Thursday 27 December 2018

Finishing Goenkarponn. Controversial and caged parrots of a minister stop traditional Christmas dance. By Nisser Dias.

The recent usage of state machinery and police department to disallow a traditional dance being held at Nuvem gave an insight into the arrogance and despotic manner of the minister.
The minister does not need instruction as he was know from his younger days of always commanding people around him and whoever did not toe his line would be handled by goons from Khareband. Hence it is no surprise that to get even politically, that the former lieutenant of goons and now a minister in defunct cabinet used controversial government officers to stop the show.
The minister must have got some sadistic satisfaction out of it but then the voters are going to have the last laugh as his getting voted back to power is very bleak.
Have we forgotten Maclon Fernandes from Curtorim, who made a statement to the entire Goan community all over the globe by selling mangoes and Goan produce from his swanky Skoda car at the Ponda circle. He too was forcibly and high handedly stopped by the police from selling at the spot.
Now we really know the purpose of the Fatorda police station. It is to use these men in uniform like a small personal army to instill fear in rivals. Sadly the rivals are common men like Maclon who tried to eke out his living selling mangoes and Bryan D’souza the organizers of this dance. Both these personalities are not political people. They are proud Goans, who simply want to keep the spirit of Goenkarponn alive, not like the minister who has no known source of income or business but a lavish lifestyle. His only business is to instill fear in people who will not come to him for blessings or favours because they are proud Goans who rather keep their head high rather than lose their respect seeing in company of politicians without morals and values.
Goans who go about their activity with their heads held high and not back stab people for personal gains nor use the government machinery to target others. This minister is a complete crass, he has no moral values absolutely even though his family members are held in high esteem. He is complete debauch, corrupt morally, ethically and even spiritually. He is chameleon who hoodwinked his constituents and sought their votes immediately thereafter backstabbed them thereby showing his true colours.
Dy. Collector Agnelo Fernandes - CBI had raided his
residence and foreign currency and liquor.
It was a well thought and orchestrated plan to disallow the traditional dance and only politicians in power can it. Firstly to delay issuance of license by the Collector’s office than giving an oral go-ahead. Deputy Collector Agnelo Fernandes being on duty on Christmas day, Fatorda police inspector Navlesh Dessai keeping a bus full of policemen ready when on a night the police force is stretched to its limit to stop the dance. It was a game plan well executed.
Coming to the government officers who have no spine to stand-up to ministers and act in the right manner for the common-man through whose hard work officers like deputy collector Agnelo Fernandes and police inspector Navlesh Dessai get paid their salaries.
PI Navlesh Dessai --
The disgraceful police
Agnelo Fernandes is an unworthy controversial government officer, who was raided in the year 2015 by the CBI while he was officiating as a passport officer for allegedly issuing passports to shady characters. It was allegedly that during the entire raid which began at 7.00 in the morning and went on full day, the CBI officers had unearthed 104 bottles of foreign liquor when the permissible limit is just 12 bottles. Even foreign currency was recovered from his residence. Allegedly this officer could be bought over or made to issue passports with a bottle of liquor. Incidentally Agnelo also hails from Nuvem-Kirbhat
The case is yet to be charge-sheeted as it is hanging like a sword over his head and hence in fear must be dancing to the tunes of politicians in power. But Agnelo should realize that one day or the other the case will have to be charge sheeted and by then all the politicians will wash their hands of the case and this controversial official will have to swing alone.
Police inspector Navlesh Dessai is an incompetent, inefficient, unfit police officer who rather does his master bidding than serve the common man. Navlesh would lick his master’s shoes clean if merely asked to bend.
Nisser Dias
Recently police inspector Navlesh Dessai has been conferred with Director General of Police (DGP) insignia award for his meritorious service in the police department. This is utter disgrace for the police department and even more to the Inspector General of Police Jaspal Singh. It seems that the insignia award was conferred upon this useless, toothless, spineless officer at the behest of his political master.
Moreover it is disgrace to an upright IGP Jaspal to agree to confer this award to an officer who has no self-respect and no sense of honor.
The minister involved has denied his role in not allowing the traditional Christmas, but compulsive liar that he is, not only his voters but the Goans all over the world know it will not believe it. All know that the minister sold his soul which he did not have to form an illegal government as he knew that it was his last chance to be an MLA and he had to grab power for reasons we all know.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Manohar Parrikar - a financial burden and NPA (Non performing Asset) to the ex-chequer. -- By Nisser Dias

The ailing chief minister Manohar Parrikar made most of the Goans think that he is all about morals, ethics, above the begging bowl et al but very few had seen through the mind of this wolf in sheep’s clothing.

We also knew that his mind was not simple as he wanted us to believe, simply put his thought process and his ways of attire were poles apart. That some intelligent personalities seeing his dress code gave him the tag of a simple man and they were way off the mark.
Manohar Parrikar is the most power hungry chief minister Goa has ever experienced. We have seen arrogant chief ministers like Pratapsing Rane and Luizinho Faleiro, we have seen corrupt chief minister like Ravi Naik, we have experienced the most inefficient chief ministers in Laxmikant Parsekar and Digambar Kamat, but the Parrikar is all rolled in one and more – he is dictatorial, arrogant and despotic.
So much so that even being terminally ill he does not want to pass the baton to a young colleague but sadistically wants to inflict a deathly blow on Goa and Goans by paralysing the administration which it is most despicable.
Rajan Ghate on indefinite
hunger strike demanding
CM's resignation
In all these years we have not heard about individuals resorting to indefinite hunger strike to urge his to step down from office. We have not heard about protest marches demanding the resignation of chief minister but here we have to resort to non-violence movement to make the defunct Manohar Parrikar listen.
Lots of video clips on social media of the Parrikar giving moralistic interviews and talks about when politicians should make way for youngsters are moving around in cyberspace and also when he would quit politics and power. For most of 2018 he has been weakly batting for his life but is not leaving the crease of power.
How power hungry can this man be? Of course his mis-rule as chief minister from 2012 had earned him a nickname as the U-turn CM and along with it he had lost sympathy but his clinging to power from his bed has stripped him of every ounce of respect and pity he had from the people as along with himself he has put the administration of Goa into Intensive Care Unit.
Goans demanding CM Parrikar steps down from
One can understand that the exchequer can pay upto to a certain limit for the well-being of their elected representatives however it cannot be limitless so much so that quite a chuck of tax collected from the hardworking Goans is being used for Parrikar’s maintenance.
The saddest part is that such treatment would never be made available for the common-man. In fact the common man sometimes does not get the basic medicines for which they contribute and many a times influence have to be used for government medical doctors to even examine or attend to patients.
The people have a right to know if not the status of Parrikar’s health at least how poorer the ex-chequer has become with his illness. We have to set a certain limit of how much of tax payers money can be used to maintain the health of elected representatives.
God forbid if in his place a member of another party had contracted terminal illness and was continuing as chief minister, Manohar Parrikar would have brought hell on earth and have the government turned upside down and ruthless as he is would have even cast aspersion on the family itself for using public money.
Administration Paralysis
His ministers, party colleagues have now and again been demanding that he steps down not only on health grounds but also because Manohar Parrikar is no longer in-disposable to the government or the BJP party but has become a huge liability to the Goan tax-payer.
In the history of Goa a social activist Rajan Ghate also had to resort to indefinite hunger strike to make people aware that there is total paralysis of administration and breakdown in law and order and the imported and laced ministers in his cabinet are making merry.
There is talk that chief minister Manohar Parrikar want his statue erected in the state of Goa and his supporters will surely demand it but they can be assured that there will be a huge opposition to it and all the dirt that is stock-piled in cyberspace and on the internet will be handy ammunition. Manohar Parrikar will also go down in history as the 4 times CM who never completed his term even once, though he had the opportunity to do so. He will be remembered for all the U-turns, he will be remembered for not being to solve the garbage lying our highways and roads which he has been promising to solve December 19, year after year. He name will commit to memory how he did not spare the students and curtailed their annual vacations. Can we forget how he mishandled the rape of a student in a school in Vasco?
Goa and Goans being gangraped
The list of his mis-rule and mis-deeds can fill reels of paper, how Manohar Parrikar’s decisions were taken not in the interest of Goa and Goans but in the interest of BJP to make himself a hero.
Unlike yester years the real facts of how he stuck to his chair even when he could not perform the duties he swore on the Constitution of India, his integrity as a guardian of the State’s treasury has been proved hollow as Goans are paying through their nose for the treatment to keep his heartless heart beating.
After almost nine months of pumping precious money to nurse him back to health has failed even after incisive treatment in New York, Manohar Parrikar has become a financial burden and NPA (Non performing Asset) to the ex-chequer as a chief minister. It is utter shameful and disgraceful of him to remain in power. And to realize that some called him educated and intelligent. An educated and an intelligent man or woman would never try to destroy their State or people but only cruel dictators in the likes Hitler, Salazar and Goa’s chief minister Manohar Parrikar is instintively following their footsteps. All tyrannical, autocratic rulers have the same mind set.
Even if Parrikar resigns now, it will not be considered graceful and it will go down in history as he was forced to step down. It required like minded people and social activists to take a morcha to his residence urging him to step down.
Shame on you Manohar Parrikar.

Monday 3 September 2018

Taking the phrase ‘clinging to power’ to a new level - By Nisser Dias

We all know that politicians of all hues are power hungry and given our electoral system they repeatedly contest and get elected. But chief minister Manohar Parrikar has taken the phrase ‘clinging to power’ to an absolutely new level. 
He is clinging to power at the cost of his life. Which sane person or with average intelligence would hang on to power when his health was deteriorating rapidly.
Maybe he wants to further deteriorate the financial health of Goa along with his own. Or maybe he wants the exchequer to continue to foot his medical bills. He may enjoy the perks of office but that does not mean he has to take advantage of the situation. Every time he has been the chief minister he has never failed to increase the salaries, perks and allowances of the legislators.
Just as he utterly failed to keep the state finances healthy he seems to have failed to save for himself and now that he is severely ill, continues to seek treatment in top hospitals in India and America at the exchequer’s expense, while the tax-payers find it difficult even to get proper treatment and medicines at the government hospitals.
Ironically the ‘know-it-all’ chief minister of Goa did not know what was happening to his body as he was too busy clinging on to his chair while crushing up-coming or budding leaders and keeping the opposition in fear.
The BJP boasts of having more than Rs.10 billion in their party fund account. Chief minister Parrikar must have surely contributed to this fund. It would be interesting to know how much is his party giving back or contributing to help their ailing member or footing his medical bills?
For months now he is hopping from hospital to hospital leaving the State headless and its administration, financial health in shabbles. He is simply not bothered what has happened to the State or what will happen because of these consequences.
If at all Congress or any other party was ruling the State, Parrikar would have sought the opportunity to go hammer and thongs and would not rest till another legislator was appointed as chief minister.
Because the opposition is disoriented and toothless administrative paralysis continues. Recently one Congress spokesperson demanded the status of chief minister health within 24 hours or they would initiate protests all over the state. 48 hours have passed and nothing has happened. Looks like the Congressmen have chickened out.
Another two ministers are fighting for their lives in top hospitals in Mumbai and America besides the Manohar Parrikar and tax-payers continue to foot their bills too. If at all the chief minister was in the pink of health, he would have stripped them of their portfolios and appointed some else but since he is also in the similar dilemma he lets them continue as ministers in his cabinet thereby letting Goa and Goans suffer.
Chief minister boasts of being a financial wiz, but Comptroller and Auditor General has pointed out that Goa lost Rs. 1400 crores due to mismanagement. The CAG report speaks volumes of his financial expertise. Parrikar should hang his head in shame and should have resigned as being incompetent for having caused such a huge loss to Goa, but brazen as he is, continuous to be the CM.
This is an indication that along with his health he has ruined the financial health of the State. At the same Parrikar should also not forget that his party patriarch L K Advani who he compared to ‘rancid pickle’ is in much better health than he. What goes around comes around.
In conclusion, Manohar Parrikar should immediately step-down on health grounds not only as chief minister but also as an MLA thereby setting a precedent for his ailing ministers to also resign.
But we very well know that he will not do so as he has never kept his promise to his late wife to allow him 10 years in public life. Then he reneged his public statement that 2012 would be his last term in politics and again in 2017 he said that as long as he believes he is fit, he will be in politics.
He himself has admitted that he is suffering from pancreatic ailment – it could much more as there is a veil of secrecy around it. Through his own admission he has confirmed that he is not healthy or fit enough to govern or to be in active politics and should resign or hand over the reins to someone else to nurse Goa’s financial health back to shape.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Scientist in the making, Shawn researches and has ants as pets -- By Nisser Dias

Master Shawn Fernandes
Having dogs, cats, birds, fish as pets is as common as having hobbies like collecting stamps, coins, reading and fishing; even bee-keeping, though rare in Goa is heard of. But keeping ants as pets and collecting various species simply takes it to another level.
While most of us do not give two hoots to stamping and killing ants, 12-year-old, Shawn Flavio Fernandes from Benaulim has developed a unique and rare passion for ants. What commenced as a mere hobby has now taken a scientific bent that involves classifying them, studying their life cycle, the habitats in which specific species thrive, the body systems that keep ants alive and the communication strategies they adopt.
Until recently, Shawn was silently going about gaining knowledge and developing an understanding about ants from the internet or books that he came across. It was in the context of a lesson on Ants that his Standard 7 Science teacher Soraya Menezes chanced to come across his interest in ants. When his science teacher encountered Shawn, she realized here was a student with hidden potential.
His knowledge took her by surprise for a lad his age. She was so overwhelmed with his scientific knowledge of ants that she calls him a young scientist and she encouraged him to delve deeper. This is where Shawn hit the limelight.

Moving down memory lane, Shawn recounts that when six years old, he saw a group of ants of different sizes with wings and thought he had found something special which led him to surf the net to gain further understanding. His passion ignited when he browsed upon an episode on U-tube: ‘How to catch a queen.’ He recalls that he got his first queen on his wardrobe and that’s where it all began. He adds, “The next day I told a boy in school and he told me it was a lucky charm as it was one of the most difficult ant to find, and so I was thrilled. I thought of researching about ants so I initially began to study their social behaviour and slowly got into studying the scientific aspects.”
His research has led him to know that there are about 60 species in Goa that have been classified. He acclaims that each is very unique, just like us humans, the only difference being, they are small and vulnerable.
Shawn claims that his research has made him realize that bees and wasps are the cousins of ants given that they belong to the same order of Hymenoptera, and he is now developing a keen interest in their study too.
The first species of ants he had was Camponotus - ‘carpenter ant’ because of its penchant to excavate wood or the ‘black ant’ in common parlance.
This young myrmecologist (myrmecology is a branch of entomology focusing on the scientific study of ants) says that in the year gone by, his collection of ants died. However this did not deter him, rather he decided not to keep any ants for a while but instead, dedicated his time to reading about ants.
Shawn claims he benefited from the website AntsCanada and the person hosting the site helps in identifying ants. There are other sites where enthusiasts can buy and sell exotic ants; so much so America has prescribed punishment for smuggling ants. This year Shawn thought of keeping them as pets. At the moment he has a collection of 12 different ants some of which have been generously donated to him by his classmates.
From his study, Shawn explains that ants inhabit tropical, sub-tropical as well as cold regions except the Antarctic. Goa having a blend of tropical and sub-tropical climatic conditions with high levels of moisture makes it suitable for a wide range of ant species to thrive.
This 12 year old son of Sandra and Sucorro Fernandes (who are a great support in nurturing his hobby), also threw light on the eating habits of ants. Interestingly, contrary to what we tend to believe, ants do not like sugar in solid form and will never get attracted to crisp dry sugar. When sugar is exposed to moisture they liquefy it for their consumption. He rebutted an old belief that the consumption of ants is good for the eyes, stating that ants contain formic acid used as their stinging agent which is harmful for the eyes.
He clarified that red ants that are generally found on trees do not bite but sting. Shawn enlightened us about an interesting observation - the walking pattern of ants, comparing it to a waltz.
Shawn’s hobby would not have developed into a comprehensive study if not for Ms Soraya Menezes (a science teacher at Loyola High School, Margao), who encouraged and challenged Shawn and provided him with opportunities to put forth his passion and whet his appetite to delve deeper into this subject. Shawn has so far shared his passion with students from St. Sebastian Primary School (ICSE board), Aquem; students of Std. VI to X at his own Loyola High School, Margao; Loyola Higher Secondary (biology stream), Margao and the Department of Zoology, Carmel College for Women, Nuvem.
At these sessions, like a young professor, Shawn took into his stride the questions his audience bombarded him with; explaining to them the defense mechanism of ants; that their stings, being their defense weapons, besides being painful could also paralyze the region for around 5 to 7 hours. He elaborated on their mating pattern and reproductive system. He surprised his audience by emphasizing that ants are hygienic creatures and the students were amused to learn that ants had distinct chambers in their colonies that served as toilets and cemeteries. His versatility in connecting to his audience through his little friends the ‘ants’ and the personal connection he shares with them, which even involves feeding them and cleaning up their mess, is commendable.
His teacher and now a mentor Soraya says, “These sessions have made Shawn realize that there is so much more his little brain needs to grasp about his little friends - the ants. Shawn isn’t a boy who throws challenges away. It has made him browse the internet, get in touch with ant-lovers and broaden his horizon on a topic that most of us couldn’t care less. We wish that Shawn continues developing his scientific temper; this is what our educational system needs to inculcate in our students - divergent thinking and exploration.”

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Mr. DGP maintain and regulate traffic movement also while filling government coffers. -- By Nisser Dias

The massive four hour traffic jam at Cortalim on 13th August causing huge inconvenience and hardship to the general public completely exposed the inefficiency of the Manohar Parrikar led government and its machinery.
Police and PWD kept pointing fingers at each other while the chief minister was comfortably flying to America for medical treatment and check-up at the exchequer’s cost while thousand of tax payers were suffering on the ground stuck in their cars or buses for hours together.
4-hour long traffic jam at Cortalim on Aug. 13th 2018

Just a thought, Aurveda, Ayush, Baba Ramdev and his Patanjali treatment or well publicized ‘Gaumutra’ is for the general public. America and top hospitals is for politicians. Criticize the public for aping West, but for politicians to stay alive West is first option – hypocrites.
Coming back, to a very large extent the traffic chaos has also exposed the Director General of Police Dr. Muktesh Chander (IPS) and his traffic police cell, who have turned themselves into a engine to fill the state treasury sidelining their sole objective of maintaining smooth flow and regulation of traffic.
Traffic Sentinel Scheme, campaign against all violations while driving has not only kept the traffic police busy issuing fines and filling the government coffers, it has given an opportunity for these cops also to fill their pockets as well as line the pockets of their superiors at the cost of completely ignoring regulation of traffic movement in the cities, villages, national highways and state highways.
Traffic police lay siege to issue fines
Majority of traffic police are happy to stand at blind turns and surprise vehicles owners for not wearing helmets or seat belts or speaking on the cell phones and even undertake alcohol test for obvious reasons rather than regulate traffic movement.
In the village of Orlim police attached to Colva traffic cell stopped a labourer driving his scooter. The labourer was reeking of alcohol and even his words were slurring. The cops instead of confiscating or issuing a fine snatched Rs. 500 from him. Interestingly a villager got involved, threatened the police of exposing them and made them return the money.
Police vehicle parked in no parking zone  at South
Goa Police Head Quarters
In Margao, the road between Gracias Maternity hospital and south Goa police head quarters is a one way road, but it is blatantly being violated even in the presence of the police themselves but no action is being taken by the traffic police inspector Mohan Gaude. Margao traffic cell inspector is a complete failure in managing his personnel or traffic. There was fear when his predecessor Praboth Shirvoikar was in that position but now it has vanished in thin air.
All around Margao city traffic rules are being violated left, right and centre due to absence of traffic cops and CCTV cameras surveillance as police are deputed to issue fines and generate revenue.
Traffic sentinel scheme has been a windfall for the government treasury. Traffic and even police attached to stations issue fines again adding to the government kitty and yet the government does not have money to replace batteries of existing CCTV cameras or install more cameras in the cities. CCTV surveillance cell which was set-up closed down more than a year back as the police could not procure batteries for CCTV cameras. 
The traffic scenario in Goa utter chaos. Police issue fines for not wearing helmets or wearing seat belts but they will ignore if a rider wearing a helmet is speeding. Almost every third person uses cell-phone while driving.
Salcete DySP's official car illegally parked on the
National Highway 17
If majority of traffic police are sent or used to generate revenue or fill government coffers, there are bound to be traffic snarls and chaos. For months now since the construction of the unwanted third bridge over Mandovi and road expansion on either side of Zuari bridge have caused immense hardship and suffering for the tens of thousands commuters on daily basis but Dr. Chander did not feel the need to deploy more personnel there for traffic management. On 13th August it was mother of all traffic jams and police came under severe criticism. Interestingly on 14th August traffic movement was smooth
Similar snarls are experienced everyday in the cities in Goa during rush hours but nothing is being done to alleviate it.
Director General of Police Dr. Chander may have the best of intentions of bringing about discipline while driving or using vehicles to reduce accidents and deaths on road but he has lost touch with ground reality. He can think and surf many schemes to generate revenue by sitting in his air conditioned office. If he needs to bring about a change he has to come down on the road and walk the talk. He has to haul up his traffic police inspectors, sub-inspectors and other personnel for dereliction of duty.

In many instances accidents are not registered as the police force a compromise. A 72 year old fisherman from Sernabatim is confined to the bed with severely injured spine. Some youngsters driving a jeep on the beach in the dead of the night rammed into him while he was pulling his net. No case has been registered at Colva police station. Last week a youth speeding on his KTM bike rammed into a man driving a scooter at Varca, again no case has been registered. Mr. DGP look into this.
Nisser Dias
If he comes down to ground zero he will realize that not only the general public is violating laws but even his staff. Police vehicles are parked in no parking zones, police officers are zooming in their personal cars with tinted windows, they use mobiles while driving and they even drink and drive.
Dr. Chander can formulate schemes to generate money for the government kitty but he should not forget that the foremost objective of his department is to save life and property and to maintain and regulate traffic movement.
So Dr. Chander, please do your job also.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Did Pratapsing Rane remember the taste of dung, while he was insulting Goans? -- By Nisser Dias

Pratapsing Rane has done it yet again. He has affronted and outraged Goans. But what can you expect from a man who has the blood of Goan on his hands. He is the only chief minister of Goa under whose rule and orders seven Goans were shot either dead or severely injured in police action against them and subsequently succumbed. The seven brave men were a part of the agitation demanding Konkani is made the sole official language of Goa.
Then holding the reigns of Goa Rane was restraining the move as he is a Marathi lover. Can we forget that during the Opinion Poll that this same man was with the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party wanting to merger Goa with Maharashtra? So it is very obvious of his disdain for Goa and Goans as his heart and soul is with the neighbouring state. And that is the reason he simply loves to insult, humiliate and debase Goans like the statements he made in the Assembly recently.
Pratapsing Rane has been an absolute failure in his 16 years as chief minister of Goa and last 46 years as a career politician. This translates into, for the last more than four decades or almost 5 decades, this decadent and debauched man has been living entirely at the cost of Goans besides gnawing and sucking at the breast of Goa. Before that he must have made his living boot-licking the colonial rulers and gathered properties by selling his soul to them being their informant. And this man has the audacity to call Goan Diaspora abroad as toilet cleaners and that too in the August house.
What has Pratapsing Rane achieved as person and politician?  Absolutely nothing, if not for politics he would be begging as he has no career. He proudly calls himself a farmer but he has never held a hoe in his hands but being a politician he has done a lot for himself just like all other corrupt politician. Can we forget the business man who exposed Rane from Congress office itself? As chief minister he has done even better for himself but for Goa nothing. In 2014 Special Investigation Team of Goa Police had booked former Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane for allegedly accepting a Rs. 6 crore bribe to facilitate the clearance of a mining lease.
How can we forget the time he returned from his jaunt to Singapore at the tax payers cost and wanted to change Goa into Singapore. What has been his achievement in that direction, he managed to change only the colour of the uniforms of the police and presently only the traffic police are using the imitation and colour combination.
Kadamba Transport Corporation is another one of his achievements but this corporation too is running in loss since its inception and is a burden to the exchequer.
Then can we ever forget that he tried to deny statehood to Goa and kept it pending for two and half long years and it was only after seven precious lives of Goans was lost that he was forced to surrender to the demands of the Goans.
Shall we ever forget that he signed the ‘shoot at sight order’ on Goans during the language agitation? If Pratapsing Rane can issue such orders what is it for him to say that Goans go abroad to clean toilets?
Incidentally, Pratapsing Rane is the only legislator among the present and past, to have got dung on his face at the hands of former MLA Dilkush Dessai during the Legislative Day. It makes me wonder whether he remembered the day when he tasted dung while making such a distasteful statement in the Assembly. On the flipside, according to Rane, Goans are cleaning toilets aboard but he forgot he tasted dung in Goa itself at the hands of the Goan itself maybe Dilkush realized that despotic Pratapsing Rane liked to berate Goans then.
But he should understand that if at all Goans are looking at brighter horizons, it was mainly because of him and his 16 years of lack of administration, not setting-up skilled based institutions to meet the needs of industries, not having the foresight and vision to realize that tourism would be a potential industry in Goa and plan for it. His lack of intelligence and ideas had started back-firing long time back and now it is difficult to get out of it.
It is but natural that if he did not have ideas and intelligence then, his brains if he has any will surely not function during this old age.
There is old saying that, “a rose plant bites the very hand that weeds it” aka  Pratapsing Rane. He has insulted the same very Goans who for all these decades have paid not only for his upkeep but also kept his hearth burning and will continue to even pay him after he seizes to be a politician.
Rane has to undoubtedly apologize to Goans whether they are in Goa or anywhere in the world or he will be scorned even long after he is gone.
Shame on you Pratapsing Rane!!!!!

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Goem, Goemkar and Goemkarponn laid to rest with the arrest of Maclon - By Nisser Dias

Goem, Goemkar and Goemkarponn was finally laid to rest with the arrest of Maclon Fernandes, who made a statement to the entire Goan community all over the globe by selling mangoes and Goan produce from his swanky Skoda car at the Ponda circle.
In bad times

Those in power could not simply digest the growing publicity this youth was generating for himself by selling Goan produce and spreading a message urging the wayward, unemployed youth to be self-employed. The ‘dalal’ from Fatorda used many tricks to stop Maclon from selling his agricultural produce, but at every turn his well wishers stood by him, sending clear message that the general public will not take it lying down if the civic body tries to stop this Goan youth.
In good times
Finally the police bowed down to the dictat of their handler on Sunday (8th July 2018) seized Maclon car with goods and even his cellphone, The purpose for which Fatorda police station was commissioned was fulfilled by a stooge of a police inspector Navlesh Desai. This spineless disgraceful of a police officer has failed to realize that his salary is being paid from the earnings of these small timers and not the politicians.
It is ironical that the dalal was instrumental is selling land in Curtorim to a non-Goan, but Maclon being the son of the soil of that village was arrested in Fatorda for selling fruits that are grown and harvested in Goa.While on the topic of non-Goans, the dalal is promoting non-Goans and the tagline of Goem, Goemkar and Goemkarponn is just an eyewash. The whole-sale fish market is being run by a non-Goan, vegetable and fruit sheds in Margao are occupied by non-Goans, beef and mutton stalls are allotted to non-Goans, fish cutters are non-Goans and slowly non-Goans are taking over the selling of fish in the renovated fish shed. All are situated in Fatorda but one Goan selling fruits at Fatorda in a private was arrested for allegedly causing nuisance for traffic, while hundreds of ‘ghattis’ are doing illegal business on carts and even with rickshaws.
Social activists showing solidarity with Maclon when the
harassement started before his arrest by Fatorda police.

It could also be that Maclon’s message of urging youth to be gainfully self-employed was piercing the conscious of the strongman as his own source of income is shrouded in secrecy.
Secondly in his younger days his used to use goons to settle scores with his rivals in college and now using the men-in-uniform to do the same. But the coward that the dalal is cannot take on people of his stature and resorted to targeting a youth whose parents are abroad and he lives all by himself in Goa and has no political backing and to humiliate him got him arrested thereby blackening the clean police record.
Nisser Dias
However the move did boomerang against the dalal when plenty of people rushed to the police station in support of the youth and under pressure from the public the police had to release Maclon’s cellphone and car.
In conclusion while Maclon has come out as a hero because every Goan in each and every nook and corner of world has read and heard about  him selling mangoes and spreading a message of self-employment, every Goan all over the world who is responsible for using police to stop selling Goan produce in his iconic Skoda car.

Saturday 7 July 2018

Agriculture minister Vijay Sardessai fails to enforce ban on Styrofoam basket in wholesale basket. – By Nisser Dias.

Two days of heavy rains in Goa and lop-sided, un-planned setting-up of infrastructure by politicians in this lovely state gets exposed. The water gets on to the highways and roads, streets and lanes, shops and houses. Worst of all shit and garbage also floats in these waters.
Brillant perception of development!!
CM Parrikar's smart city under
Nevertheless politicians of every hue and qualifications will not miss an opportunity to talk about planned development – a term (planned) that they do not understand or want to understand as they like the chaos since it opens up new avenues for the ministers to rake in gratification to line their accounts.
Town and Country Planning minister Vijay Sardessai – a man who coined the slogan ‘Goem, Goemkar and Goenkarponn’. People who know have given a fitting connotation or rather a subtext to his slogan.
Large parts of his constituency also got submerged under monsoon showers and he has been the MLA only for two terms hence all the blame cannot be pasted on him but he could have taken corrective measures.
Banned styrofoam baskets floating in agricultural land at
wholesale market in Margao
However he is man in a hurry to get as much work (development) done in his constituency and these days he is boasting of his ‘Dubai market’ (renovated fish shed in SGPDA market in Margao).
But as he basks in his own laurels, fields and catchment areas – partly in his constituency are littered in styrofoam baskets. With these catchment areas filled with water these pollution baskets are floating far and wide.
Interestingly, while he has banned the use of Styrofoam baskets in his ‘Dubai market’ he is conveniently allowing the same to be used in large quantities at the wholesale market which is controlled by his non-Goan friend.
While Goan trawler owners have repeatedly appealed their willingness to run the wholesale market other than a non-Goan, these requests have fallen on deaf ears for obvious reasons. Hail ‘Goem, Goemkar and Goenkarponn’.
Casually dumped in low-lying area at wholesale market
Now this non-Goan procures frozen fish from the east coast in India during monsoons and otherwise in Styrofoam basket even though they are banned in Goa and discards them in the river sal and adjoining low-lying areas thereby polluting it.
Vijay Sardessai also holds the agriculture portfolio but seems to least interested in maintaining our low-lying areas or catchment areas which are all part of the ecology thereby creating the right balance for agriculture. As an agriculture minister Vijay should have enforced or implemented the ban of use of Styrofoam baskets at the wholesale markets but he seems to be choosy where he can impose and relaz the ban.
Finally what can be said of a man who has built his personal bungalow on an agricultural bund, it speaks volumes of the agriculture minister.
Chief minister’s Manohar Parrikar’s idea of development of Goa or Panjim stand exposed for all to see. 12 hours of rain and the entire capital city was submerged.
False promises and garbage floats in St. Inez creek
He cannot shirk away from responsibility as he has represented the capital city since 1994 and been the chief ministers for so many years. In 2018 the world has see what 12 hours of rains done to the city. It is  indeed a shame for all Goans that a constituency represented by highly educated man goes under water within hours of rain – something that had happened prior to his elections or after he took over.

His un-planned development without taking views, suggestions or recommendation of Goan experts has dealt Panjim a severe blow but this man is
so incorrigible that he will always point fingers at others. Manohar Parrikar you have miserably failed to not only develop your constituency but even the drainage network of Panjim.

Monday 25 June 2018

Social activists and general public show solidarity with Maclon Fernandes

Social activists beside general public in a show of solidarity for Maclon Fernandes gathered near the site where he is selling only Goan produce such as mangoes, pineapples, mango jam not only to encourage and  strengthen his message for self employment but also to send subtle warning to the civic authorities and police not to harass the youth who is trying to make use of his time.

For the last couple of weeks now, Maclon has been complaining that Municipality workers appear there demand that he move away from the place as he is not authorised to do business there.
Supporters say that for years now individuals have been selling newspapers and bread in the morning and nobody interferes with them but they cannot bear to see a Goans youth doing brisk business.
This youth informed that late last week Fatorda police came there and threatened to attach his vehicle if he does stop doing business, however at the intervention of some locals police inspector Navlesh allowed him to continue.
Maclon informed that some fruit vendors from the south Goa planning and development market also threatened him that they are losing business because of him, “it is surprising that a small timer like me who has just started business is causing them loss.”

Maclon claims he woke up on May 31, bought mangoes from Goans, put them in the boot of his Skoda Laura car, parked it at the Ponda circle at Fatorda and started selling it. To every customer who approaches him to buy the mangoes, he tells them that he is Goan and the reason for him to sell mangoes is spread a message to youth to use their time for constructive purpose.
Sanjeev Raiturkar who was present to show his support said that this government claims to be for Goem, Goenkar, Goenkarponn but here is Goan youth who is being harassed for doing business. Dr. Francisco Colaco said that Maclon is a shining example for other to follow and he has all his support to carry on with what he is doing.
Maclon said that it was surprising and encouraging to see well known people showing solidarity with him and his cause, “It has strengthen my conviction and with the blessing and backing of such people I will continue my mission.”

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Goan youth Maclon spreading the message of self employment – by Nisser Dias

We have heard about cycling or driving expeditions carrying a message of peace across the country and even across international borders, but this young Goan has set upon a unique mission to urge youth to out their time to good use.
Maclon Eloy Fernandes from Batora, Curtorim is on a mission to spread the message of self employment to unemployed youth not to idle away precious time zooming around on bikes or drinking but to use it to earn a living.
This dynamic youth who claims to have traveled half the globe on jobs, then took up employment in Goa and finally started to sell mangoes at Ponda junction at Fatorda.
He informed that he was hurt and restless seeing youth idling away their time, drinking some trying to seek employment overseas for years, wasting lakhs of rupees job agents others zooming around Goa on motorcycles. Since he also did not a job, decided to sell mangoes standing on the road and proclaim his message of self employment to the general public.
Maclon claims he woke up on May 31, bought mangoes from Goans, put them in the boot of his Skoda Laura car, parked it at the Ponda circle at Fatorda and started selling it.
To every customer who approaches him to buy the mangoes, he tells them that he is Goan and the reason for him to sell mangoes is to send a message to youth to use their time for constructive purpose.
“I do not need to do this, my parents are abroad and as you can see I move in high-end car and using the same to spread the message of gainful employment.” “Youth in Goa want to go abroad and do odd jobs there but they are not ready to do the same here as they consider is it as either shameful or they feel shy, so I’m setting an example.”
Curtorim MLA Reginald Lourenco endorsed his view stating that time will come and overseas job will dry-up and youth will have to gain employment here. While congratulating Maclon said he is a very dynamic youth and takes up any challenge.
Shedding all his inhibitions Maclon claims he has not studied much but has graduated among the people, “I can talk to a group of people and convince them, within 5 days I sold 700 mangoes for Rs. 300 a dozen.” “I want to set an example by doing it, by being pragmatic and not just preaching it.”
Goan Seamen Association of India president Dixon Vaz was passing by, stopped to state that seeing and hearing Maclon was inspiring and refreshing. “I bought two dozen mangoes from him a just to encourage him.” “I wish some Goan youth take cue from him and start something, however small to earn a living here in Goa itself.”
On the flip side of the story, Maclon has had a disheartening experience with the Civic body. He claimed that Margao Municipal Council market inspectors are harassing him while sparing all other non-Goans selling fruits and vegetables on rickshaws in and around the city. “I doing this for just seven days now I do not know the ways to pacify them, non-Goans are not being troubled because of tacit understanding but I will not toe their line as this is not bread and butter but I want to spread a certain message.”

Monday 4 June 2018

Is this the respect we show to our great Opinion Poll stalwarts? -- By Nisser Dias.

As a grand gesture and as a mark of respect to the stalwarts of the Opinion Poll, Colva circle was re-named as Opinion Poll Square with much fanfare.
38 portraits of the leaders who spear-headed the movement to stop Goa being merged with Maharashtra were encased in frames along the narration of their role in the historic event.
Though it was a good idea, but it not thought true and true and it’s very evident that it was implemented in a tearing hurry in a bid to gain lost credibility and popularity by the present generation of so called leaders.
Instead of maintaining the sanctity of the Square, respect and stature of the tall leaders some of whom are still amongst us, dogs and rag-pickers are allowed to sit and sleep at the base of the frames.
The disrespect is allowed to be manifested on the true leaders of Goa by the so disgraceful leaders of this generation is unpardonable.
These so called leaders of this era want to float or rather heighten their status on the reputation of tall personalities of the Opinion Poll.
But that will not happen as there is huge difference between the leaders of yesteryears and now. The leaders of yesteryears had character and commitment, personality and social-standing and above all they  had integrity, they were devoted and loyal unlike the leaders of today who have none of these traits. Leaders of today cannot even sustain themselves without being in politics. The sole motto of the leaders of this generation is to be in power to fatten not only their bank accounts but also of their kids and relatives.

Hence, however much the present set of leaders may try to make a public show of venerating leaders of yesteryears, the general public knows the method to pick the grains from the chaff.
Former MLA Teotonio Pereira who participated in the Opinion Poll and attended the function is on record stating that there is a big difference between the present MLAs and those of his time and added that even the common people are speaking about the degradation in politics. Who else would be in a better position to point out the difference?
Recently one of the sons of the great departed soul whose late father’s portrait adores the Square made an appeal to government to remove all the frames and install them elsewhere. He had a valid reason that while the present leaders sleep in posh houses with all the bills being paid by the exchequer, the frames are left at the mercy of vagrancies of the weather besides dogs and human scavengers making it their home.
If at all the present dispensation had the respect and reverence for the Opinion Poll leaders they would not have resorted to such cheap frames or modules to install them.
I have my doubts whether the planners of the Square have even visited the site after it was inaugurated on 16th January this year. Instead police constables are posted there to keep miscreants away who wanted Goa to be merged with Maharashtra. It is rather a sad state of affairs.

Infact, Town and Country Planning minister and Fatorda MLA Vijay Sardessai who was the brain behind this Square reacting to the citizens inaugurating it before the government did it had said that it proved once again that Goemkars haven’t lost their spirit or enthusiasm about India’s only referendum that prevented Goa’s identity from being stolen. Which if interpreted means there was and still is opposition to the Opinion Poll and hence the presence of police through day and night. And it seems that opposition to Goa being a different identity hail from the ruling dispensation itself.
People who inaugurated the Opinion Poll Square a day before the Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and TCP Minister Vijay Sardessai did so demanded that both of them apologise before late Dr. Jack de Sequeira for their quest to merge Goa with Delhi by allowing nationalization of rivers, for trying to sell Goa’s land through regional plan 2021.
Nisser Dias
In stark contrast to the vision and fore-sight of Opinion Poll leaders of what they wanted for Goa, the present set of leaders want to sell Goa to the highest bidder available.
In conclusion there simply cannot be a comparison between Opinion Poll stalwarts and the present set. It is an insult to our yesteryear leaders that current dispensation is trying to build their reputation through a public show. Our erstwhile leaders wanted Goa to be maintained with its pristine natural beauty encompassed with its culture and tradition while the present lot wants to fill their coffers by gnawing at the very seams of our beloved Goa.