Tuesday 12 January 2016

Luizinho Faleiro – Will he, will he not contest the upcoming Assembly elections?

By Nisser Dias                                                                                 

With the announcement that Goa Pradesh Congress Committee president is going to contest the Assembly election from Navelim constituency by his man-Friday Moti Dessai, Congress seems to have started digging its grave deeper.
One of the reasons that the Congress had fared so badly at the 2012 polls was because party tickets was being allotted to the same old fogies (faces). The party does not seem to have learnt its lessons.


Worse still is the recent statement of the GPCC vice-president Moti Dessai that Congress president Sonia Gandhi has asked GPCC president Luizinho Faleiro to contest from the Navelim assembly segment. This is akin to the old shepherd leading his old flock from the front thereby denying youngsters to lead from the front.
It might be a tactical error by Dessai by blurting out part of a strategic plan but the damage is already done as intentions or willingness to contest seems to have exposed.
If the president himself indicates his willingness to contest how can he convince old faces to hang their boots is the questions that comes to mind. What is the message that is being sent to the youth who maybe inspiring and even preparing to throw their hat in the ring.
Undoubtedly, given the present scenario, Luizinho Faleiro has a good chance of winning back the Navelim seat for the Congress as the constituents are dis-enchanted with the present incumbent as he does not show the leadership qualities required for the job.
For the last three years at every national function where he had to hoist the National Flag, Navelim MLA and Fisheries minister Avertano Furtado has been promising to complete the south Goa District hospital but it is still lying in ruins. He has also been promising support for English as one of the choices for Medium of Instruction in school but it remains only on paper. He fails to compel or coerce powers that be to do his will. Basically Avertano Furtado cannot assert himself and ends up calling ‘Sir’ to government rather than demanding respect and authority.
On the other hand Luizinho Faleiro has tendency to be the absolute ruler and rough-shod not only his constituents but also public servants. Lest we forget that he was nicked-named ‘Salazar’ during his tenures as chief minister.
Winning or losing the seat is another matter. The most important exercise that the Congress must undertake is to redo its image which has been damaged by the old guard of Congress legislators. As long as these veterans have a say or are allotted tickets, corruption, nepotism will continue and hence the image of the party is unlikely to undergo any transformation.
Instead of announcing that Faleiro will contest from Navelim Assembly segments, Congress should have show-cased their gen-next candidates. Campaigning for them should have been underway so as to field strong candidate.
This does not seem to be the case. It seems that GPCC’s hidden agenda is to allot tickets to the same old legislators including defeated ones by later stating that they youth did not come forward.
For a moment, let us assume that youth are not coming forward to join the Congress party in Goa. The reason for the draught is that their voice is never heeded by the old order which is still ruling the roost.
And Luizinho Faleiro is also one of the old faces. By now he should have handed the reins of GPCC to younger generation so as to salvage the almost buried ship. There seems to a cardinal rule in the Congress party ‘Never let the younger generation come-up’.
After all said and done Moti Dessai blundered and the price to pay will be heavy. GPCC might have clarified that Luizinho is yet decide to contest but the damage is already done and this very statement is going to alienate the youth further.


Send your comments/reactions to nisserdias@gmail.com or SMS, whatsapp to 9422437029)

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