Thursday 14 October 2021

Prashant Kishor’s ‘Original Sin’ – By Nisser Dias

Goa is going to polls in 2022; Trinamool Congress Party (TMC) has taken a plunge into this political carnival. As a political outfit they have all the right under the Indian Constitution to broaden or widen their spectre.

Secondly they are riding high on a wave of convincingly defeating the BJP in West Bengal twice. Once during the general elections and second during the by-election of chief minister Mamta Banerjee.

But with TMC comes a different package or baggage whatever one may call it. And it is India Political Action Committee. In short I-PAC founded by Prashant Kishor.

Kishor informed the world he would quit the group but I-PAC would remain after the victory of TMC in Kolkata is one facet. That he convinced Luizinho Faleiro into joining Didi’s party is another aspect which has to be viewed from the political prism.

In the Christian doctrine, the community believes in a conjecture called ‘Original Sin’.

It is the condition or state of sin into which each human being is born. In common parley it has been ascribed to the sin of the first man, Adam, who disobeyed God in eating the forbidden fruit (of knowledge of good and evil) and consequently transmitted his sin to his descendants.

This doctrine has its basis in the Bible. Similarly is the case of Prashant Kishor and his CAG (Citizens for Accountable Governance).

CAG’s original sin was facilitating or pole-vaulting Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister of this country. After Kishor fell out with prime minister, he disbanded or rather re-christened CAG to I-PAC.

What followed subsequently is suffering and death of common man, increasing communal divide, nose diving economic graph, sky rocketing of fuel prices and wholesale self glorification cult to make Modi larger than life.

In short Kishor created a monster. Now he is trying to wipe his slate clean of his original sin. Hopefully in this quest he will not create more monsters. We have already experienced Luizinho Faleiro’s ‘Salazar rule’ in Goa as chief minister and would not like to be his subjects again.

Corporate manufactured mandates fabricated with lies, smear and slander are not healthy for democracy as the citizens’ start believing fallacy as truth since they are told with a straight face.

One such lie manufactured during Modi’s campaign in 2013 was bringing in all the black money stashed away in foreign countries and depositing Rs. 15 lakhs in each and every citizen’s account. Like fools we are stilling awaiting it to happen.

I-PAC by default is part of these lies too as it was strategizing BJP’s campaign.

Mamta Banerjee may have the grit, guts and determination to take on the duo at the Centre. But it will not happen with the career politicians in Goa and especially those roped in by TMC through I-PAC.

Goan career politicians have a lot of skeletons in their closet which will surely spill out if they even try to squeal against Prime Minister Modi and Home minister Amit Shah.

TMC ‘Man Friday’ Luizinho Faleiro could not even take-on BJP government in Goa as he did not want to upset his applecart, hence cannot be expected even to take digs at the powerful duo at the Centre. At the most his strategy will be to only take pot-shots at the BJP as a party.

Besides Goa, six other states are going to polls in 2022, UP, Manipur, Punjab, Uttarakhand and later in the year Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. Why is TMC and I-PAC not strategizing contests in other states, why only Goa is a question mark.

Because I-PAC comes at a huge cost and political parties are not willing to dish-out astronomous amounts.

Prashant Kishor surely understands that creating a cult costs piles of cash, destroying it takes even more. Hence for that reason citizens of this country will have to bear with the consequences of the ‘Original Sin’ of I-PAC Prashant Kishor’s ‘Frankenstein Monster.’


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