Saturday 6 February 2016

Dress code for Carnaval 2016, the Tourism minister must be joking

Yes, you have read and heard it right, the tainted and painted Tourism minister Dilip Parulekar has decided to introduce a dress code for 2016 carnival. And his logic is to stop vulgarity.

It is sheer height of ignorance of this minister who has travelled the globe at taxpayers cost and not learnt the meaning of carnival. Carnival means a festive season of merry-making, feasting, masquerading wearing unusual clothes and dancing. It is simply fun and frolic usually held in the streets of villages, towns or cities three days before Lent.

‘Carni’ also stands for carnivorous and ‘Val’ denotes festival. Hence it translates into Christians before going into 40 days of Lenten season could enjoy meats. And from ‘Ash Wednesday’ observe fast and abstinence of meats.

I doubt if the Tourism Minister Parulekar has any knowledge of this aspect of carnival. But by his stupid plan to introduce dress code, he has taken half the charm out of carnival.
Tourism minister Dilip Parulekar

So also by his order he has over-ruled the decree of King Momo who is supposed to be the ruler for the three days of carnival. King Momo before setting on his entourage declares the carnival open and passes his decree to eat, drink and make merry during his three day rule.”

Parulekar has not spelled out what he means by vulgar. Does that mean when men dance wearing women clothes? Does it curtail women and girls wearing short outfits or does it prohibit display of cleavage?

The ministers in the BJP government be it their own Dilip Parulekar or MGP PWD minister Sudin Dhavlikar seems to have some sort of complex. This Dhavlikar had sought to ban wearing bikini on the beaches. It seems like these men are skewed in their heads to the extent that they act like perverts themselves.

Instead of making observations of who is wearing what or adopting a stance of deciding for the women what they should wear is an insult to the fairer sex itself. Clothed or nude nobody has the right to molest, abuse, violate or rape women. Goa would be better off if these two ministers channelize their energies in providing safety to women.

Keeping our women safe from prowlers and rapists. Three years old toddlers are being raped, 6 years old children are being raped, 60 years old women are being raped. Is it because they were scantily dressed? No, it is because of the perverted minds of men who look at fairer sex as an object of pleasure.

The governments and its ministers should try to change the mindset of perverted men through education, reformatory measures or punishment. The government has to protect girls from eve-teasers, molesters, etc. Dress code or no dress code these perverted men flock to such revelry with one motive and that is to lay their hands on women.

Tourism minister Dilip Parulekar instead of enforcing dress code should use the police to be stringent with male revellers from passing vulgar comments, cat-calls  For using the excuse of applying talcum to molest girls. It would have been much better for PWD minister Sudin Dhavlikar to urge his government to act against those Indian men who ogle at women wearing bikinis at the beach instead of trying to stop women from wearing what they want.

It would have been prudent on the part the Tourism minister Dilip Parulekar to put warning notices all over the carnival parade grounds warning men of abusing festive mood to molest or violate the fairer sex.

Basically what these two ministers in the BJP government want to do in the long run is to stop western culture. But Sudin Dhavlikar and Dilip Parulekar are not ready to lead by example.

It is an open challenge to these two ‘montris’ to first shed their foreign underwears and instead wear ‘kashti’ (loin cloth). Then to discard their trousers and shirts and wear dhoti or lungi and sleeveless banyan (singlet) or kurta.

And if they cannot do that then they have no right to tell our womenfolk what to wear.

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