Wednesday 21 September 2016


From the beginning I have been a big critic of the man called Manohar Parrikar. He was termed as great administrator and an intelligent person, but his arrogance and ‘know it all’ attitude always preceded him.

In 2002 and 2004 he flabbergasted everybody by building some bridges and giving out doles. But where he failed miserably was to bring about a systematic change in the functioning of the government or rather governance.

In 2012 Manohar Parrikar was given another mandate by Goans to right the wrong of the Congress, however he was an utter disappointment. He did U-turns of his own party’s manifesto just to be in power.

When he realized he had failed Goans, he ran off to Delhi as a Defence Minister where his failure is personified.

One cannot trust this man to administrate the State if we want to keep Goa for Goans. READ ON….
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Manohar Parrikar father of U-turns…..

1. Rs.11 lakhs squandered on that pompous swearing-in ceremony on SAG grounds at Campal on 9th March 2012.

2. His sudden surrender to the mining lobby, after consistently exposing illegal mining as Opposition Leader for seven years.

3. Promised was a new Agricultural policy to make agriculture a more rewarding effort but all that we witness today is the continued sight of fields and hills being converted to concrete jungles.

4.Regional Plan was supposed to be finalised but 4 years down the line it is still undergoing scrutiny to enable builders to erect concrete jungles.

5. Promised to ensure regular, uninterrupted power supply the BJP had promised that the whole of Goa would have underground cabling in five years it is still a dream.

6. Promised to make Goa plastic-free in three years, infact plastic has increased.

7. Promise that a garbage management system would be in place in 18 months is still a distant dream

8. Contrary to the 2012 assurance, the six-lane Zuari Bridge has not been a priority instead third bridge over River Mandovi was undertaken.

9. Promised Special Status but has done nothing to control the alarming and unacceptable levels of migration into Goa.

10. The promise to get rid of the Casinos from the River Mandovi was another cruel joke.

11.Wasteful expenditure of Ministers and MLAs on unnecessary travel, but the current Ministers and MLAs have been jetting around while draining an already depleted exchequer.

Check his abysmal records as Defence Minister of the Country.





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