Friday 1 April 2016

Divine Mercy Feast at the Carmelite Monastery

Divine Mercy
Pope John Paul II was well known as the Pope of Mercy for he officially recognised and declared Sr. Faustina Kowalska from Krakov, Poland, a Saint of Mercy.

In the annals it is said that Jesus appeared to her and said, “You will prepare the world for My final coming.” She was declared Blessed on 18 April 1993, and later on 30 April 2000 she was canonised in the Jubilee Year, in the presence of over 2.5 lakh Mercy Devotees.

Pope John Paul II wrote an Encyclical on Mercy, namely, Dives in Misericordia, (Rich in Mercy), on 30 Nov. 1980. The Pope recognised her as the Gift of God to the Church.

In our days, Pope Francis has again championed the cause of Mercy, by declaring this year as the “Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.” The Papal Bull, Misericordiae Vultus, (The Merciful Face) has given a clarion called the Church to be the Merciful face of God.

Fr. Anastasio Gomes
The Carmelite Monastery at Margao and the Carmelite Seminary at Peddem, Mapuca, both these Churches have altars of the Divine Mercy on the right hand side of the main altar. Undoubtedly, the credit goes to the pioneer of Divine Mercy in Goa Archdiocese, Fr. Anastasio Gomes of happy memory, who instilled in us love and devotion to the Divine Mercy. He was a versatile Marian theologian. Being very orthodox in his outlook, he challenged every attempt to deviate from the authentic teachings of the Church. His students admired his clarity of thought and the courage to stand by his convictions. Being a true son of Mary in the Carmelite Order, he promoted several Marian devotions. He was in touch with the various groups of the Divine Mercy not only in Goa but all over India and abroad. He also published books, chaplets and pictures wrote regular articles and preached retreats. He was a regular columnist in the “Laity” magazine.

The feast of Divine Mercy or Mercy Sunday (3rd April) as it is now called in Liturgical calendar has been celebrated unofficially in many parts of the world. That was due mainly to the initiative and zeal of the laity.

Archbishop James Keleher states, “The popularity of Divine Mercy Sunday and the entire Divine Mercy movement has come from the grass roots level of the Church. It has been the people, our parishioners who have gone to the priests and asked them to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday.”  (Quoted in Marian Helpers Bulletin, Fall, 2000, pg 9)

Fr. Anastasio Gomes in his book, “Divine Mercy Sunday” gives due credit to Mr. Fidelis
Fidelis Bonamis
Bonamis, from Margao, who had worked for the Brazilian Consulate in Singapore and came down to Goa in 1955 and promoted Divine Mercy devotion. Fr. Anastasio writes, “Mr. Bonamis is a great lay apostle who promoted the monthly Holy Hour and Mercy Devotion in Goa in a big way, giving it wide publicity through advertisements in local dailies and printing of promotional leaflets  when the laity in Goa barely knew about the Mercy feast. He introduced its celebration in the Carmelite Church Margao 18 April 1981.” Fr. Anthony D’Silva, the then Superior of Margao Monastery, promoted this devotion not only in the monastery, but also in his preaching all over Goa. Now every year, the celebration of the feast of Divine Mercy attracts large number of devotees from all over South Goa. May Fr. Anastasio, Mr. Bonamis and Fr. Anthony shine with ‘special brightness’ as Jesus promised to such apostles. (Novena of Mercy, Seventh day)

The Divine Mercy feast will be celebrated on 3 April 2016 at 5.00 P.M. at the Carmelite
Monastery, Aquem, Margao. His Grace Archbishop Philip Neri Ferrao will preside over the Eucharist. Very Rev. Fr. Charles Serrao, the Provincial of the Karnataka Goa Province of the Carmelites will grace the occasion along with the clergy of the diocese and religious. Devotees of the Divine Mercy will gather from all over South Goa.

Carmelite Monastery being a centre well known for the Sacrament of Confession  and counselling, throughout the year, now it is being officially recognised as centre of Divine Mercy in the Archdiocese. The core team for the celebration is being guided by Fr. Succour Mendis, the Diocesan coordinator for the event. To facilitate better participation from devotees from the North of Goa, he suggested a simultaneous celebration at our Carmelite Seminary, Peddem, Mapuca.

After the mass there will be the blessing of the Divine Mercy Chapel. Two senior Carmelite friars who celebrate their Golden Jubilee of Religious Profession, namely, Fr. Patrick Lobo and Fr. Walter Lobo will be felicitated. 

Fr. Archibald Gonsalves, the Superior of the monastery said, that they expect a large gathering of devotees from all over south Goa, besides, there will be a good attendance of the Clergy and the Religious of the diocese. Thousands flocked to the monastery for the sacrament of confession all through the Lenten season and now the entire monastic community is all geared up to this unique celebration in this extraordinary year of Mercy.

There will be the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 2.00 p.m followed by Chaplet of Divine Mercy which will be followed by the Holy Eucharist celebrated by His Grace, the Archbishop.

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