Monday 12 December 2016

Humanity still exists in Goa in modern times. -- By Nisser Dias

“Whatsoever you do to the least of your brethren, you do unto to me” this is not only a biblical quote but what is practiced by a small group of business in Margao, who basically shy away from publicity and propaganda.
Feeding the poor and the destitute

This unassuming group has been providing lunch for hundreds of beggars every Sunday for the last 17 years. Their motive is to provide the destitute atleast a square meal during the week consisting of rice, dal and chicken.

Simon (does not even want his surname to be published) hit upon this novel plan based on the concept of the ‘American soup kitchen’ (A soup kitchen, meal centre, or food kitchen is a place where food is offered to the hungry for free or at a below market price. Frequently located in lower-income neighbourhoods, they are often staffed by volunteer organizations, such as church or community groups.)

Simon recounted that he put this plan in operation on Christmas Day in 1999 where he offered free lunch to around 10 beggars. From then on there was no looking back and this group has travelled a long way of 17 years to feed the poor every Sunday.

Recollecting his journey, this good Samaritan reminisces that he did not have a place and he requested Dr. Sincleta Rebello for premises who willingly asked him to use her two shops opposite Fatima High School to serve the starving within the vicinity of Margao.

Within weeks the word spread through the beggar grapevine about the free meal and the numbers started increasing and Simon started feeling space constraints.

He then approached Dr. Carmo Gracias who urged him to use the open space at his hospital including his garage where the free meal is currently being served.

Dr. Carmo has gone a step ahead to provide water, sink and washing space, cupboard for storing plates. Besides he also sponsors one meal every month.

Simon hesitatingly disclosed that every meal costs them Rs. 5000 and this is generated through the contribution of the group or whatever they receive from their customers and friends.
Volunteers serving the poor.

Interestingly most of the volunteers serving the meals every Sunday from 12.30 to 1.30pm to the destitute are contributors themselves. “We are in need of volunteers but they should come forward without any selfish and ulterior motive, then they are most welcome”, says Simon. He goes on to inform that is not a mere publicity exercise, “before serving them the meal we pray along them for the sponsors and their intentions”. “Some of the destitute get addicted to alcohol or substance because of problems at home we have detoxified some, counselled them and united them with their families”.

Nisser Dias
He goes on to add that detoxification process at Hospicio is little problematic for his group since as per the Hospicio procedures, besides the patient another person has to be present all the time by the bedside which is not feasible.

Undoubtedly, this is a fast world where one does not have time for others, wherein parents are being admitted in aged homes, families are fighting over properties, neighbours over boundaries but here is group of caring people subtracting relaxation time or time with their families to be with the poor and destitute to feed them thereby show-casing humility, humanity and indeed being human.



  1. Nisser you have highlighted very well how Simon and his team are reaching out to the poor. Here in India our politicians want praise when they show they are concerned about the poor but they are only filling their pockets God bless Simon and his team

  2. God bless them all!! Proud of goans!!
    It wud however help to also give out their contact... in case someone wants to help with the donations.

  3. Hi Nisser,

    would like to be a part of this outreach, my no is 9420686951, if you could pass on my no and have them contact me, would be nice.would want to contact them myself but as posted they would not want to pass on their contact details.
