Friday 10 April 2020

Is Covid-19 an event and Goa’s CM a stage manager? – By Nisser Dias

Two persons have lost their lives while undergoing treatment for Covid-19 like symptoms but the BJP government in Goa is in denial mode.
8000 Goa seafarers are stuck at sea in international waters, CM is playing the ball game.
7000 government servants basically teachers packed in a room for training to undertake survey throwing socials and physical distancing to the winds.
Chief minister Pramod Sawant claims the two deaths while in isolation are not due to Covid-19 but other health complications. He relies on the tests conducted on them indicated negative for corona virus.
Is it so bad that our doctors at Goa Medical College cannot treat pneumonia and diabetics that a person dies at 38 years? Or is it another mutated form of Covid virus that was not detected during the tests?
It seems to be very much evident that the chief minister is trying to stage manage the Covid-19 statistics to cover his sins of commission and omission. Without a shadow of doubt Vishwajit Rane would have done a much better job.
Chief minister Pramod Sawant
A report in a national daily Times of India on 10th April has carried a news item about emergence of false negative reports conducted on suspected individual have Covid-19 symptoms. The item goes on to add that studies from Wuhan in China from where this strain of virus took off had also found false negative reports.
Two persons who have succumbed while in isolation were admitted because they showed symptoms of the novel corona virus. CM immediately jumped on television to claim their tests were negative. It is nothing else but stage management of the statistics to show Goa does not have a Covid-19 death.
Another individual was discharged from quarantine when his reports came negative only to summon him back after another set of tests came positive.
Yet another patient visited GMC 5 times in as many days complaining of fever and sore throat but was not admitted. On the seventh day the authorities had to rush to his residence to bring him in as he tested positive.
This is an indication that these tests are not 100 percent accurate and as studies in China has collated false negative reports can be as high as 30 percent.
Are these instances not enough to say that the chief minister doesn’t really understand whatever his saying and doing?
Secondly around 8000 seafarers are stranded in the seas in faraway international waters for more than a month and chief minister Pramod Sawant and his NRI Commissioner Narendra Sawaikar has no clue how to tackle the situation to bring them back.
Retired seafarers including captains of the ship have provided detailed inputs to embark upon a plan to bring back the seafarers, but the bunch of jokers in the cabinet including the chief minister has throw the ball in the Union government’s court simply because the clowns in the Goa cabinet are incapable of applying its mind.
This ineffective, weak and useless chief minister of Goa and his sidekick the NRI commissioner has to understand these seafarers have brought precious foreign currency into India and during this crucial juncture the government is deserting them.
Thirdly when even the public is sensitized about social and physical distancing, government servants mostly teachers are packed in the hall throwing all caution to wind to train them to conduct a survey in the state.
Nisser Dias
This exercise by the government is an exercise in futility or rather maybe to enter the expenses in the account books. We should not lose sight of the fact the state government has receive Rs. 6 crores as initial payment and have to receive another Rs. 5 crores to fight the pandemic Covid-19. Whether the money would be sincerely used for the purpose or diverted elsewhere by smudging accounts is a question mark.
The government should have roped in panchayat members to carry out this survey in their respective wards and immediately taken up ‘testing and tracing’ on war footing instead of roping 7000 government servants to do it. With this move the government has violated its own lockdown.
Chief minister Sawant is not capable of comprehending the situation because he is not at all practical or pragmatic in his approach to fight this pandemic virus, but is just theoretical.
For the BJP government in Goa Covid-19 is event and chief minister is the stage manager.

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