Friday 17 March 2017

With highest votes, Benaulim AAP candidate at the receiving end. – By Nisser Dias

Aam Admi Party better known as AAP failed open their account in Goa at the assembly husting. Though they provided an option to the people, most of the electorate preferred to trust the known devil rather than an unknown angel.

Without a shadow of doubt, Goan edition of AAP did not have political mind-set with exception of very few like Dr. Oscar Rebello.

Most of the candidates too, one could call them political novices including the chief ministrial candidate Elvis Gomes. The only one who showed some political acumen is Benaulim candidate Royla Fernandes. That is because her father was a sarpanch for one term and panch  for three terms. she herself was a sarpanch for two years so she grew in a political environment.

Though Royla lost to Churchill Alemao by a margin of 5191, she managed to get more votes than the sitting MLA. While she polled 4182 votes, Caetano Silva could manage just 3995 votes. Hence in all the 39 seats that AAP contested only she managed to defeat the sitting MLA. None of the other candidates have achieved this feat.

Ironically she was singled out by AAP mentor for Benaulim, Margao, Velim and Cuncolim constituencies on local news channel. Serafino Cota is alleged to have said that they were requests to change the candidate for Benaulim constituency but they went ahead with Royla. That since she was a sarpanch, people have a notion that they are close to builders.

The question raised by the anchor and the reply by AAP office bearer is taken in a different connotation, basically in a negative sense as to why only she was targeted. And rightly so it seems that way.

The anchor may ask any question but there had to tact to answer them. Instead of saying that she received very less in Benaulim village, Cota could have pointed out that she was polled much more than the winning candidate in Carmona which happens to Serafino home town.

That apart, in my opinion individuals who ran the campaign in Benaulim had a mind block about Royla Fernandes and secondly were politically immature and could not make proper moves on the political chess board. Could Serafino pin-point his efforts in Carmona village which gave lead to the candidate.

Before making statements on media, Serafino should first inform what initiatives did he take to douse the fire of revolt in Benaulim regarding the selection process of AAP candidate. What measures were taken to pacify the revolting members. Secondly he should then dig deeper and find the truth of who encouraged AAP members to fill the candidature or selection forms who then revolted. What measures did party office bearer take when the revolting members started campaign against the party and then turned their sights on the candidate. What actions did the office bearers take when leaflets of character assassinations were being circulated.

If at all Royla has got much less votes in her own village, so has the Cuncolim candidate and Margao candidate has not managed to even reach 3-digit figures in any of booths in Margao.

Much hype was made about chief ministerial candidate Elvis Gomes, what happened to him, he could attract only 3000-odd votes and 4 in the list.

If at all Royla is being targeted because the difference of winning margin between her and Churchill Alemao is 5191, the difference of winning margin between Margao AAP candidate and Digambar Kamat is more than 10,000 votes.

Serafino Cota who was appointed as the mentor for these three constituencies was surprisingly silent on this issues. Why couldn’t he point out their lady candidate for Benaulim was the highest vote getter for AAP amongst all their candidates in the 2017 Assembly elections, Why couldn’t it pointed out she was the only AAP candidate to poll more votes than the sitting MLA.

Serious doubts about the working of AAP functionaries have been implanted in the minds of all those voters who cast their franchise in favour of Aam Admi Party. AAP has a selection criteria for its candidates, the party should now seriously think of setting criteria for spokes-persons. They should be able to articulate, get facts and figures right before airing their comments. By making a lose comment Serafino Cota has done a huge damage to the moral of the candidate and to the party as whole.




  2. Nisser Dias is right! .. My AAP Candidate from Benaulim, had more than one opponent. From Fighting Churchill and other external opponents that accused her and her family. She also had to quietly bear up all the name calling, shouting and issues from a handful of aap coordinators, who were probably in AAP for the fame or opportunities.

    Im proud of Royla Fernandes that though we lost. She came in second despite all the roadblocks put up by these people. She sacrificed alot and i respect her for that.

    When i got involved to fight for benaulim and protect our AAP candidate and started questioning them, i was sidelined, stabbed in the back, cursed, all sorts of things by these handful. Even our opponents wouldnt ill treat me or our candidate the way some of these aap coordinators did. No Respect for Goenkarponn within us.

    But my work was for AAP is for its purest form & ideology, and im not working for opportunists. My Work was for my people of benaulim and all over Goa. My Work was for the true goenkars.

    I will support Royla Fernandes and many other True AAP candidates across Goa, who worked with their heart


    Regarding your article in Goan Voices, I have to clarify on the following :

    1)Selection Process : 5 Goa Dialogues were held in Benaulim, Seraulim, Colva, Carmona and Cavelossim. 17 names were suggested by the villagers which were common. 5 volunteers filled up the forms, and finally Royla was selected as the candidate. At this point, a group of nine volunteers broke away once her name was declared. However, it was Serafino and me(Rodney) who defended her during a Press Conference.

    2)Then started the door to door exercise. All across the Benaulim Constituency, the villagers told us that our candidate was the wrong choice. They told us about her alleged negativity. It was only when all the Coordinators and Volunteers risked their own reputation, did the villagers agree to vote for the Party, i.e. AAP. They told us this very clearly. So these 4132 votes that the Party has secured is a result of the hard work put in by the volunteers, all across the 7 villages including Carmona. Otherwise, how can one explain the 100 votes Royla has got in her own ward and 970 votes in entire Benaulim out of 7200 votes ? Where are the 4000 votes she had promised the party functionaries at the start of the campaign ? Not for her alleged negativity, Benaulim seat would have gone AAP's way, because all voters were fed up of the past MLAs. They saw a ray of hope in AAP

    3)After the poor record of villagers in attendance for the 2 meetings in Benaulim, the candidate was put on a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan). Even then our candidate could not garner any volunteers from her own village. Different strategies were adopted at different times, depending on situation.

    4)Regarding the leaflets, I personally have not seen any. Nor did the candidate take up the matter with me. It was only in the last 2 days before the election that I came to know about the same.

    5)Serafino Cota was her mentor along with 3 other constituencies. He was in close contact with her right though the campaign. His reply was to the pointed question put to him by the anchor regarding Benaulim only, which was AAp's sure seat.

    Rodney Almeida
    Constituency Coordinator

  4. Rodney, with all due respect who are you?are you really from Benaulim not seen or heard about you locally.

    Secondly you been a cordinator as you say it, I think you got your Stratergy completely wrong so I say accept the people's decision and come down to earth from your hight chariot your riding than you will be able to see what's happening in the ground.

    Royla has done great taking on the might of Mr Churchill single handedly and came out with only face saving numbers for APP, why do you think more than 4000+ People have voted for her ?

    Lastly if you had your Stratergy correct who knows this would have been the only Seat APP might have won, so get down to your drawing board to work for the betterment of people rather than pointing fingers.

    If you think your the soul and heart of APP sit for next elections and see how much votes you get.........Niz Goan
