim constituency with the Tourism minister and the latest inspection of the sewage treatment plant at Sirvodem. Nothing has changed or improved at these sites. For some, it might seem that he is working for the betterment of his constituency but for others, it seems it is just an eyewash, trying to remain relevant through the inspection to win the next election. June last year, he inspected Colva creek and directed the WRD department officials to cover it with a wire mesh to save it from garbage or waste being flung into it, it has not happened. Western bypass is still being constructed by reclaiming the low-lying area, even the photo-op with Union minister for Transport Nitin Gadkari has not yielded results. Viegas for another photo-op ventured into the over-flowing or flooded Khareband, but nothing on the ground has changed to de-clog the catchment areas. Hence, we can expect a repeat of flooding again the coming monsoon. Venzy himself in a recent video said that for two months he has written to all the authorities possible to plug raw sewage from the Sirvodem treatment plant in river Sal and nothing has changed. It indicates that his flustering and blustering are not taken cognizance of by the government. This reminds me of an old adage, “Barking dogs seldom bite.” Basically, meaning he does not carry weight. And how will anybody particularly the government take a fence-sitter seriously? Benaulim MLA claims he is in the opposition but leans more towards the government. Benaulim constituents had cast their franchise in support of Viegas because Churchill had disowned the voters by supporting the BJP government and its policies which were anti-people and anti-environment. The current incumbent makes it a point to be present for protests against the double tracking of rail tracks and now the Mhadei issue. But it is only for optics and social media or he could be a government mole among the protestors. Have we forgotten, Benaulim MLA was very upset when he received summons to be present in the court in double-tracking protest in Arossim which coincided with the ugly spat with the Environment minister Nilesh Cabral at Khareband? Supporting the government on taxi app rates shows his true colours, that he will forgive the government for its misdeeds for his benefit. He remains in the good books of the government and on the other side, he is mustering the support or rather votes of mercenary taxi operators for the next elections. Sometimes it feels that the government briefs him on when to take pot-shots at it and when to keep his mouth shut. Venzy Viegas would have done better if he had worked towards uninterrupted power supply in his constituency by overseeing the electricity sub-station was provided and equipped with the spares they require for quality power supply. He would have done better if he had worked towards the commissioning of water tanks built under Jaica. But he will not do that as the government will have to provide funds. Inspections in media glare are just a way of diverting attention and blowing hot gas, to show a section of his constituents that he is striving for their welfare. Venzy Viegas is working towards his welfare (of getting elected again) aka Marie-Antoinette.