Friday 9 December 2016

NGT exposes BJP govt's tearing hurry on various projects -- Jose Maria Miranda

Third bridge over Mandovi river
The Governments both at the Centre and this State are pursuing vigorously their agenda of all round development, promised by the BJP before the last elections. It is their avowed objective to showcase, before seeking a fresh mandate, as many projects as possible, whether necessary or not, properly executed or not. However, nothing can be farther from truth than the usual tirades of Goa Government of activists being anti-development. The proof against this canard is that the NGT has found reason with their appeals and stalled several projects because proper procedures have not been followed or ECs have been found faulty or not obtained. And this is what the activists and NGOs have been insisting upon. Instead of being remorseful of such serious lapses, people like Manohar Parrikar question the source of funds of NGOs for defraying massive Court expenses. This only confirms that this Government indulges in despotic and unscrupulous decisions in the hope that people will not resort to legal action due to heavy expenses involved, energies expended and tenacity needed. This attitude is shameful and highly reprehensible on the part of a responsible Government which ought to follow the rule of law and lead by example. Except during Emergency, the country did not have a more autocratic rule than the present one, where fascist tendencies are becoming more and more evident. In league with rich industrialists, the Government is trampling upon the rights of the people, particularly the poor and marginalized. Development is surely needed and the efforts in this direction of the party in power can be appreciated. However, stipulated procedures need to be followed, the affected people need to be taken into confidence and environmental and ecological concerns cannot be overlooked. These are generally given a go by, mostly because the motives are hidden and dishonest and the protests, if any, expected to fizzle out in no time. Faced with so many challenges in the Courts, be it on mining, Mandovi bridge, Mopa airport, Tiracol project, etc, where this Government has taken a beating, it ought to have sat up and introspected into its misadventures, but the brute majority it enjoys in the Legislatures, makes it bulldoze its way, unmindful of the consequences.
Areal view of land at Mopa where the airport is planned
One of this Government’s pet projects is the Mopa airport. Despite being unnecessary, financially unviable and likely to bring economic and environmental disaster to the State, the Government is pushing through the project in mighty hurry. I will not repeat what I have already pointed out earlier about the havoc being created at the site with destruction of human and animal habitat, water springs, etc. What is distressing is that despite three cases, one in the Apex Court regarding land acquisition and two in the National Green Tribunal, the Government is still going ahead with the project, perhaps banking on Court adjournments and eventual plea or claim of being a fait accompli. The NGT Pune, hearing petitions on Environment Clearance for Mopa, has adjourned the hearing till January, but has directed the Government not to disturb, till the next hearing, the Dhangar community, which has been residing on the plateau for centuries. The Government, eager to hurry with this unscrupulous project, was surely planning to rehabilitate the community elsewhere but now this attempt stands temporarily stalled. The possibility of the EC being rejected cannot also be excluded.
Though people notorious for their U turns, are assuring us that Dabolim will be retained, we are all aware that it is exactly these very people who will be instrumental in turning Dabolim airport into an exclusive Naval enclave. Let us not be naïve and let our past experiences serve us as warnings, particularly to the main stakeholders, like the owners of hotels, eating houses, shacks, taxis, etc. The recent spat between the Government and AAI over the so-called change of use of land sought for aviation allied activities, which included parking and construction of barracks for CISF is another attempt at throttling Dabolim, while giving the public the impression that it is otherwise. The plot is slopy, uneven and more than half a km from the airport, making it unsuitable for parking.
Jose Maria Miranda
Expressway was a pre-requisite for Mopa airport. Yet this Government never thought it fit to consult the people on such massive need of land. It was called a bypass but eventually, at break-neck speed, the 60mts. wide expressway is being bulldozed. It cuts across many villages with massive filling of fields, with resultant danger of flooding. Why such width is needed when Goans face shortage of land for housing is a relevant question to be asked particularly to the altar boys, who in their quest for tickets just nod their heads in approval of their masters’ diktats.
While GMR has won the bid to construct the airport, GVK refused to bid when they could not find satisfactory answers from the authorities to their queries. These were incidentally prompted by the caution letter sent to proposed bidders by Goans for Dabolim Only (GFDO). A financial newspaper comments thus on GMR: “GMR Group has been struggling under the weight of heavy debt. With business interest in airports, energy and infrastructure, the Group has a consolidated debt of 39154 crores”.  However, Goa Government, which is itself heavily in debt, is helping GMR by building the approach road at an approximate cost of Rs. 600 crores. This construction which was originally to be done by the bidder is now being undertaken by the Govt. by loading this cost in passengers’ fares. Further 232 acres of land are being allotted to GMR for commercial activities. Such is the clout enjoyed by GMR which will eventually use it to close down Dabolim with active support of Navy.   

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