Tuesday 15 March 2022

I-PAC’s Prashant Kishor juggernaut crumbles in Goa – By Nisser Dias

He thought he was invincible and could prop up any party to power. He thought he was unstoppable and political victories would follow him wherever he goes. He thought he was unshakeable in his abilities to assess, evaluate and plan strategies for the success of political parties to form governments. However, in Goa, the new dawn he promised extinguished even before it saw light. Prashant Kishor was successful in installing BJP government at the national level, TMC in West Bengal, DMK in Chennai and YSR Congress party in Andhra Pradesh as his Indian Political Action Committee (I-PAC) managed their campaign plans. These victories seem to have given PK the aura of demi God with a Midas touch. But Goan voters proved him wrong. They sent a crystal-clear message to him that Goans do not get swayed with promises and innuendos and prefer a known devil rather than an unknown angel. Interestingly even before I-PAC set foot in Goa in September 2021 highly celebrated poll strategist was focusing on Goa through his success prism. Six months before the Goa assembly election Prashant Kishor was in touch with probable candidates from various parties with precise agenda to introduce TMC party in Goa. Flight tickets to West Bengal were booked for gullible candidates and also newbies wanting to get into politics, some fell for the smooth talk of PK, while others gently refused the offer. When TMC announced their entry into Goa through I-PAC, it was like a breath of fresh air for large chunk of voters who wanted a change from the usual political players and parties. But it was short-lived as TMC with the advice of I-PAC muddled the waters with induction of veteran career politician Luizinho Faleiro. This was followed by several self-goals TMC scored by inducting dubious politicians from various parties more from the Congress. Voters were saying that TMC entry into Goa was more from cleansing the Congress party in Goa of its garbage rather than building it up from the scratch by attracting young, dynamic and credible persons. Congress party without a shadow of doubt was loaded with lot of baggage of traitors, betrayers and turncoats. To give themselves a makeover they jumped on the TMC bandwagon and Didi’s party accepted them with open arms. TMC politicians like Derek O’Brien, Mohua Moitra, Dev Sushmita and others who camped themselves in Goa the whole time were mere puppets in the hands of I-PAC. These politicians who otherwise rock the parliament during sessions had no say in the working of the agency and merely nodded their heads like minions at all the wrong decisions adopted by it. The large team of I-PAC personnel were like busy-bees for almost six months calling up voters, collecting their data, sending press notes to media houses and reporters or organizing press conferences, roping in politicians of all hues and age right from young panchayat members to septuagenarians to turn the electoral tide in their favour or as they coined it, ‘to bring a new dawn’. As poll promises, they designed schemes to entice women, youth and even the unemployed offering direct cash transfer, collateral-free loans and unemployment insurance so as to clinch power in Goa but their narrative came unstuck. People saw through the hollowness of these promises especially simply because BJP government has drowned Goa into a huge debt. And for TMC to offer such schemes was simply not feasible. If only they had to promise to bring Goa out of the debt trap would be more plausible. PK and his agency failed to realize the old adage, ‘you can fool all the voters some of the time, and some of the voters all the time, but you cannot fool all the voters all the time.’ The Goan voters refused to swallow the sugar-coated pill dished out by I-PAC and Prashant Kishor and result was TMC failed to get even one candidate elected that too after pouring in thousands of crores which otherwise could be used to elevate issues in West Bengal. Infact Goan voters exposed the vulnerability of Prashant Kishor and ended his elections winning spree.

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