Saturday 11 August 2018

Did Pratapsing Rane remember the taste of dung, while he was insulting Goans? -- By Nisser Dias

Pratapsing Rane has done it yet again. He has affronted and outraged Goans. But what can you expect from a man who has the blood of Goan on his hands. He is the only chief minister of Goa under whose rule and orders seven Goans were shot either dead or severely injured in police action against them and subsequently succumbed. The seven brave men were a part of the agitation demanding Konkani is made the sole official language of Goa.
Then holding the reigns of Goa Rane was restraining the move as he is a Marathi lover. Can we forget that during the Opinion Poll that this same man was with the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party wanting to merger Goa with Maharashtra? So it is very obvious of his disdain for Goa and Goans as his heart and soul is with the neighbouring state. And that is the reason he simply loves to insult, humiliate and debase Goans like the statements he made in the Assembly recently.
Pratapsing Rane has been an absolute failure in his 16 years as chief minister of Goa and last 46 years as a career politician. This translates into, for the last more than four decades or almost 5 decades, this decadent and debauched man has been living entirely at the cost of Goans besides gnawing and sucking at the breast of Goa. Before that he must have made his living boot-licking the colonial rulers and gathered properties by selling his soul to them being their informant. And this man has the audacity to call Goan Diaspora abroad as toilet cleaners and that too in the August house.
What has Pratapsing Rane achieved as person and politician?  Absolutely nothing, if not for politics he would be begging as he has no career. He proudly calls himself a farmer but he has never held a hoe in his hands but being a politician he has done a lot for himself just like all other corrupt politician. Can we forget the business man who exposed Rane from Congress office itself? As chief minister he has done even better for himself but for Goa nothing. In 2014 Special Investigation Team of Goa Police had booked former Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane for allegedly accepting a Rs. 6 crore bribe to facilitate the clearance of a mining lease.
How can we forget the time he returned from his jaunt to Singapore at the tax payers cost and wanted to change Goa into Singapore. What has been his achievement in that direction, he managed to change only the colour of the uniforms of the police and presently only the traffic police are using the imitation and colour combination.
Kadamba Transport Corporation is another one of his achievements but this corporation too is running in loss since its inception and is a burden to the exchequer.
Then can we ever forget that he tried to deny statehood to Goa and kept it pending for two and half long years and it was only after seven precious lives of Goans was lost that he was forced to surrender to the demands of the Goans.
Shall we ever forget that he signed the ‘shoot at sight order’ on Goans during the language agitation? If Pratapsing Rane can issue such orders what is it for him to say that Goans go abroad to clean toilets?
Incidentally, Pratapsing Rane is the only legislator among the present and past, to have got dung on his face at the hands of former MLA Dilkush Dessai during the Legislative Day. It makes me wonder whether he remembered the day when he tasted dung while making such a distasteful statement in the Assembly. On the flipside, according to Rane, Goans are cleaning toilets aboard but he forgot he tasted dung in Goa itself at the hands of the Goan itself maybe Dilkush realized that despotic Pratapsing Rane liked to berate Goans then.
But he should understand that if at all Goans are looking at brighter horizons, it was mainly because of him and his 16 years of lack of administration, not setting-up skilled based institutions to meet the needs of industries, not having the foresight and vision to realize that tourism would be a potential industry in Goa and plan for it. His lack of intelligence and ideas had started back-firing long time back and now it is difficult to get out of it.
It is but natural that if he did not have ideas and intelligence then, his brains if he has any will surely not function during this old age.
There is old saying that, “a rose plant bites the very hand that weeds it” aka  Pratapsing Rane. He has insulted the same very Goans who for all these decades have paid not only for his upkeep but also kept his hearth burning and will continue to even pay him after he seizes to be a politician.
Rane has to undoubtedly apologize to Goans whether they are in Goa or anywhere in the world or he will be scorned even long after he is gone.
Shame on you Pratapsing Rane!!!!!

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