Tuesday 28 March 2017

“Development” under this Government must be kept under regular check—By Jose Maria Miranda

The recent political developments in Goa were indeed shameful but it is imperative for us now to leave them behind and move forward keeping a constant check on every step this Government takes and the model of development it wishes to implement. The unambiguous indictment of the ruling Party, through the EVMs, ought to make this Government sit up and introspect over its past performance and misdeeds,  often brought to light by the Press and the people but overlooked by a defiant Government, bent upon doing what it wanted.
Fr. Bismark staging protest at Panjim
to save Tracol village
It is to be hoped that having failed to see the writing on the wall and consequently having faced a humiliating defeat, it will now make amends and act with prudence and be overcautious not to take people for granted. At the same time, the developments are also a painful indication to us that the will of the people, exercised every five years, no longer matters. We are no more the kings who will decide which Government will rule us. And this is what we seem to lose sight of when many of us, most unashamedly, clap for the installation of a Government supported by a bunch of traitors and turncoats, who made a mockery of the people’s mandate. No matter what our views and expectations are on performance and development, such happenings do pose a grave danger to democracy particularly with the type of Government we have at the Centre.
Construction of the 3rd bridge over Mandovi river

It is now abundantly evident that aggressive attempts at usurping power, using all types of detestable means, and at eliminating opposition will not stop. Presenting PM Modi as the unquestioned leader, who can and will then rule like a dictator, having almost all the States in his pocket – is the aim.  If a clear verdict of the people against the ruling Party, by showing the door to half the Ministry, including a crushing defeat of the Chief Minister, can be overturned overnight by manipulations and by those who got elected on anti-incumbency platform, where is the people’s say in the elections and the respect for people’s mandate? However, to be candid, whatever has happened, though highly immoral, might prove to be a blessing in disguise both to the Congress as well as to us. To the Congress, because it is in disarray and would not have been able to bring stability to the Government.
Further, the Central Govt. would have starved Goa of funds and ensured that  the  Congress Government was unable to function effectively. This would have disgraced the Congress further and been detrimental for the Party in future. This Government could be beneficial to us in terms of performance, as it has the support of the Central Government. Further, having learnt its lessons from the electoral setback, it is unlikely to repeat past mistakes and will probably take a more cautious approach to various controversial issues. However, the greatest danger we face is that this Government will be a pawn in the hands of the Central Govt. which tries to implement its nefarious plans through their submissive and servile agents in Goa.

Many controversial and some grave issues haunt us at present and the Government has a herculean task ahead. While we do not doubt the competence of people in the Government, surely we cannot remain complacent In fact., considering our past experiences, we need to be always suspicious of their intentions, for too often they have put their own interests and those of their bosses in Delhi above ours. It is a painful experience for many activists and those who, at the cost of many sacrifices, have been ever vigilant on issues dear to the hearts of all Goans, to have to be on the roads no matter which Government  comes to power.
Areal view of lush greenery at Mopa

 The nationalization of our rivers, the highly dangerous proposal to convert Mormugao into a coal hub, the conversion of our village roads into highways, thereby inviting further trouble over SC’s decision to remove nearby liquor outlets, the proposed 80 meter expressway, which will divide our compact villages, destroy our fields, raze our hills for mud requirements and fell thousands of our trees with likely environmental impact; the Mopa airport, which will create rather than solve problems and can easily be dispensed with, if expansion of Dabolim can be worked out if only the Chief Minister has the willingness and Goa’s interests at heart – all this and much more are in the present Government’s plate, which may not be easy to deal with. Surely divergent views do exist in the Cabinet but whether they will come to the fore or whether some members will just swallow the dictates of the supreme commander is to be seen. The Cabinet has some very clever manipulators,
Manohar Parrikar -- Chief architect of Goa's destruction
which we need to guard against. The Regional Plan is another very important issue for us, particularly if we are keen in retaining whatever Goemkarponn is still left in Goa. It will indeed be a difficult task to counter Vijay Sardesai, the new TCP Minister who, as has been seen, is endowed with great manipulative powers to deceive the public. But it will be no less difficult for Vijay to balance his greed with people’s demands on the Regional Plan. It is here that Vijay’s much proclaimed Goenkarponn will be put to test. If we know him well, he is unlikely to be a winner. But if he proves to be a traitor to Goans once again, the Regional Plan may be his Waterloo. Development is needed but it cannot be at any cost. It has to be Goa and Goan centric and environment friendly. “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty”








Friday 24 March 2017

TCP minister Vijay Sardessai's ceremonial visit to Sonsoddo garbage dump - By Nisser Dias

Newly anointed Town and Country Planning (TCP) minister Vijay Sardessai visits Sonsoddo garbage dump, Water Resources Department (WRD) minister Vinod Palyekar makes a surprise visit to his department offices are some of the headlines in the news dailies either immediately or a week later after being allotted portfolio to ministers.

It is mostly that section of ministers who have managed to walk away with plum and lucrative ministries that carry out such ceremonial raids or surprise checks initially in the tenure then everything is forgotten.
Ever growing Sonsoddo garbage mountain

The staff goes back to their old ways, things don’t move, delivery to the masses becomes slack and then the minister too moves from his home to the minister’s chamber for the rest of his term happy with red beacon flashing giving him the tag of VIP.

We have seen ministers doing it earlier and this time round it is no different. All politicians are the same and the ways are the same. These visits are nothing like raids, surprise checks but just rituals just to show their faces to the staff or personnel in their departments.

Or maybe also to introduce their henchmen, collection agents to the employees of the department so that the rest follows.

We can remember Health ministers Vishwajit Rane during the Congress regime and Francis D’souza during BJP rule visiting Hospicio and promising the skies. Sadly nothing has changed at premiere hospital of South Goa. I do not whether it can be termed as a hospital itself. One can see bandicoots criss-crossing the wards, patients sharing beds with their relatives, stained bed-sheets, abusive nurses and arrogant doctors is the order of the day.
Parrikar inspecting River Sal

In 2012, Manohar Parrikar had undertaken a tour of Margao and surrounding areas as chief minister. He had visited river Sal and after seeing its state he had questioned whether it can be called a river, he ordered the officials of sewerage treatment plant not to release raw sewage into the river. They stopped for a couple of days and then it was back to normal. Parrikar did not come back to inspect it again. End of the matter. Parrikar goes on to become defence minister than demotes himself back as chief minister and all this while the river Sal is deteriorating.

Then he promised a solution to the stalled bridge from Benaulim to Navelim. Nothing has happened there either.

Almost seven years have passed and the new district hospital at Fatorda diagonally opposite TCP minister’s residence is still under construction. Several promises and deadlines but there is neither a sign of its completion nor even a whisper from the new dispensation.

Fomento treatment plant in the background
So these visits are just an eyewash by ministers to pull wool over the eyes of the public hoping that the electorate will forgive them for their sins of betrayal. If Vijay is really interested in putting an end to the ever increasing garbage mountain he should set-up an official office there and oversee its scientific disposal which I’m sure he will not do.

Another official seen Vijay Sardessai at the Sonsoddo dump is Sanjit Rodrigues. So many projects are lying with Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation (GSIDC) which are not completed because of his inefficiency. The road from old market circle to Colva is creating a dust-storm and people are suffering, the district hospital is another grim reminded of Sanjit’s incompetence but he manages to hold on to the post of managing director of GSIDC because he is a ‘Yes’ man of the Manohar Parrikar. Sanjit ineptitude, arrogance, dereliction of duty is written in the annals of Corporation of Panjim.

Visiting the garbage dump, getting the chief minister there is nothing, but creating a hype which we have all seen before. If Parrikar was called there to build a bridge, he would have immediately brought his blacklisted contractors from outside and got it done because building bridges is the only development that he can carry. 
'Montri' Vijay Sardessai in his official chamber

In 2002 he sanctioned some bridges, then in 2004 he built some fancy ones which are today crying for attention and 2012 he sanctioned a third bridge over Mandovi which was not required.

So if Parrikar has not paid any attention to Sonsoddo garbage dump since 2002 people of south Goa cannot expect much.

In the case of Fatorda MLA he knows very well that he has lost all credibility in the eyes of the people by betraying their trust and joining hands with BJP to grab power as with power lot other things follow. So now to pacify them he has taken up the issue. I hope him all the best in his endeavour, but it is not so easy as there are lots of issues involved in it and just as Vijay himself had said that it is a land grab, I hope unwittingly he does not get embroiled in it since it is very close to Curtorim.

Vinod Palyekar on the other hand is a new hand on the block and one can understand his enthusiasm to bring about a change, how far will he successful or at what speed he will be allowed to function by his boss is to be seen because Vijay Sardessai policy is stretch work over the five years – at least that was his advice to his Margao Municipal Councilors

Monday 20 March 2017

Corrupt combination between Parrikar and Vijay Sardessai deny Catholics sufficient representation in the cabinet – By Nisser Dias

Distribution of the portfolios has revealed the true communal colours of the Manohar Parrikar along with the selfish interests of the Vijay Sardessai. Just one Catholic has been inducted in the cabinet, even while 7 MLAs of the BJP are from the minority community.

Vijay Sardessai who always claims to be secular  person and was elected largely by the minority community from Fatorda has managed to get his 2 MLAs besides himself inducted into the cabinet but did not worry about the minority community MLAs like Alina, Michael, Nilesh and others.
Communal Brigade.

While south Goa boasts 21 constituencies in the 40 assembly seats, BJP led government has allotted just 2 ministers for it while as many as 7 for 19 constituencies in the north Goa in addition to Manohar Parrikar as chief minister who is yet to stand the test of the electorate. At the same time only one Catholic find a place in the cabinet while the lone lady in the BJP does not get a berth.

Neo-saffron brigade
Vijay Sardessai of Goa Forward and independent Govind Gawde were sworn in as ministers and were alloted Town and Country Planning and Art and Culture portfolios respectively.

In 2012 also Manohar Parrikar had sworn in 2 ministers as compared to the three this time round. In 2012 it was the Avertano Furtado and Ramesh Tawadkar.

Francis D'Souza
The Hindu Christian
Incidentally Salcete with as many as eight constituencies is being represented by only one minister in the cabinet – a repeat of 2012 where in former fisheries minister Avertano Furtado was the face of Salcete taluka in the cabinet. In 2017 it is being replaced by Fatorda MLA Vijay Sardessai who after getting 3 of his 4 candidates elected on an anti-BJP plank extended his party support to prop-up the alliance government.

TCP minister Vijay Sardessai it maybe recalled along with Margao MLA Digambar Kamat and ex-Ponda MLA Lavu Mamledar on Dec 15, 2016 had laid a siege to the TCP office in Margao to protest against the government’s move to bulldoze the ODP. At that time he had said, “a complaint has already been filed with the Election Commission that the ODP is being done to collect black money, which will be used against opposition in the upcoming elections”.

It is also pertinent to note that only one Catholic (Francis D’souza) finds place in the cabinet as against 3 during 2012. As many as 7 MLAs of the BJP are Catholics and if Churchill Alemao is counted as supporting the alliance it adds to 8. Maybe the criteria for getting inducted in the cabinet if one is from the minority community one has to say what D’souza had said, “I am a Hindu Christian”

During the last cabinet Manohar Parrikar had chosen Francis D’souza, Avertano Furtado, Alina Saldanha and Mickky Pacheco was also a minister. Pacheco had to resign after being convicted to undergo his sentence.





Friday 17 March 2017

Weekend special Stuffed Peppers/Capsicum


Beef mince.

Peppers or Capsicums.



Prepare the mince normally.

After preparation of mince squeeze out as much gravy.

Wash the peppers and cut a circle on top. Pull out the cut portion holding the stem. Chop of the seeds cluster.

Fill the peppers with prepared mince and close it with its cut portion.

Heat some oil in a pan and slight fry it.

And its ready.


With highest votes, Benaulim AAP candidate at the receiving end. – By Nisser Dias

Aam Admi Party better known as AAP failed open their account in Goa at the assembly husting. Though they provided an option to the people, most of the electorate preferred to trust the known devil rather than an unknown angel.

Without a shadow of doubt, Goan edition of AAP did not have political mind-set with exception of very few like Dr. Oscar Rebello.

Most of the candidates too, one could call them political novices including the chief ministrial candidate Elvis Gomes. The only one who showed some political acumen is Benaulim candidate Royla Fernandes. That is because her father was a sarpanch for one term and panch  for three terms. she herself was a sarpanch for two years so she grew in a political environment.

Though Royla lost to Churchill Alemao by a margin of 5191, she managed to get more votes than the sitting MLA. While she polled 4182 votes, Caetano Silva could manage just 3995 votes. Hence in all the 39 seats that AAP contested only she managed to defeat the sitting MLA. None of the other candidates have achieved this feat.

Ironically she was singled out by AAP mentor for Benaulim, Margao, Velim and Cuncolim constituencies on local news channel. Serafino Cota is alleged to have said that they were requests to change the candidate for Benaulim constituency but they went ahead with Royla. That since she was a sarpanch, people have a notion that they are close to builders.

The question raised by the anchor and the reply by AAP office bearer is taken in a different connotation, basically in a negative sense as to why only she was targeted. And rightly so it seems that way.

The anchor may ask any question but there had to tact to answer them. Instead of saying that she received very less in Benaulim village, Cota could have pointed out that she was polled much more than the winning candidate in Carmona which happens to Serafino home town.

That apart, in my opinion individuals who ran the campaign in Benaulim had a mind block about Royla Fernandes and secondly were politically immature and could not make proper moves on the political chess board. Could Serafino pin-point his efforts in Carmona village which gave lead to the candidate.

Before making statements on media, Serafino should first inform what initiatives did he take to douse the fire of revolt in Benaulim regarding the selection process of AAP candidate. What measures were taken to pacify the revolting members. Secondly he should then dig deeper and find the truth of who encouraged AAP members to fill the candidature or selection forms who then revolted. What measures did party office bearer take when the revolting members started campaign against the party and then turned their sights on the candidate. What actions did the office bearers take when leaflets of character assassinations were being circulated.

If at all Royla has got much less votes in her own village, so has the Cuncolim candidate and Margao candidate has not managed to even reach 3-digit figures in any of booths in Margao.

Much hype was made about chief ministerial candidate Elvis Gomes, what happened to him, he could attract only 3000-odd votes and 4 in the list.

If at all Royla is being targeted because the difference of winning margin between her and Churchill Alemao is 5191, the difference of winning margin between Margao AAP candidate and Digambar Kamat is more than 10,000 votes.

Serafino Cota who was appointed as the mentor for these three constituencies was surprisingly silent on this issues. Why couldn’t he point out their lady candidate for Benaulim was the highest vote getter for AAP amongst all their candidates in the 2017 Assembly elections, Why couldn’t it pointed out she was the only AAP candidate to poll more votes than the sitting MLA.

Serious doubts about the working of AAP functionaries have been implanted in the minds of all those voters who cast their franchise in favour of Aam Admi Party. AAP has a selection criteria for its candidates, the party should now seriously think of setting criteria for spokes-persons. They should be able to articulate, get facts and figures right before airing their comments. By making a lose comment Serafino Cota has done a huge damage to the moral of the candidate and to the party as whole.


Monday 13 March 2017

Biggest betrayal of all times by Vijay, Churchill betrays Benaulim constituents yet again. – By Nisser Dias

It is said that people get the government they elect and this has come true. Benaulim constituents that is voters of Colva, Seraulim, Benaulim, Varca, Orlim, Carmona and Cavelossim. All of them on 4th February 2017 rejected Caetano Silva as he had supported the BJP for the last 5 years against the wishes of the people and again put their trust in Churchill and he did what he is best at betrayed his voters for 30 pieces of silver the very next day.

As recently as 30th Jan 2017 at Churchill public rally, advocate Radharao Gracias was addressing the people on his platform and urging them to vote consciously for Alemao. He advised the thousands of voters who were ferried to the venue that when Churchill is voted all the decisions on their behalf will be that of their representative even if he decides to support the BJP. Churchill interrupted, grabbed the mike from Radharao’s hand and promised the people of Benaulim that even if they ask him to support the BJP he will not do so. But a day later after getting elected he extended his support to the party that the Benaulim people had rejected.
BJP's letter to Governor
giving names of parties
supporting them.

It is the betrayal of all the 9373 voters who had cast their franchise in his favour even though he was arrested for corruption in the Louis Berger case. The BJP had thrown this turn-coat behind the bars and today he is supporting the same party.

Hence, for the man called Churchill Alemao, politics is not about development or helping the people as he says. But it is to earn his bread and butter as that is his only source of income. And for his family he is the sole bread winner.

Of the 9373 voters who have accepted his ill-gotten money to vote for him will not feel the betrayal but those who genuine voters who gave a new lease of life to him are the people feeling completely let down.
Vijay's letter of support to

Of course there is lesson to be learnt from this. When there was choice or rather an option during this elections in Congress new face and AAP but those who still preferred Churchill should not have anything to complain.

Churchill's resolution to
carry out  his will.
At the same time this party hopper from Varca is humilitated by BJP. He was not even given a cabinet berth and will now be leaking his wounds. He must now be devising ways of breaking the BJP government. But in the political circles nobody trusts him any more.

The same goes to Fatorda constituents. Vijay Sardessai did not miss an opportunity to hit out at Manohar Parrikar or the BJP government has now partnered with them to further loot and plunder Goa. He has thrown ‘Goem, Goenkar and Goenkarponn’ to the winds and from now on will be laughing his way to the bank.

For those credible, respectable well-wishers of Fatorda constituency who went that extra mile to oversee Vijay’s victory is a great betrayal of their lives. To say it is a ‘slap in their face’ would be an understatement. The others who campaigned with him day and night, who toiled for his victory would be a jolt. Vijay’s ground workers who denounced their own to be with Vijay, one can image their plight.

All along the way, Vijay Sardessai has been calling AAP as the B-team of the BJP, then he called Luizinho Faleiro as the B-team of the BJP because an alliance was opposed but all the time, it was the Fatorda MLA who was soliciting BJP.

If one reads Dr. Francisco Colaco’s on social media on 12th March evening, one can make out that he is not angry but is writhing in pain and choking with emotion at the betrayal by those whom he used to call friends.

Fatorda MLA should introspect the hearts he has broken because of his greed power and the goodies that follow. Vijay was the same man who accused Parrikar and BJP for selling Goa, for turning coconut tree into grass and many other instances. Today Vijay has shown that he is no different than any other political prostitute and is even ready to sleep with the enemy for power and commissions.

Let this be a lesson for voters not only from Benaulim and Fatorda but all over never to trust politicians. If you do so it you who will suffer the heart burn. Today my dear friend, a great dotor Francisco Colaco, even greater human being is a victim. Let us vouch not to be taken for a ride.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Losing to any of the candidates will be humilating for Churchill Alemao -- By Nisser Dias

Assembly election 2017 is very crucial for two seasoned politicians Churchill Alemao and Luzinho Faleiro. While the latter has been out of active politics for the last decade after tasting defeat at the hands of bĂȘte noire Churchill Alemao. Alemao himself is not on any better footing maybe worse than his mentor.

In case of GPCC president, he faced defeat against Churchill in Navelim assembly seat in 2006 and this time round he is pitted against his one-time close confidante and family friend Avertano. In 2012 the former goal keeper of the Churchill Brothers football team defeated his former employer at the electoral battle. Will the Fisheries minister now defeat another stalwart politicians or will Luizinho overcome friend turned political tormentor?
For Churchill losing Benaulim constituency this time would not only be a dilemma but end of his political career. In case sitting MLA Caetano Silva wins it will be a huge victory for Silva and a crushing defeat for Churchill not in terms of margin but morally.

It was NCP Benaulim candidate’s family who moved mountains to get Silva dis-qualified as an MLA on his nationality status but failed miserably. The ministry of home affairs (MHA) of the government of India, in an order passed on January 31, has pronounced Benaulim MLA Caetano R Silva to be a citizen of India and not a Portugal national as contested by the Alemao’s. Caitu’s victory will mean that the Benaulim constituents have stood by him and taught Churchill a befitting lesson.

In the case of Congress candidate Edwin Baretto winning. Firstly it would mean that yet another new face has defeated the Varca strong man on his home turf. Edwin is not a novice at politics as he is an elected panch of Cavelossim panchayat office, earlier been a sarpanch, is the Benaulim Congress block president for almost two decades but fairly new at politics at state level.

Secondly, his candidature was announced at the eleventh hour which left him with  just 20 days to campaign, file his nomination papers, galvanize his booth  committees.
Churchill has even rubbed Edwin the wrong way. After losing Assembly election in 2012 the former tried very hard to re-constitute the Benaulim block by replacing the latter with his own man where Churchill almost succeeded but Congress denied him the ticket to contest Parliamentary election in 2014, he quit the party and Edwin back in the saddle.   

Though, the general perception is that Edwin is Luizinho’s man, the Benaulim electorate especially the Congress supporters feel that a situation of alliance with NCP was created to delay the ticket to Baretto so that he would have much time to canvass, which would benefit Churchill. The talk doing the rounds in the neighbouring assembly constituencies of Benaulim and Navelim that the ‘kumpars’ had struck a quid pro quo. What is to be seen is how the alleged deal pans out for friends turned foes turned friends.

Yet another Churchill biggest fear is losing to Aam Admi Party (AAP) candidate Royla Fernandes. Her foray into politics began in 2012 where upon elected as member of Benaulim panchayat was hoisted as sarpanch. She was ousted as she refused to support the BJP. Compared with Churchill’s years in politics, Royla is a novice so the fight between them is like the legendary David and Goliath.

But Churchill fear of losing to AAP candidate goes much deeper as in the year 1984 when late Dr. Wilfred D’souza, Luizinho Faleiro, advocate Radharao Gracias and others had formed Goa Congress. Agnelo Fernandes father of Royla was decided as the Benaulim candidate of the party, however overnight it is alleged that NCP candidate arm-twisted Dr. Willy through Luizinho and bagged the ticket for himself. If Royla Fernandes wins the Benaulim seat it would be like a sweet revenge for Agnelo getting his daughter elected against his long time political opponent and also doing what Churchill failed to do in 2012 of getting his daughter elected.