Wednesday 14 September 2016

The need of the hour is good honest governance Mr. Kejriwal! -- By Dinar Barros

Dinar L Barros
After attending a couple of corner meetings on invitations by the AAP cadres , including one addressed by Shri Arvind Kejriwal, it was evident after listening, that most Goemkars are bleeding. Bleeding profusely from the wounds inflicted by the powers that be. And the pain and anguish is such that they are in a mighty hurry to smash the guts out of the present "sitting forty ". This was expressed by most including the AAP prospective candidates. Though these outbursts are evident of the depth of the wounds, Goans but naturally are in a quandary and are at a loss to put forth their aspirations to the Delhi based regional party. On the other hand, AAP, apparently cashing in on this weakness, is clear on its electoral aspirations. Use the' broom' to unseat the forty. And this appears to be the poll plank for the AAP campaign.

We Goans will not bend down to hold the short, used broom. Used may be by the powers that be. Going back in time, we used the hand of the Congress to throttle the roar of the MGP lion. Then with the beaming lotus of the BJP held high with hope, we managed to outshine the mucky hand of corruption. Remember it is thanks to that thick layer of muck that the lotus from the village of Parra pond stood tall as a sign of good hope and purity. Later on, that very lotus from Parra literally ditched the Goans by showing preferences for the Delhi waters; but not before stopping mining.. The zero in the much promised "zero tolerance to corruption" has been replaced by a digit or two. And the zero has been moved after the decimal point! And now with the turbulent waters and added to it the under currents in most of the ponds in Goa, the lotus grapples. Concurrently alongside AAP corner meetings or dialogues venues, freebies are offered in the form of coconut saplings etc. obviously to divert the villagers from attending the same.cThis proves that AAP is a force to reckon with for the now jittery MLAs.

We need good governance to weed out corruption. When mining and real estate, whether legal or illegal has done irreversible damage to Goa and most Goans, the AAP brand ambassador Arvind Kejriwal is adamant to increase the cap, legally, and that it would be world class; albeit the much spoken "Goa dialogues" ! The need of the hour is world class governance Mr. Kejriwal.

Land reforms are required of the kind that will ensure affordable land for the Goan  and not just Regional plans with inflated settlement zones emerging as it appears from the drawing boards of the real estate operatives . The term 'land development' is demeaning to the very ethos of our rich Goan culture.

Land agents have cropped up in both the organized and the unorganized sectors. There are land agents among the AAP cadres, a land agent in almost every elected representative, a land agent in Sonia Gandhi's emissaries, in professionals, a land agent in the Communidade, a land agent in the nearby Govt. office. Add to it the property expos. The time is short when a tsunami of MNCs will wipe away all that remains of pristine Goa after the Mopa airport is fully operational. The rich Goan land has been turned into a commodity. Can a common Goemkar afford to buy a small piece of land to build a decent dwelling? We need a Government that will ensure affordable land for the Goemkars.

The identity of a Goemkar in a demographic Goa is slowly but steadily getting smudged. We need a government that will identify a Goan not by the flimsy 15 years domicile but by tracing back to his or her ancestry.

Casino culture has been existing outside almost every tavern, at every ‘tinto’ or in the confines of a mansion after a lunch or dinner party. It may be in the form of ‘tablamcho khel’, matka, godgodo and the card games respectively. Being in the unorganized sector these games do not give revenue to the government unlike the licensed casino.  So why not the floating casinos?  Well any activity on a larger scale, as is the case with the floating casinos, is polluting when not monitored and an eye-sore to be seen in the pristine waters of our rivers. A casino should not be a money-laundering machine. These casinos could be floating in the high seas equipped with a functional sewage treatment plant and a helipad to airlift the gamer. But a floating casino will never be as destructive as the rampant mining or real estate operations.

The result of the  historic Opinion Poll, the milestone of a plebiscite in Goa's history, proved the very mettle of the united Goemkars. With clear foresight and determination we voted to retain the unique identity of Goa. Henceforth, in the same spirit, we Goans will treat every election to every elected body as an opinion poll and vote unitedly and decisively to retain our unique identity. And this will be our fundamental aspiration.

And let AAP get the message clear that just toppling is not the name of the game. ‘Goemkarancher topi ghalchi nuim’.

AAP needs to come clear on their policies for mining as well as Goa's fragile land.

Goa certainly requires a Government with a strong political will and a bureaucracy with commitment to achieve the desired results in meeting the aspirations of the Goans.


Dinar L Barros



M: 9422059996

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