Saturday 30 April 2016

Tourists, please do not come to Goa or be fleeced, heckled and abused. Alemao clan try to raise their heads again through goondagiri.

Tourism is the only industry that has given Goa a brand name, but it is common knowledge that footfalls of the tourists are dipping rapidly. One can safely say that there is an alarming decline in foreign tourists coming to the State due to lack of infrastructure, garbage menace, sanitary issues but the overall numbers or average numbers of footfalls are being cushioned and balanced by the domestic (Indian) tourists that visit Goa.

Sadly though instead of treating the tourist as guest - tourist taxi operators, rowdy unemployed locals and sons and nephews of politicians look them up as intruders, trespassers and sex objects.

Firstly the domestic tourist are at the mercy of tourist taxi operators who fleece them like there is no tomorrow and if they arrive in the State with their own vehicles they are heckled and abused by the tourist taxi operators and also the local vagabonds who flex their muscles because they have politicians behind them.

Warren Alemao - This gen-goon
It is an open secret that tourist taxi operators even go to the extent of blocking their vehicles or getting into an altercation with them spoiling the mood and the very purpose of their holiday.

I was a witness as to how the locals led by nephew of a defeated politician from Varca abused, surrounded, heckled a family from Maharashtra;  father, mother and three young daughters of less than 15 years of age. When I tried to intervene and stood by the tourists I too was jostled and heckled. Read on.

At around 4.00pm on 28th April, I was heading towards Margao. At Varca I saw a Maharashtra vehicle (Innova) surrounded by rowdy locals and Warren Alemao nephew of Churchill Alemao arguing and abusing the lone male aged around 50-55 years with his wife trying to sort out the issue. The tourist was encircled by these pack of goons and the leader of the pack was this Warren.

I stopped my bike and what little I heard was the father questioning a local youth as to why he showed his middle finger (a sign of vulgarity) to his daughter and was demanding an apology.

But the youth along with others led by Warren were pushing, pulling the male and abusing him with all sorts of vulgar words. And Warren under the guise of compromising the matter was yelling at the tourist and telling him to go to hell and that his cronies are not going to tender an apology. Warren Alemao is indeed this gen goon.

As the tourist was being pulled one of his young daughter of around 8 years got out of the vehicle and yelled at the abusers not to touch her father. But it felt on deaf years. Even when the tourist told the rowdy locals not to touch him, he was being jostled. And Warren was denying that any of his goons had touched him. Finally the tourist asked the many onlookers whether they were with him to say that he was being pulled and pushed. There was a pin-drop silence.

When I said that I am with him and have seen the rowdy locals heckling him, the rowdy locals along with Warren Alemao piled on to me and started jostling me as well questioning me why I was supporting non-Goans.

Don’t I have freedom to stand by my convictions, should I be cowed downed by the goon from the Alemao clan. It is high time the Alemao clan realise that their dominance is over. Warren should also remember how his father had died before getting into inti-social activities. He should remember that during the 2012 general elections his uncles and cousins were defeated in totality. He should realise that people are against their corruption and goonda raj. Warren should understand that he might feed the locals and pay for their drinks but one day they will turn against him. It has happened earlier to the Alemao clan and it will happen again.

When I told them I saw them pulling and pushing the tourist and on that aspect I am with the tourists all of them got even more agitated and started abusing me.

As the rowdy locals along with Warren who is equally rowdy, boisterous and foul mouthed turned their attention to me, the tourists made a quiet escape. That was the only silver lining as the tourist made an exit without getting physically harmed but surely their peace of mind shattered, their holiday mood destroyed and more importantly they will be carrying a scary scare of their holiday in Goa.
Warren Alemao - was an accused in German girl's
rape case.

Finally a senior citizen intervened, led me to safety and asked to proceed.

What I gathered later from the by-standers was that the tourist had gone to the store near Varca church, after making the purchases they were coming out of the store when Warren Alemao arrived there along with his pack of goons. One of them touched the 15 year old on her backside, when she protested, the youth did the vulgar act of showing his middle finger to this young girl. That was the time when the child’s father and mother demanded an apology.

This is a scary situation for the tourism industry. If these rowdy locals with their political godfathers get away with outraging the modesty of women and girls, abusing, heckling and fleecing tourists the situation seems very bleak.

And by the way who is this Warren Alemao to compromise friction or arguments. Does he even know the meaning of the word ‘compromise’ or in common parley ‘settle’. He is the indeed this generation goon along the Benaulim coastal belt from the Alemao clan and if he continues his brazen activities he is sure to be the ‘nemesis’ for Churchill Alemao’s defeat in 2017 elections.

So my fervent plea to the tourists, please, refrain from coming to Goa. If you want a peaceful holiday and relaxation of the mind go elsewhere. If you still do come be prepared to accept cat-calls, indecent proposals and abuses.




  1. I don't think you should ask people to stop coming to Goa. Bad things sometimes happen. There is a 100% chance that could be a Warren Alemao in any other place. We Goans need to straighten our act up and accept the fact that we solely survive on tourism.

  2. Having your behind touched or somebody showing you the middle finger is not the scariest think that can happen. When you have a controversy with these packs in the night, they may simply kill you to show their power. Tourists should indeed avoid Goa, since it is the second most dangerous holiday destination on Earth, with dozens of killed tourists every year. Police do nothing to solve these crimes, and the criminals continue their lives bullying, humiliating and killing tourists year after year. AVOID GOA!!!
