Tuesday 18 October 2016

BRICS mismanaged -- By Jose Maria Miranda

Jose Maria Miranda
BRICS was surely a golden opportunity for Goa to obtain central funds for its development and to showcase the State as an international tourist destination. If these two objectives were dominant in the organizers’ minds, preparations would have started in right earnest, at least six months back. Had, for example, the Margao-Colva stretch been widened prior to monsoons, the mud would have set and the extended portion ready for being hot mixed, before the Summit. Now even the old stretch was badly hotmixed in a hurry, with some portions already peeling off and the widened stretches unfit for traffic. Delays in completing works for major events are a regular feature with shoddy and sub-standard execution and no accountability for such wastage of public funds. Perhaps these events are actually meant for pocketing some funds, much needed at election time. The main question is whether Goa is geared for such big events with the poor infrastructure that we have and the growing and chaotic traffic scenario prevalent almost regularly. The CM cum Home Minister appears bothered only in appropriating credit for the show and deriving political mileage, oblivious of basic humanness in treating our policemen with kindness and dignity, which is evident from reports of long duty hours and lack of food.
Police went without food and water for 12 hours. They survived
on what public gave them. When they were fed by govt. it was
fit for animals

Another issue which should put to shame our Defence Minister is the inability of Navy to construct a helipad at Cavelossim, to facilitate airlifting of dignitaries. One wonders if large tracts of land taken over by the Navy cannot be utilized even for such extraordinary and rare events, especially considering the security risks involved to the dignitaries and the inconvenience to the general public, what good is it to allow our Armed Forces to grab our scarce land for so called Defence purposes?

Dozens of Maharashtra registration Innovas have been brought for the event and only a few Goan ones have been hired. Is it that Goan
Cockroach in the pulao
served to cops on
BRICS duty.
vehicles were not available or was preferential treatment given to outsiders?

CM Parsekar threatened to get his “weapons” out to tame Panchayats and Gram Sabhas opposing mobile towers. But in Sankhali his own MLA Dr. P. Sawant opposes a tower near the Health Centre. Perhaps the good doctor has made some medical discoveries, whereby people from his constituency are liable to get affected whereas those in South Goa are immune to this danger.

Old Market to Colva road a day before
Omission of Goa’s name in BRICS logo, against the norm, followed till date, was a major unpardonable blunder highlighted by the Vice-Chancellor of Goa University, whereas our own CM finds it a non-issue. For Parsekar Goa and Goans are irrelevant as long as the event can get him much needed funds. However, what is most unfortunate is that our Ministers and MLAs fail to raise such issues forcefully, leaving the impression to be yes men contracted solely to nod their heads.


1 comment:

  1. BRICS symbol was looking like BJP's Lotus Symbol, it was kept on purpose. It suited BJP too so why will they include Goa inbetween to symbolise that it was Goan BRICS?
    The asphalt poured overnight in pouring rain won't last, water is not a bonding agent of asphalt.
    When we ask government to ashalt our roads that needs urgent attention, when people fall in potholes and die, the excuse is let the rains or monsoon subside and then we will do the needful. In the case of BRICS, that was not the answer. The hurriedly spent money will also come with a rider....a new tender will be flouted before hte end of the oncoming summer to re-do the roads again.
