Monday 2 January 2017

Will the Congress allot party tickets to new faces in Goa? -- By Nisser Dias

All might not be well in the BJP party with the MGP refusing an alliance, Goa Bhartiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch Subhash Velingkar not missing an opportunity to hit out at BJP leaders et al.

Dhon papel
But the picture is not much different if not worse for the Congress as there is lot of rambling of discontentment among many of its party block president. At a meeting held last Tuesday, source informed some presidents who are also aspirants for tickets have told their GPCC president in the presence of AICC observer that they are not going to bear any more expenses to highlight or create awareness of the mis-governance and misgiving of the BJP government. Some of the presidents especially the aspirants disclosed they have spent substantial amounts for the recently concluded ‘Jan Jagruti Padyatra’ which passed through all the constituencies and they cannot afford to exhaust their resources if the party tickets are given to old faces or candidates of other parties incase of an alliance.
After attaining power

One of the block presidents who is also an aspirant confirmed that discussion on the subject were held on Dec. 17. We put forth our concerns during the meeting, “we informed the GPCC president and AICC observer that it is high time the party recognizes us, understands our dedication and loyalty and rewards us. We cannot always be second rung leaders, today our time has come especially when the party lost miserably during 2012 election because same old faces were provided with party tickets and they were defeated.” “Congress Party should understand the voters are looking out for new faces to lead the party in Goa today”.
The 'Kolo'

Congress block presidents also took offence to AICC observer incharge of Goa Desk Chella Kumar utterance of they have no role to play now regarding candidate selection as the central committee has taken over now.

Nisser Dias
Another block president said giving recognition is one thing and party negotiating with another party candidate is another. He said in his block, the constituency was of the Congress but now the office bearers of the Congress party are negotiating with a person who used to party for his benefits. The block president goes on to state that during the last Parliamentary election, Congress got a lead of 5000 votes from this assembly segment which is an indication that this assembly constituency has major chuck of party voters but the officers bearers are dilly-dally with the ticket which should rightfully be of the Congress and not of the candidate of an alliance partner.

Yet there are some other block presidents who say that the party is bigger than the block presidents and even if the tickets are allotted to persons not of their choice they will work for the party but a mechanism is being put in place to give maximum numbers tickets to congress loyalists.

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