Monday 25 June 2018

Social activists and general public show solidarity with Maclon Fernandes

Social activists beside general public in a show of solidarity for Maclon Fernandes gathered near the site where he is selling only Goan produce such as mangoes, pineapples, mango jam not only to encourage and  strengthen his message for self employment but also to send subtle warning to the civic authorities and police not to harass the youth who is trying to make use of his time.

For the last couple of weeks now, Maclon has been complaining that Municipality workers appear there demand that he move away from the place as he is not authorised to do business there.
Supporters say that for years now individuals have been selling newspapers and bread in the morning and nobody interferes with them but they cannot bear to see a Goans youth doing brisk business.
This youth informed that late last week Fatorda police came there and threatened to attach his vehicle if he does stop doing business, however at the intervention of some locals police inspector Navlesh allowed him to continue.
Maclon informed that some fruit vendors from the south Goa planning and development market also threatened him that they are losing business because of him, “it is surprising that a small timer like me who has just started business is causing them loss.”

Maclon claims he woke up on May 31, bought mangoes from Goans, put them in the boot of his Skoda Laura car, parked it at the Ponda circle at Fatorda and started selling it. To every customer who approaches him to buy the mangoes, he tells them that he is Goan and the reason for him to sell mangoes is spread a message to youth to use their time for constructive purpose.
Sanjeev Raiturkar who was present to show his support said that this government claims to be for Goem, Goenkar, Goenkarponn but here is Goan youth who is being harassed for doing business. Dr. Francisco Colaco said that Maclon is a shining example for other to follow and he has all his support to carry on with what he is doing.
Maclon said that it was surprising and encouraging to see well known people showing solidarity with him and his cause, “It has strengthen my conviction and with the blessing and backing of such people I will continue my mission.”

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