Sunday 9 April 2017

Felicitation of Parrikar and Amit Shah by BJP in Goa is indeed celebration of ‘Death of Democracy’ – By Nisser Dias.

Chief minister Manohar Parrikar and BJP president Amit Shah were felicitated in Goa for the formation of the government in the State by cobbling up the numbers when people did not give the BJP the mandate to govern.

Today Goa Forward and BJP are partners in crime.
'Murder of Democracy'
Parrikar now says that he has not done anything immoral but democracy is all about numbers and he had the numbers while the congress did not. 

It is well known, but since public memory is short let me remind them, that Parrikar does not believe in democracy in the truest sense but moulds and interprets it the way he wants to believe it or wants people to believe it. Secondly he interprets the meaning of democracy in two different ways – differently while in the opposition and just the opposite when he attains power. People of Goa know his crooked ways.

In a nutshell in 2004 the man named Manohar Parrikar had murdered democracy when he tried to cling to power by reducing the numbers of the Opposition in Assembly to win the Confidence Motion by bodily lifting legislator Filipeneri Rodrigues. Such an act cannot be of a person who believes in the basic tenets of democracy. For such an undemocratic act, his government was rightly disqualified by then Governor S C Jamir.

Nitin Gadkari 'The Negotiator'
Just as it said that leopard never changes its spots, the autocratic and despotic chief minister of Goa also will not change his crooked ways and means.

If he was a decent man he would have stuck to his portfolio in the Union, but no, he wanted to have absolute power to roughshod Goans as if they are his subjects and slaves. As a Defence Minister in the Modi government, Parrikar was no more than a pawn, as ultimate power was concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister. Hence he was feeling like a dog on a leash.

Secondly his performance as the Defence Minister was dismal for a person who is perceived to be intelligent. Parrikar was a figure-head defence minister, decision to buy fighter jets from France were taken by the Prime Minister.

While Manohar Parrikar was enjoying his weekend in Goa militants were attacking our army bases and our jawans were being killed. It looks like the first opportunity Modi got to snatch the Defence portfolio from Parrikar he grabbed it, relieved him in less than 24 hours and sent him packing to Goa to form the government. Looks like Modi new that treachery and chicanery were Parrikar’s forte.
The 'Conductor' orchestrated the death of democracy

Today the government in Goa is not very different from a prostitution den. Prior 2012, Manohar Parrikar did not miss an opportunity to point out acts of omission and commission of the politicians like Pandurang Madkaikar and Vishwajit Rane. Aarlier to that Parrikar had filed criminal cases against Mauvin Godinho in power scam. Last five years Parrikar and Vijay Sardessai were always at loggerheads with each other. Today these same individuals are either ministers or will soon be ministers in Parrikar cabinet. For them nothings matters as long as they have ‘power’ they know  bountiful fruits flow from it.

Vijay Sardessai- The 'Facilitator'
Between 2012 and 2014 Parrikar alleged that Vijay had constructed his house in a low-lying area, that he was a land dealer who sold land to outsiders. Today the same unscrupulous chief minister of Goa has made the Fatorda MLA as his Town and Country Planning minister. The ministry deals with land in Goa thus Manohar Parrikar trusts the skeletal remains of Goa’s land to the same man he called a ‘dalal’ and a ‘dealer’.

While in the opposition during the Congress rule, he had accused Vishwajit Rane of trying to give acres of land belonging to Goa Medical College to an Israeli company dealing in arms and ammunitions to set-up a hospital. Today,
Vishwajit Rane 'Turn-coat'
Manohar Parrikar has welcomed Rane in his party with wide arms with promises to make him the Health minister.

Again during his last tenure as chief minister he had exposed Pandurang Madkaikar for usurping land that was meant to be acquired for public purpose and today Madkaikar is the Power minister.

Mauvin Godinho is also to be made a minister. It is the same man Parrikar had filed criminal cases against for power scam.
Pandurang Madkaikar
'Power Hungry"

Mauvin Godinho 'The Chamelion'
Manohar Parrikar’s cabinet consists of individuals whom he had exposed for wrong-doings which indirectly means that he has chosen the most corrupt MLAs as his cabinet colleagues. Parrikar indeed is a man without any principles and morals, who has proved that he has sold his soul to cling to power so that his sins of commission and omission will not be exposed.

For more than ten years now Goa has been gang-raped by the same thieves in guise of politicians, the current dispensation will undoubtedly pull the plug to squeeze the life out of Goa for their selfish gains.

In his hunger to cling on to power Parrikar has accepted the tainted politicians from the Congress into his party-fold which indicates that he too cannot do without power so that he can dominate everyone and anyone.
'Salazar' of Goa

His latest targets are the journalists who refuse to tow his skewered line of thoughts and functioning. He not only refuses to answer pointed questions put to him, over and above abuses reporters. Just because he has the power and state machinery with him, he runs his wrath over the innocent hard working people but a day is not far, when Goans will say enough is enough of his despotic ways and show him his place.

So what is this felicitation of Parrikar, Union minister for Road Transport, Highways and Shipping and BJP president Amit Shah all about? It is nothing more than a celebration of ‘death of Democracy’ in Goa by these three individuals.


  1. Nisser the first picture is a old file picture or ora recent one, as see goa forward banners and prashant naik, oscar martins in those pictures

  2. Nisser you have rightly said that Modi was waiting to kick out Parrikar out of the defence portfolio But he had to dump this leopard in Goa who does not believe in democracy but many of the ladies in Mumbai support Parrikar and they say that he has done lot of good to Goa but I can see only see high level corruption in Goa
    As a defence Minister he could not make money
