Sunday 30 June 2024

Unmasking the Nexus: The Assagao House Demolition Scandal – By Nisser Dias

The brutal and unlawful demolition of a house in Assagao, executed without judicial orders and with sheer force, has blown the lid off a festering corruption scandal that implicates politicians, police, and land sharks across India. This brazen act has laid bare a corrupt nexus that has long operated in the shadows.

Exposing the Corruption

Police Inspector Prashal Dessai's courageous decision to implicate Director General of Police (DGP) Jaspal Singh in this heinous affair is merely the tip of the iceberg. This scandal demands a rigorous, independent investigation to uncover the full extent of the conspiracy and identify all the culprits. The disgrace of DGP Singh confirms what many have long suspected: the police serve those who line their pockets, not the public they are sworn to protect.

The Chain of Command

It is implausible that DGP Singh acted alone. Such an operation would have required coordination with the Superintendent of Police and the Deputy Superintendent of Police, who would then direct the inspector on executing the plan. The scheme involved evicting the Agarwadekar family by summoning them to the Anjuna police station, falsely claiming the house was unoccupied, and then demolishing it.

When the operation went off the rails, hired thugs resorted to kidnapping the father and son. By this time, neighbours and the media had already been alerted, preventing the plan from being fully executed. This entire chain of command must be dissected to hold every participant accountable.

Political Collusion

We must scrutinize on whose orders DGP Singh was operating. Was he following directives from higher political authorities? It is inconceivable that Singh would jeopardize his career without powerful backing. The involvement of BJP-affiliated bouncers suggests a direct political link to the demolition.

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant's Role

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant’s eagerness to rebuild the demolished house with public funds is highly suspicious. Even in cases of misconduct, courts typically order that costs be recovered from the perpetrators, not the government. Secondly why is Sawant in such a hurry to transfer DGP Singh to Delhi instead of suspending or dismissing him to ensure a fair investigation? As Home Minister, Sawant is Singh's direct superior. Sawant's reluctance to appoint a retired High Court judge for a judicial inquiry is telling. The so-called investigation by the Crime Branch into this abuse of power is a sham, designed to protect senior officials and making junior officers as scape-goats.

A Cover-Up in Motion

Whenever judicial courts grant bail to accused persons, the conditions are “not to interfere with investigation” and “not to influence the witnesses”. The Goa BJP government's request to transfer DGP Singh is nothing more than a manoeuvre to keep him in power, allowing him to influence the investigation, tamper with evidence, and intimidate witnesses. This move is a blatant attempt to cover up the chain of events and protect high-ranking officials.

Demanding Accountability

The people of Goa deserve transparency and justice, not a cover-up orchestrated to shield powerful individuals. Only a relentless and unbiased investigation can restore faith in the system and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. This scandal is not just about a single house demolition; it is about uprooting a deeply entrenched corruption that threatens the very fabric of our society. The citizens of Goa must demand accountability and refuse to let this outrage be swept under the rug.

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