Tuesday 19 April 2016

Impotent BJP government gives in to the demands of militant tourist taxi operators.

Year after year the tourist taxi operators hold the tourism industry to ransom by keeping their vehicles off the roads which is called ‘bandh’ or refusing to ply their vehicles thereby causing inconvenience to the tourists and general public at large. They do not stop just at this; these operators who are a militant lot; stop and threaten others in similar trade if they ply their vehicles.

The BJP government in Goa led by Laxmikant Parsekar initially flexed his muscles and imposed Essential Services and Maintenance Act (ESMA) but a day and a half later lost his spine and meekly gave in to the demands of the militant lot. It is an open secret that the CM cannot take any decision without consulting his High Command and that is Defence minister! God only can save this country.

This call for bandh all over the country is nothing new to the State, it has become a bi-annual event. However this time round their demand was that the government should cancel the permission issued to rent-a-cab, de-recognize black and yellow taxi operators and private operators. This is completely absurd, unrealistic demands which would create monopoly situation for them. How can government even consider their demands wherein they will the sole operators.
Tourist Taxi Operators -- a militant lot.

Instead of welcoming competition which is healthy in any sector, tourist taxi operator want to have total control over the private taxi business so that they can dictate terms to the government. This is not at all acceptable as a day might come where the general public would be their mercy.

Now coming to the scene in Goa, commencement of every tourist season these operators call for flash strikes, stop buses chartered by tour operators while ferrying tourists, refuse hotels to allow guests to use their vehicles, refuse family members from collecting and dropping their relatives to the hotels.

This is totally absurdity as the tourist should have a right to choose their mode of transport, they have to have a choice and the tourist taxi operators cannot impose upon the tourists to hire their vehicles exclusively. Restricting the movement of tourists or guests to choose their mode of transportation would mean curtailing the freedom of the tourist.

Successive governments till date have been using kids gloves to deal with the errant delinquents and over the period of time the tourist taxi operators have become criminally boisterous. This time round the BJP government at the Centre and State imposed Essential Services and Maintenance Act (ESMA), inspite of that the tourist taxi operators went ahead with their strike. It only meant ‘dadagiri’. It was felt that Parsekar led BJP government in the state would come down heavily on the protesting operators and cancel their permits and badges to drive public vehicles for life. 

But this lame duck, impotent BJP government which is infamous for its u-turns was cozying-up to the militant lot of tourist taxi operators promising them of setting-up of committee to look into their demands and assuring them to clamp down on rent-a-car operators. And in exchange the BJP were begging for the votes from their families en-masse for the 2017 elections. It is widely known that the BJP is going to lose the elections badly and hence the tourist taxi operators could dictate terms to this impotent BJP government.
CM Laxmikant Parsekar of the impotent BJP govt.
bending backwards to accommodate taxi operators

This was the right opportunity for the government to strike and strictly enforce the agreement which the operators have submitted to the Rural Transport Office (RTO) stating that they would operate their vehicle from their residences only. They should be banned from making the entrances of hotels as their vehicle stand. They should be informed in no uncertain terms that they either operate from their home on call basis system or look for other avenues of employment. And most importantly it is high time that the government should make it mandatory for tourist taxi operators to install meters and compulsorily have a government approved rate chart to be in the vehicles at all times which should be produced on demand.

If these tourist taxi operators cannot adhere to these conditions then the government should show no mercy and revoke their permits and badges.

We should not lose the sight of the fact that these tourist taxi operators are one of the prime reasons for the dip in tourist coming to Goa. They not only exhort or fleece the tourists but also abuse them. The operators fail to understand that tourist come relax, have a peace of mind and not to be cheated and abused.
Inconvenienced tourists lugging it away.

Calangute and Benaulim MLAs Michael Lobo and Caitu Silva threw in their lots with the tourist taxi operators as both the constituencies are in coastal belt and has a sizeable vote bank. Lobo has roots in the tourism sector, though he knows that the operators are in the wrong but like all politicians he wants attract their votes.

But for Benaulim MLA his innings in politics are over. He got elected in 2012 just because voters wanted to get rid of Alemao clan and hence blindly cast their franchise in his favour even though he was insignificant candidate. Though he supported the BJP government there too he is of no consequence. And if he at all contests the same seat again he might even lose his deposit. So knowingly that he is drowning in the whirlpool of politics he is trying to catch at straws i.e. the tourist taxi operator votes but he will not survive.

Finally if the BJP government gives in to the demands of the tourist taxi operators then it will be final nail in the Goa tourism coffin.

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