Monday 19 March 2018

Mining dependents lost the sympathy of the people, they deserved to be lathi-charged for causing hardships to innocent people. -- By Nisser Dias

Once again innocent people who had nothing to do with mining and its profits and loot had to suffer once again. Lakhs and lakhs of people be it the office-goers, students answering their exam, the sick and the elderly, individuals who had to board flights had to bear the brunt of an uncalled for bandh.
What happened to section 144 IPC
By holding the common man to ransom by blocking both the Mandovi bridges, laying siege to the Betim-Panjim ferry paralyzing the movement of traffic from north to south of the river Mandovi and beyond  what has the mining effected people got – in fact they have lost the sympathy of their brethren from the non-mining areas.
When mining was booming, these same people who are now crying foul saying that their only source of income have been abolished were rolling in huge mullah day in and day out, while the lakhs of people who suffered being stuck in traffic for hours today (19th March 2018) were doing the same job, travelling the same grueling long distances to work for almost the same salary while the same protesters were laughing to the bank when the same protesters were laughing to the bank.
Students, elders, sicks, office-goers all stranded.
Lakhs of people, students, the sick and elderly who suffered today due to the bandh never held protests to demand a share of mining pie from those who protested today, hence why cause inconvenience the general public.
Similar bandh was called earlier in 2012 and caused hardship to the people. It was said then and same sentiments are being sounded now that mine owners and MLAs from the mining areas are behind the bandh and I tend to believe it as otherwise individual protestors would not like to face lathis or attend court hearings subsequently.
If some protestors have received injuries due to the police lathi-charge I would not blame the police for it as they had to restore law and order. The blame wholly lies on the very people who participated in the protest as they are the same people who celebrated, hailed and garlanded Manohar Parrikar for re-starting
Logjam at the Panjim-Betim ferry.
the mines without following proper procedures or guidelines of the top court.
The know-it-all chief minister of Goa Manohar Parrikar misinterpreted SC order and wrongly handled the issue by renewing the leases instead of auctioning it, because of which the top court in the land dealt a harsh blow on mining which resulted in the bandh.
Caught in the traffic jam for 2 hours on Porvorim
side of Mandovi bridge.
One of leaders of the protestors was heard telling the North Goa Collector Nila Mohanan during her appeal to let the traffic flow that “in a democracy people can protest anywhere”, this is totally brazen, giving the sense that we are above the law and we can do anything. It also indicates that behind the protestors are the mining tycoons and crumb fed politicians.
The administration and the police also cannot be absolved of the manner in which they handled their situation. When Section 144 IPC was imposed how come they allowed hundreds of mining affected protesters to gather at Panjim KTC?
This indicates that the administration and the police who have become puppets of the politicians were acting on their behalf and that was the reason for lathi charge.
What was the reason for the Goan ministers and MLAs to rush to Delhi to request the Union government to bring about an ordinance to override the SC order so as to allow continuance of mining. They should have either filed a review petition in the top court or adopted the directions given by the Supreme Court. But our career politicians thought they were smarter approaching the Union government giving hope to the mining dependents but when the central government refused to intervene the hopes of the mining class dashed and resultant is the call for the bandh and hardships and inconvenience caused to lakhs of innocent people.

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