Saturday 7 July 2018

Agriculture minister Vijay Sardessai fails to enforce ban on Styrofoam basket in wholesale basket. – By Nisser Dias.

Two days of heavy rains in Goa and lop-sided, un-planned setting-up of infrastructure by politicians in this lovely state gets exposed. The water gets on to the highways and roads, streets and lanes, shops and houses. Worst of all shit and garbage also floats in these waters.
Brillant perception of development!!
CM Parrikar's smart city under
Nevertheless politicians of every hue and qualifications will not miss an opportunity to talk about planned development – a term (planned) that they do not understand or want to understand as they like the chaos since it opens up new avenues for the ministers to rake in gratification to line their accounts.
Town and Country Planning minister Vijay Sardessai – a man who coined the slogan ‘Goem, Goemkar and Goenkarponn’. People who know have given a fitting connotation or rather a subtext to his slogan.
Large parts of his constituency also got submerged under monsoon showers and he has been the MLA only for two terms hence all the blame cannot be pasted on him but he could have taken corrective measures.
Banned styrofoam baskets floating in agricultural land at
wholesale market in Margao
However he is man in a hurry to get as much work (development) done in his constituency and these days he is boasting of his ‘Dubai market’ (renovated fish shed in SGPDA market in Margao).
But as he basks in his own laurels, fields and catchment areas – partly in his constituency are littered in styrofoam baskets. With these catchment areas filled with water these pollution baskets are floating far and wide.
Interestingly, while he has banned the use of Styrofoam baskets in his ‘Dubai market’ he is conveniently allowing the same to be used in large quantities at the wholesale market which is controlled by his non-Goan friend.
While Goan trawler owners have repeatedly appealed their willingness to run the wholesale market other than a non-Goan, these requests have fallen on deaf ears for obvious reasons. Hail ‘Goem, Goemkar and Goenkarponn’.
Casually dumped in low-lying area at wholesale market
Now this non-Goan procures frozen fish from the east coast in India during monsoons and otherwise in Styrofoam basket even though they are banned in Goa and discards them in the river sal and adjoining low-lying areas thereby polluting it.
Vijay Sardessai also holds the agriculture portfolio but seems to least interested in maintaining our low-lying areas or catchment areas which are all part of the ecology thereby creating the right balance for agriculture. As an agriculture minister Vijay should have enforced or implemented the ban of use of Styrofoam baskets at the wholesale markets but he seems to be choosy where he can impose and relaz the ban.
Finally what can be said of a man who has built his personal bungalow on an agricultural bund, it speaks volumes of the agriculture minister.
Chief minister’s Manohar Parrikar’s idea of development of Goa or Panjim stand exposed for all to see. 12 hours of rain and the entire capital city was submerged.
False promises and garbage floats in St. Inez creek
He cannot shirk away from responsibility as he has represented the capital city since 1994 and been the chief ministers for so many years. In 2018 the world has see what 12 hours of rains done to the city. It is  indeed a shame for all Goans that a constituency represented by highly educated man goes under water within hours of rain – something that had happened prior to his elections or after he took over.

His un-planned development without taking views, suggestions or recommendation of Goan experts has dealt Panjim a severe blow but this man is
so incorrigible that he will always point fingers at others. Manohar Parrikar you have miserably failed to not only develop your constituency but even the drainage network of Panjim.

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